Sickbrush "Fantastic Daggers" class
My first painted self portrait. My 4th painting. My 4th assignment for sickbrush's mentoring class.

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well done!!

SO amazing how much progress you guys made! It was devastating for me that I had to drop out prematurely, and the progress you posted here doesn't really change that haha!

Awesome work everyone!

@ Manny: Dude, keep doing the assignments! This is definitely heading in the right direction! :)
Love your self portrait, haha!

Thanks a lot Chris!!

I got it critiqued in the critiques thread and I redid some things to produce a sharper more accurate painting.

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African Americans

Ahh this was a mind bender as well but learnt so much my head feels heavy hehe

rocking up a year late to the party!
oh man I had so much fun doing this assignment...and I learned how hard it is to draw on a tablet :D

in other news: must. do. wrist. stretches ;_;

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
welcome to the party smrr!

(03-23-2013, 11:07 PM)smrrfette Wrote: rocking up a year late to the party!
oh man I had so much fun doing this assignment...and I learned how hard it is to draw on a tablet :D

in other news: must. do. wrist. stretches ;_;

Wow! So cool you are working on the assignments! Now I have the urge to work harder

My mood board for Saavi.

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looking good so far on Saavi. Can't wait to see how he turns out!

You're fairly firing through these assignments Mannyhaatz, good stuff.

Hahaha thanks anzhou!
Yeah for sure, Mannyhaatz - I need to bust my ass just like you've been doing! Mhm yep, hopefully we can supercharge each other now that we're both doing sick's class :)!!

Assignment no.1B:
I now have both a new found respect for the lasso, marquee and grad tool than ever before... as well as so much luuuuuurv for the brush tool, colour picker and transform tool!! Awesome assignment - I feel I've learned a butt-load :)

Onwards to assignment 3!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
i'm late! i'm late ! * runs off too lasso some pixels*

good job guys~

Heya :)

Assignment 1b

Man, this was challenging and I wanted to do more but I already went over a week on these 1st ones so its time to move on. Will have to try this workflow on other studies in the future.

A few sketches for the character "Saavi"

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Hey are all the class saved on the lifestream? I'd like to follow some of the lessons. But most of the videos just say study or bloodsports.

(03-29-2013, 10:02 PM)Nylelevi Wrote: Hey are all the class saved on the lifestream? I'd like to follow some of the lessons. But most of the videos just say study or bloodsports.


theres youtube videos, start from page 01 :D

Oh cool thanks! :D

you know what, i'll just keep posting assignments for you guys so you always have new stuff to work on. what do you think? we can make it into a sort of organic neverending type of class

This would be awesome Sickbrush! I was planning to start the course these days, it will be even more fun when the class is active as it was before!


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