Natzetta's sketchbook - Visual mind-vomit and other cute things
i really like those colors =))

holy shit, your pencils are freaking amazing! i really like your style.

Your digitals can't live up to your sketchbook pages though, i think they kinda lack a sense of volume and readability.
i'm really interessted in your developement. :)

I still can't get my eyes off your handsome drawings on 1st page. <3

i love your style, look forward to seeing it be developed further!
your drawings are great too :D keep it up

thank you so much, guys!

i was actually going to upload more pages of my sketchbook, but seems like my old scanner doesn't like my new pc.

I really, really want to avoid using a camera again, because everything just turns out blurry and yellowish.

after some trialing and erroring, a couple of new sketchbook pages. :D
digital sketches
Just backing up what everyone is saying about a resting places for the eyes and a focal point.

Also, your sketches are so nice to look at, keep 'em coming man!

thank you, atrenr! Yeah, I really need to work on that. >__<

Guys, I need your eyes and screens for a moment.
I started to paint this yesterday and all was fine and dandy until I moved the image from my Cintiq screen to my normal screen and oh boy, was I not prepared for that.

On my Cintiq it looks more blue (which I was aiming for), however on my normal computer screen the darker shades of blue look REALLY purple. the reds are ok, but the blues are way too purple and bright.

Do the blue tones look more blue to yo, or more purple?

purple here.

Purple I'm afraid.

purple :O

i like your pencil stuff man

keep it coming

you gotta find a way to punch out the energy from the pencils into your paintings, they are way ahead. try different approach to painting, demolish and rebuild.
Keep it up!

thank you so much for the help guys! spent the past few hours adjusting screens. PHEW.

btw. my "pencils" are actually all drawn with ballpoint-pen. I almost never draw in pencil. :3

(11-20-2012, 08:26 AM)iCi Wrote: you gotta find a way to punch out the energy from the pencils into your paintings, they are way ahead. try different approach to painting, demolish and rebuild.
Keep it up!

hmm, yes! i always get the feeling that my paintings lack "something" and end up kinda dull. maybe i need to make my brushstrokes more dynamic and sharper? :huh:
love your line drawings man so much life good work keep being epic
thank you, kylebaer! ^^

updated the purple mess from above.
I've been fiddling around with screen and color adjustment settings and got both screens almost in sync now. It should appear less purple now.
It is less purple now, I think the main problem with the image is a bit hard to read.
Maybe add some bounce light in some of the shadow area's?

thank you so much for the likes, guys! =D

@lumens - will do!

the image is far from finished. D:

meanwhile some digital sketches. I personally prefer the much rougher and more suggestive lines to the cleaner ones in my traditional work.
always liked meat and claw badass!!!
(11-23-2012, 06:18 AM)Gianluca Romano Wrote: gorelicious!!!
always liked meat and claw badass!!!

thanks, mate! i do love me some gorey horror stuff. :D

speaking of which, here's a sketch i did with a Silent Hill kinda setting and mood in mind since i'm a big Masahiro Ito fan. =D

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