Gabriela's skecthbook
Hey, I'm finally starting a sketchbook here. I'll to keep up posting new stuff on here.

I'll start with some heads I drew while studying Andrew Loomis last night.

Some new sketches today. Sorry it's not much but I'm trying to pick up the pace =)

Also my first attempt at making a super reflexive sphere:

A few more sketches today:

A study I did based on an illustration by Akihiko Yoshida for Tactics Ogre


More study, now based on Saejima Illustration

Also here's some steps from a comission I took, I'm still strugling with drawing the poses correctly. Criticism and hints are greatly appreciated =)

Making some more progress:

More progress:


Done =)
Portrait study from photo reference:

Thumb study from movie Hero

I feel like your characters look kinda flat in some places. maybe try to work more from dark to light, that is something that really helped me develope a sense of volume in my figures.
rendering that way feels like sculpting to me, because you litarally shape your figure adding the lighter values.

(11-13-2012, 05:33 AM)Raman Djafari Wrote: I feel like your characters look kinda flat in some places. maybe try to work more from dark to light, that is something that really helped me develope a sense of volume in my figures.
rendering that way feels like sculpting to me, because you litarally shape your figure adding the lighter values.

Thanks a lot for the feedback.

Yeah I guess I have to worry more about the volumes before jumping into colors. Thanks again!
More comission development. This time it's a portrait of a Vampire. I'm using John Singer Sargent work as a ref to give a painterly look.


Started coloring the piece:

Edit: Final version has some minor changes

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