Bag's sketchbook
I agree with the previous poster's comment about divine testicles. Bag man. I also wanna see more rendered stuff. Like we talked about, sometimes you do these cool flowy, actiony pieces. But they're never the ones who get the render, it's always the chest-and-above marines and warriors. I know you can render the action ones without losing the momentum! ;D


Love your Wrathiguy Bag, it shows all your classic painting patterns xD
Eduardo: Thanks, i really really really just geek out on sci-fi hehee :) Yeah finishing stuff is really what i try to focus on (and ill hopefully post something soon), but a few quickies between don't hurt ;)

BenFlores: Thanks, ill try keep it updated to give you a reason to come back hehe :)

s-mrr: thanks alot! :)

: hah i know rite, like i told you, you always end up rendering the quick shit sketches hahaa. Man ill try to deliver something rendered movement stuff soon or so hehe ;)

Sirobe: Yeah like i told you, that's what happens when you don't draw, you fall into your own super comfort clichés hehe. Here's a cool song for you to listen too, hahaa: ;)))

Just some more daily shit + a test on a thing i read in Loomis' Creative Illustration (such a sick book!!)

[Image: 7thfeb_2013_randomshite.jpg]

[Image: 6thfeb_2013_mechapilottwins.jpg]

[Image: loomistest01.jpg]

[Image: city3.1.jpg]

been working on some portfolio pieces, so haven't updated in a long while :( here's a random city for now :)

You have a nice sense for what Cool Sci-Fi looks man, especially like your latest environment painting. i hope you post some of your portfolio work here xD

Great sketchbook. Looking forward to seeing some portfolio pieces.

Ooooh i love your work! Interesting :D

Great sci-fi designs! All the characters on the first page are awesome. I'd like to see some detailed polished paintings though. :)
You rock, keep it up!

A lot to like in here, especially a fan of the tech suits and enviroments.
Awesome work, can't wait to see more
Nice work, Bag. I'd like to offer something more constructive than that but I'm def not qualified; you're light years ahead of me.
Sorry for the abscence, only 2 weeks left of school, after that ill get to consistent updates!! hahaa :)

Sirobe: Thanks man, you do some pretty ill tanks and marines too :)

Ignatz: Hope i can deliver! :)

Dana: thanks alot! your studies are looking great!

Spellsword95: thanks alot, yeah more detailed stuffs.. gotta get on that asap hahaa!

McKelvey: Thanks, love making sci fi / tech suits :)

Thomas Mahon: Thanks! your stuff is looking hella awesome :)

Whiskey: Thanks whiskey, if you see something that looks completely like shite, just tell me :)

[Image: Henrik_Karppinen_Gunner.png]
[Image: roundhead02.jpg]
[Image: roundhead01.jpg]
[Image: robots1.jpg]
[Image: rednose1.jpg]
[Image: railgunner2.jpg]
[Image: northmen.jpg]
[Image: lastman3.jpg]
[Image: lastman2.jpg]
[Image: lastman1.jpg]
[Image: hugeclumsyship.jpg]
[Image: gunmetalknight01.jpg]
[Image: faceless.jpg]
[Image: dwurf04.jpg]
[Image: dwarfslayer.jpg]
[Image: dieselmecha5.jpg]
[Image: dieselmecha4.jpg]
[Image: dieselmecha3.jpg]
[Image: dieselchars2_painted.jpg]
[Image: burningchrome1.jpg]
[Image: bunnyrobot.jpg]
[Image: bladerunnerishv.1.2.jpg]
[Image: bigogre01.jpg]
[Image: beachscout02.jpg]
[Image: beachscout01.jpg]
[Image: ambush02.jpg]
[Image: Henrik_Karppinen_cursedwarrior.png]

[Image: sketchgroup11_moretime.jpg]

wow, man!
crazy sketchbook..
i love the second painting on this page..
keep it up!
Great Sketchbook - love it!

Whoa... The amount of Your work is stunning. Even sketches look good because You have good lines and brush strokes :) Yea... sometimes it's a shame You don't finish work. Would be awesome.
Great sense of form and composition.

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

It's been a while :) Such a nice variety and strong energy in your treatment :) Your hard surface is stunning, a ton of improvement all over the place! Keep at it and good luck!

Hi guys, schoooools ouuut! Here's some sketches, still struggling with making cool gestures AND gear on a person.. hmm

Im gonna try to scan in some pencil stuffs ive done recently :)

Sker2: Thanks!

Wolkenfels: Thanks man, great talking to you at the skype group :)

Mannequin: Thanks, checked out your sketchbook... your linework and pencil drawings are so damn gooooood!

iCi: Thanks dude! i love drawing and painting hard surface.. (maybe alittle too much hahaha!) Gonna try to post more often too! :)

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_1.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_10.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_11.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_12.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_2.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_3.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_4.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_5.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_6.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_7.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_8.jpg]

[Image: gesturesandrandom_15_9.jpg]

Really enjoyed viewing your work here. Some really dynamic stuff. I love your compositions. I'm afraid I have no crit as you're far more advanced. Looking forward to more!!!
Love the Cosmonaut style marine xD.

the values in this sb are incredible. so soft and nice :) man i need to sub this book too :) great style!

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