Will Warburton's sketchbook
flo - hey man, thanks for your comment. Yeah i wasnt designed to be sittin about all day. I like exercise an stuff so your probably right. As a day job i'm a removal man, carrying sofas and wardrobes, washing machines up endless flights of stairs and stuff so when i'm parked on my arse all day i go abit crazy :p Thanks for the kind words too, it's helps alot mate.

rainbowsorknives - I'm gald you like, i hope to improve on them more soon too ;)

Toxicpanda - Thats really cool to hear. It's crazy to me to think anyone really cares about my stuff :p I really appreciate the kind words and i'll continue to update this thread as much as possible. cheers again <3

sorry it's been a while again, my tablet died on me the other day so i'm stuck with my small bamboo again :( Till i get that sorted i'm gonna hit the pencils again so i figured i'd post a portion of them.


studies and stuff
[Image: sketchbookclump1_zps999d5b1f.jpg]

[Image: sketchbookclump2_zpsbfc253d6.jpg]

[Image: sketchbookclump3_zps6536851e.jpg]

imagination stuff while waiting around at work and stuff
[Image: imagination1_zpsae1d281d.jpg]
[Image: imagination2_zps0efaa706.jpg]
[Image: imagination3_zps72f6690a.jpg]
[Image: imagination4_zpsec25d6a7.jpg]
[Image: imagination5_zpsc5f0abcd.jpg]
[Image: imagination6_zps8473ff0e.jpg]

couple of dig studies
[Image: knightportrait_zps1c65a07e.jpg]

[Image: turnip_zps914f3413.jpg]

couple of sketch characters
[Image: postdude_zpsbace98df.jpg]

[Image: dwarfgunman_zps3428274b.jpg]

somethin i was workin on before tablet died, then i lost interest. soul collector character thing
[Image: thumbnails2_zps313dd213.jpg]

[Image: wip2_zps48b162a6.jpg]

holy crap, you are on a completely different level since my last visit, well done! specially your pencil sketches. I´m too tired to say anything more right now, i will edit the message tomorrow haha.
Edit: that soul collector has lots of potential imo, both the anatomy and color palette are much better than in previous works ive seen of you. But i know that, when lost interest in something would be better to retain what you have learned and move on.

hey Will,
thanks for dropping by my sketchbook and leaving some kind word and some crits. It really makes my day when people take time out of their day to help me improve.
your linework is great and you definitely push it. your rendering could be a bit more smooth especially on areas of interest. i am talking about the goblin mailman, although i am sure it is just a sketch. also on him i could pinpoint another thing, you could play a bit more with the colors you are using. for me it works when i put a "color" layer on top of everything and just change some of the hues. add a little red where blood is maybe seen under the skin or some blue in the shadows.
keep it up, you are on the right track

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

HOMEPAGE http://floart.weebly.com
oh, deep love for the pencil stuff man! Just beautiful <3

Looking crazy good dude. Love the pencil stuff :D and those sketchy characters are awesome. Solid update. Keep it coming :D

I agree with the above, awesome pencils, and a lot of those as well :) Looking forward to see more of your finished stuff!

EduardoGaray - Thanks man, yeah my tablet broke when i got halfway through that character piece thing which pretty much ended it there and then lol. Thanks for your support again, your awesome.

flo - hey flo, i'm glad to have helped man. Thats part of what makes the crimson daggers so awesome for me is seeing people like yourself push to improve and all helping each other with no gain or profit in mind to become better people.
Thanks also for your crit man, i'll try that colour technique out, it's something ive not noticed or payed any mind so cheers for pointing that out.Cheers also for stopping by ;)

Ursula Dorada - Coming from you that means alot! If can get my pencil skills half as good as yours i'll be super happy <3

JakeB - Cheers mate, glad you like, i'll be sure to keep um coming ;)

ici - Thanks man, something ive been hoping to do is get more finished stuff done to try and push myself and change my learning methods abit so hopefully lots more on its way. Cheers again dude.

Might post more pencil stuff soon, i didnt think anyone would give a shit about them lol.

Got my new tablet, intuos5 so an upgrade from my previous and it's awesome :D Maybe it's because i went nearly 2 weeks doing vertually no digital stuff but it's amazing feeling to get back into photoshop.You don't realsie how much you rely on that stuff until it's taken away for a while.

Anyways, studies
[Image: hoodeddude_zps8ff0af0c.jpg]

[Image: portrait_zps6a8251d3.jpg]

[Image: figures_zps0f3f4934.jpg]

[Image: figuresagain_zpsb7e6c6f4.jpg]

[Image: warriordude_zps22dc470c.jpg]

[Image: goblindudue_zpsc567da20.jpg]

[Image: uuuuuum_zpsaabfac74.jpg]

[Image: shamandoodle_zps59a6254d.jpg]

some concepts for elemental rhino. Some cghub drawing jam thing. Which is your favourite?
[Image: elementalrhinoconcepts_zps53ab6987.jpg]

what a lovely sketchbook, pretty inspiring aswell and so much awesomeness on your pencil drawings, I have to go back doing fundamentals a lot again -.-'

I'm a sucker for good line drawing, especially when it's in pencil like you've got here. Ever check out Paul Richard's work? The man can have my 1st born, as far as I'm concerned. Your progress from 1st page to now is truly telling, so just keep on pushing yourself and getting better. Oh, we're in the same boat, by the way, as far as being mid-20's and teaching ourselves this stuff. Good to know I'm not alone!

Blewzen - Thanks man, that means alot. Yeah keep hitting those fundermentals mate, it takes time but if you keep on it the skills will soon come ;)

MrFrenik - Thanks for the encouragement man, yeah gotta keep getting work through the door and improving. Just have to keep believing that one day it'll work out. It's just easy to get distracted and discouraged when the people surrounding you all live for the same thing and your the only exception. Money, wife, kids, home, Rise, repeat, die. Stay strong mate, and thanks for dropping by. I hope my deep bullshit didnt put you off dropping by again sometime xD

hey hey. Heres somethin for the 2d drawing jam over at cghub

elemental rhino
[Image: elementalrhinofinal_zpsde117b31.jpg]

and a couple of studies
[Image: study_zps360979ae.jpg]
[Image: grassenvironment_zpsc7f099a9.jpg]

really cool organic forms in your designs.I love seeing that.Awesome pencil work and overall linework.Keep it up I digg all of this.

Great design and color choices for the rhino design. I'll need to start putting in backgrounds for my designs as well.

i´m kinda envious of your own figure sketches! lol you captured the movement of the figures so well, i will try to imprint that dynamism in my own sketches. :)
Keep hitting hard mate!

Rindoukan - Glad you like dude, i'll be sure to keep posting!

MrFrenik - Cheers mate, yeah it's something i still find tricky, putting figures and creatures in a environment, but i think the trick is to treat the character/ creature as part of the environment and not figure, with seperate backfround behind them. Film stills are good practice for this (i need to do more of them -_-)
Cheers for stopping by dude

EduardoGaray - thanks mate, to tell you the truth i'm still not happy with my figures lol, i need to practice them more than i do. My last figure piece (beast masters) demonstrated that. Read up on the beginning of the Hampton anatomy book about gestures, and also something i do, is try to exaggerate the gesture, and not replicate exactly what you see. You'll probably find the exaggerated gesture looks more realistic. Anatomy is tough lol

sorry for the short crappy update, i'll try to get something more exiting in here soon :/

couple of studies
[Image: tattoochickstudy_zps63f8489b.jpg]

[Image: warriorchickportrait_zps4454764d.jpg]

doodle practice shit, because breast armour sucks :p
[Image: characterpractice_zpsd0416346.jpg]

aaaaand im re-doing my beast masters because i don't like my last one. So this time i'm thinkin of a kinda voodoo poisonous frog shaman character. The idea being hes the kind of character who deals with poisons and perception, confusing his enemies and dealing slow damage over time. (ive planned this guy out like hes in a game or somethin :p)

So yeah, your thoughts on which i should run with, on both forms would be awesome because i have no clue. Crits would be awesome too.
[Image: form1thumbnails_zps6751885d.jpg]

[Image: form2thumbnails_zpsed7a5e1d.jpg]


Man, you're doing it right, that rhino looks pretty cool I think it's a jump forward :)
Just stay there and keep owning it :D

Wow! you've got some great imaginative stuff here! And your pencils are killer! keep it coming!

Rock on man! This all look awesome <3

Your rhino is very good designed :) As well as the enviro surrounding him. It looks like You paid attention to study the topic :)

And in Your portaits I prefer to watch them without the black lineart. I think that here it only makes portrait dirty and Yours characters look better without it :)

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

Very nice SB! You can definitely see the progress, great job!
Also you've got some nice creatures here ^^
nice update again, you got me with the red headed chick in the not so useful yet nice breast plate. :) This concept you are redoing is looking nice too, the design is so clear. Its saying clearly "vodoo" and "witchdoctor" to me.
Also thanks, i will start reading Hampton too, and exaggerating the pose looks like a cool practice i will have to give it a shot.


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