Eddy´s Sketchbook
thanks man! seems like boobs + katana is a deadly combination. :D

and here is a quick study from life (painting from life is sooooo awesome!)

good monday!

I started the week with a portrait, another Divinitus character.

Hi there!

New illustration in the making.

It started as a just a dragon, illustration. But then, i decided to take a step further, and make that epic scene from the return of the king. :) should i make Eowyn redhead?

Why not, you can use it to draw attention to the focal point. I also like where that last sketch is going, you maybe can try to make her dodging the jaws of the nazgul, and give it a nice 16:9 ratio with a bit enviro so it can breathe or you can ignore me telling you what to do to the last detail haha

those are awesome ideas iCi! this squared composition was made because in origin i wanted to make a "card" artwork, but now i´m not sure...
PD: the idea of eowyn dodging the jaws is killer!

Still working on it, i ended with a fairly typical depiction of this scene (i´m not skilled enough to do something more spectacular) But i still like this idea.

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Cool sketch ed I think the composition would look better if you spokewheeled around the dragons head to lead the eye to the focal point.

for example you can point the girls sword towards his head and put something in the top right pointing towards the dragon that is also the background


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i see, thanks Man! i will experiment a bit with the area around the beast head.

Love this! Can't wait to see it more advanced :)
Looking nice - just be careful, that beast has to be much larger but you'll probably still change it and move stuff around.

Dana: thanks! :)

iCi: thanks mate, yep, you right i´m still experimenting and trying stuff. I will try to finish the composition tomorrow.

Cool stuff lately dude, that portrait at the top of the page is sweet as fuck.

This new piece has lots of portential too, i'm looking forward to you pushing it further. Possible suggestions on the comp (i know you've had a ton already so sorry for more :p) as ici said the beast looks alittle small, but that could easily be corrected with abit of depth. Show more overlapping shapes, like maybe the tail flowing to the right of the image in front of the character. The legs seem to be pointing out of the image too, just watch out for that. Sweet progress though man, great motivation, thanks for keepin me inspired ;)

Warburton: thank you so much buddy, i saw your comment this morning and it just made my day. :)
And about this piece comp, well, i did some changes.
Lets say that this isnt a lord of the rings fanart anymore.

(02-01-2013, 09:40 AM)EduardoGaray Wrote: Warburton: thank you so much buddy, i saw your comment this morning and it just made my day. :)
And about this piece comp, well, i did some changes.
Lets say that this isnt a lord of the rings fanart anymore.

Aaahhww, i like this one a lot too but but... the dragon! :<

Thanks Dana! yep, the dragon is gone for good. :P

But cute monstruous guy will be cool too (i think) also here is a sketch for another character in the same illustration, it is too much final fantasy right now, i will redesign her.

just a few more touches, and i will start painting.

Oooh its going to be a hot one man!

Thanks Ursula! here is a glimpse of the future:

Edit: i just realized that she looks like Leliana from dragon age :S maybe it is just me.

God bless the Ottomans who brought Coffee to europe.

still working on it.

feel free to give me some critique please. :P


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