Sickbrush "Fantastic Daggers" class
Sounds good :) Hey Karnich, I just started as well, come join the party mate.

Hopefully, the final piece for the "Fat One".
Much, much appreciation to Sickbrush.
Thanks for the ride.

My last load of sketches and brainstormin' for Saaaaaaaaaaaviiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!

Which number do you guys prefer in the heads and figures?

I don't like the first figure as much as the other three; too militaristic if you ask me...
My favorite head is the one with the knife helmet hahaha.

Which number do you guys prefer in the heads and figures?

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hey man :) great to see you fleshing out your ideas, is 4 the back view of 2?

I like 3!

Maybe you could explore the silhouettes abit more? Exaggerate some shapes and the like?
I feel more exploration on the shapes of the knife hat would be cool too. Right now it looks like 3d glasses with feathered dart holders on the side to me. also the clothes, religious jewelry and tattoos could be explored for variations as well.

Just mah 2 cents.

Hey guys,

I'm on to constructing those objects :)

The first object I picked was a vitamin pill bottle and I spent 5 days trying to construct it right and draw those darn ellipses. I also made some pretty dumb ass choices. Heres what went on,

1st try: did a rough sketch and tried to line up some perspective lines as well as some elliptical paths to check the construction. didn't check out and I couldn't understand why either.

2nd try: did more construction, still didn't check out.

3rd try: used a pen tool to check the grids as I was getting paranoid. and realized it was skewed :C

4th try: decided to screw the constructed lines and drew some freehand ones (BAD IDEA)
ellipses didn't line up vertically and i neglected to check for height.

5th try: lols still didn't get it and continued to run at wall.

6th try: made better measurements and construction, angled my strokes better. Still alot of little inaccuracies and could be alot better but I begin to see how the construction lines are made and how they should work.

I generally draw things by eye without much consideration for construction but this part of the exercise on how construction really woke me up to how it can help you to achieve a more accurate read on form. Not to mention how to angle my strokes better on freehand ellipses.

aight. 4 mo and a paint :)

keep truckin~

(04-03-2013, 06:48 PM)anzhou Wrote: hey man :) great to see you fleshing out your ideas, is 4 the back view of 2?

I like 3!

Maybe you could explore the silhouettes abit more? Exaggerate some shapes and the like?
I feel more exploration on the shapes of the knife hat would be cool too. Right now it looks like 3d glasses with feathered dart holders on the side to me. also the clothes, religious jewelry and tattoos could be explored for variations as well.

Just mah 2 cents.

The weapons weren't meant to be on the same level of quality as the character roughs. I'm waiting to do that for my second series of concepts, which consequently, are focused entirely on the tools and the weapons. Head gear, gauntlets, and knives are just notes and placeholders for the basic "wholeness" of the character, just enough to get across the general concept. The silhouettes were a basic way to demonstrate the motions of drawing knives from the gauntlets and the head gear.

But that's great idea: I wish I started creating the character using silhouettes; would have been a fun exercise and prove to be more efficient, seeing that they can be cranked out a bit faster while still giving information across. I was sticking very close to sickbrush's model of a character development process.

I planned on exploring his clothing and accessories once I actually settle down with a character design that best fits Saavi.

Seems we are on the same wavelength haha. Thanks man (Oh, and 4 is a design separate of 2, I was playing around with a sketch and decided to add it to the design roughs. I should have made it more clear, sorry about that)

Saavi Weapons....

Dear god, I might just scrap that stupid knife gauntlet concept. I don't want to take the time and make it pretty. I don't know, It may look okay in the finish product....SIIIIIIGGHHHHHHHHH.

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hey manny!
ahh those variants look cool! I like the the shapes on throwing knife 3 the bestest!

Regarding the gauntlet, maybe you can try drawing it from orthographic views, it'll be easier to conceptualize and you can work out the different variations easier :)

here are some interesting google searches that might help.



google LINK : utility gauntlet

google LINK : utility vambrace

(04-07-2013, 12:55 PM)anzhou Wrote: hey manny!
ahh those variants look cool! I like the the shapes on throwing knife 3 the bestest!

Regarding the gauntlet, maybe you can try drawing it from orthographic views, it'll be easier to conceptualize and you can work out the different variations easier :)

here are some interesting google searches that might help.



google LINK : utility gauntlet

google LINK : utility vambrace

You are amazing. I'm sorry for not taking the time out to find images myself. For some reason, I just didn't haha. Thanks alot! These are helpful links (:

mannyhaatz, i did a demo on using the lasso tool and selections in the first or second assignment, use it wisely.
[Image: 7R6hDbF.jpg]

Yes sir...I'm sorry: it completely slipped my mind...Excuse my ignorance and thank you for the enlightenment; I forget that your particular assignments shouldn't be viewed as individual studies, but as a collection of work that meshes together to operate a skill and/or help operate a set of skills.

I'll be more cognisant of these things for now on. Thanks a lot Sickbrush (:

At last I'm joining, thanks Sickbrush for all the time and effort you have thrown to make this!
Here is the first assignment.

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welcome aboard!
and you're welcome Manny, it's easier to play the game when you have a bigger picture, so enlarge it! keep the ball rolling guys!

hey following along the videos and figured id post the asignments here if its ok :D

*warning a wild troll has entered the thread* muhahaha

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Gave up midway on the dude with the googly eyes.

Tomorrow I plan on doing my studies for material for the version in the middle and I will then illustrate him...

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Hey peeps,

Great stuff everyone :)

Fallin behind here :( gotta keep goin tho!

Keep truckin guys!

keep it going ladies and gents, new assignments will be up this week!

Got sidetracked by somethings :( gotta keep goin. Heres my updates.

Keep it going guys :)

It's been a while since my last post, here is assignment 2(part1 was made roughly a month ago).
I've picked more simple object for the painting, because this is my first painting from life and I was not sure how the things will turn out with more complex one.

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The third assignment:

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