Will Warburton's sketchbook
Awesome stuff, I love your style :D
You're doing amazing progress man, I'm glad to see you working hard :)


wow man, great sketch book! you've shown me also that i don't work hard enough haha. I would also like to say if you haven't already chosen a a thumb for the tavern scene i really like A. im with Archreux that the guys hand really brings it to life. anyway good stuff man keep it up!

Ursula - Thaaaank you <3 I'm glad you like :)

lumens - thanks man, I envy your brush work and marks, their very tasty. Thanks for stopping by man.

EduardoGaray - thanks man! Yeah your not the first person to say that so I know your right, I'm just too dumb to know what it is lol.I'll have abit of an experiment and see if I can work something out. Cheers again mate.

Wraeclast - Thank you, i'm glad you like :D

wla91 - Cheers buddy, it's tough to sometimes see progression in your own stuff, but hearing it from others like yourself is always motivating to me. Thanks a lot man.

ando_commando - Thanks dude, I don't work as hard as I should lol. Just gotta keep with it. Thanks for the advice on the tavern piece too, I lost abit of motivation with it pretty early on because it didn't seem interesting enough to be a full piece but, ive got new stuff in the pipe line so it's all good ;p Thanks again man

[Image: stilllife3_zps0e93391a.jpg]

[Image: stilllife4_zpsdb8a567c.jpg]

I want to learn environments because i'm retarded at painting that stuff, especially indoors
[Image: compstudies_zps3e027642.jpg]

[Image: environmentstudy_zps4ae9f896.jpg]

[Image: moreenviro_zps51f75cf9.jpg]

[Image: environmentstudy3_zpsb832d515.jpg]

[Image: environmentstudy2_zps564e0c45.jpg]

study/practice dragon
[Image: dragonpractice_zps6b3c2819.jpg]

[Image: skulldudedoodles_zpsea8c58fb.jpg]

[Image: asaasssisnsin_zps17a2e86e.jpg]

[Image: thanesketch_zpsf9aa7300.jpg]

apply from above
[Image: thaneapply_zps69c30fc0.jpg]

[Image: chick_zpsd2f7b6ff.jpg]

[Image: chickapply_zps37451ffb.jpg]

Duuude, that's so awesome =D ammount and quality of your work is really impressive <3

Oh, now you're spoiling us :)

damn, snappin necks and cashin cheques i see. keep it up!
Oh man I know that feeling re: environments lol. So much to learn. Those look pretty sweet though, and your study/apply stuff looks like it's working so well :).

Keep it coming dude :)

I like how you study and then immediately apply it to something imaginative. It seems to be working, so keep doing it!

Nice!!! I liked specially the dragon! The dude from the last painting is hilarious hahahaha

ramalooke - thanks man, im glad you think so. When it gets as good as yours i'll be happy!

ici - I still feel like a noob Th_096_K So much more work to do. Thanks for your support mate

BenFlores - I wish I was cashin cheques lol, i'm more skint than a hooker in a desert. Cheers for your encouragement dude!

jakeB - Yeah man, I see those sci fi, interior environments or the city scapes and I literally have no idea how it's done lol. I want to learn these magics! Thanks again too for the support dude, means a lot.

MrFrenik - Thanks man, i'm glad you think so. My study habits seem to change with the seasons lol, i'll try to keep this up though, cheers for stopping by again!

mateusrocha - Thanks man, which dude is that? the one with the bucket on his head? coz that shit was taken from a study haha, can't tell you why that is but it made a good ref for study ;p

drips and drabs, ive been doin pencils, I keep saying ill upload them -_- I will eventually, I promise

[Image: figure_zps06c06dc5.jpg]

quick apply, skin tones break my brain 0_o Does anyone know of any good tutorials for painting skin? I can't seem to work it out
[Image: praticechickfigure_zps7dde0d9c.jpg]

still lifes, light keep chaangin make these hard >:o
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[Image: pyramidhead_zps26ddcdde.jpg]

[Image: legionsketch_zps4ba251dc.jpg]

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[Image: bakhgsugbug_zps2d7b5426.jpg]

thumbnails. Tried something different coz I couldn't think of an idea for my next piece, so I basically copied the comps from others images I liked, studying how they work, then took a couple and reworked them from scratch with my own ideas
[Image: thumb2_zps63bfbbca.jpg]

[Image: fightthumbs_zps312adda4.jpg]

one I took abit further. Havin loads of fun with this new process ive developed, plus it's super fast 0_0 Fuck tight line drawings lol, developing forms and silhuettes from the start seems to be way more effective. Something ive learnt too, if you get the image reading well super early you make less work for yourself. That bein said, crits welcome ;)
[Image: creaturebattlewip1version1_zps3ec2870e.jpg]

Hey Warburton. This is something I've recently discovered too. I used to jump right into the fun painting part thinking I could fix any problems later with some fancy rendering or detailing; this never worked out. If you get the fundamentals sorted out you can tell really early on whether an image is going to work or not before wasting time on rendering it. I'm only now really starting to understand the value of good thumbnails and that a well worked out thumb is basically a finished image that just hasn't been polished yet.

This last sketch is looking good.

Latest piece looks solid man, only thing I'd say is you could maybe push the silhouette/pose of the FG dude a bit further, he looks a tiny bit stiff. In the earlier thumb it looks like he's a little more side on and kinda leaning into the comp. (I know it's rough, so I could just be reading it wrong). Think that kind of gesture might work a little better. With his shoulders sorta hunched over, and his sword pointed at the creature to lead the eye. Whatever you decide to do, looking forward to seeing it finished :). The story and the comp are both sweet (although - and I know it's kinda hacky - something in the bottom right, extreme FG, could push the depth a little further)

So yeah, that's a crit, or something. ;) Keep it coming man, the study/apply things are getting better with each post. I should definitely stop pussying out and do some of those lol. Inspiring stuff :).

(Editing this to say I'm loving those black and white sketches you've been doing as well. So cool.)

Nice stuff mate =D Starting rough and without linework is a great way to approach painting. I was using this process for a while and thought theres nothing better than that. Well at least untill I discovered that I'm wasting fuckload of time on fixing things I messed up at the beginning :<. Anywho good to see your work again. Keep on rockin' ;)

I'm on the fence about whether or not to do lines. I have a hard time painting figures just with silhouette, for example, and always have to either spend forever reworking them or just lower the opacity and draw over them in line to figure out what it is I'm actually doing.

Hi Will, how are you doing? Your sketchbook is coming along nicely. You are so much more comfortable with paint now. It's amazing to see :)

Edit: Oh, and I just realized the hands you paint in your imaginative pieces are really great. Hand gestures help so so much in telling a story. Great to see that you are that comfortable with them!

I'm sorry I didn't dropped by in such a long time. I had a tendovaginitis for 2 months and so looking at other peoples art made me kinda sad. Because it was hard enough keeping my self from drawing already without those temptations^^

But now I'm back and will have my usual eye on you again. Keep pushing!

Hugs, Tamaira

Ignatz - Thanks man, and yeah your totally right. It's something i'm still in the process of learning also. Thanks for comment dude.

JakeB - thaaaaanks man, the crit is much appreciated and a agree with it all. I tried my best to apply what you said, though i'm not sure if I succeeded with this one lol. Thanks again man, as always!

ramalooke - Yeah there is always that point too lol. Though I always noticed I did that with lines. I would draw them out, but without and values it's always tough to see the image for what it will become, if that makes sense? And so I end up using the lines almost like a crutch and have to fix it all up later :/ I still need to work out a more productive and effective process I guess. Cheers again mate, patiently awaiting updates from yourself too ;D

MrFrenik - yeah man, I guess theres no right or wrong way, I guess it's best to approach a technique almost like a tool, to be used to it's best ability when you need it, right or wrong play no part....I guess lol. To be honest i'll go back to lines in the future, and I still do pencil stuff, just a new fad ive found really ;p

Tamaira - hey Tamaira! Awesome to see you back again! Sorry to hear about your injury, that must have really sucked :( I hope it's all better now, and from seeing the stuff you've posted recently it seems it's not stopped you from progressing like crazy. That makes me happy, I wish you all the best for your future plans. And gratz on the freelance gig too, that's a big step forward, nicely done.

Spend way longer on this than planned, and i'm really not sure about it. The comp and lighting don't really work. And I should have spent more time working out the designs coz that creature sucks haha.

[Image: lizardrescue_zpsb1d41dcd.jpg]

Hey Will. I like how this last piece turned out but I think you could make the woman and beast more dramatic. At the moment the creature looks like he's just having a good sniff of this guy. I think it might work better if it's jaws were open; something like a spitting snake coiled to strike. The woman looks a little disengaged up there too. I know you've got her tied up pretty good but I think if you tilted her face so she was looking at the confrontation and gave her a look of horror it would add to the drama. Cool piece though.

Nice mate, I see you progressed with your colours. Good job! Lately I'm experimenting more with lines plus going straight to color method. I find it time consuming at the beginning of the process but at the end I think I'm saving time when I have design layed out. I can see that this method requires additional value and color studies but at this moment it resonates with me. However there's something relaxing about going with rough only rough shapes. Plus when you get use to it it can really be quick method. Dunno, I think everything's good when it feel comfortable using it. Anyway. Keep pushing! Cheers

Man you have learned a lot since my last visit! its always awesome seeing you working hard and improving with each new post. As for your new piece, maybe you can still save it, the colors are okay and i personally like the creature :)
Yeah the comp isnt really working, but, i think i have an idea, you could try adding another character, like an evil wizard/witch or any other kind of antagonist, (you could put the villain in that empty spot in the center of the composition, between the legs of the lizard), pointing to the hero with a sword, or staff, etc... And also make the hero more centered and looking to this evil character.

I dont know man, maybe you want to start from scratch, but still, i hope you will find something useful in all of this.


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