Fundamentals ahead! ~Daily updates~
Jonesoda Thanks :) I'll keep going.


Bit more stuff today but still not as much as I would like to. Having a hard time to keep myself focused.
More lines, anatomy stuff from Bammes and an environment sketch I needed to do for school. Not the best but it will be good enough for the (boring) art stuff in school. :D

Thanks for stopping by.

[Edit:] Urgh, hit page 2 with such less work. Need to work more! D:

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Aaand more stuff.

And a character (fan art, haha! It's my first fan art ever) from imagination.
Need to work sooo much more on my anatomy.
Her hip looks soooo fu**ed up and I also think that her head is too big D:

Thanks for stopping by. :)

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Sry guys.
There is freaking much stuff to do for school right now.
Don't really get the time for much drawing.

But at least I was able to paint a self-portrait for today! :)
Kinda like it. Best self-portrait so far.

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School is keeping me busy these days, but here are some perspective doodles.
First one is freehand and I didn't use a perspective grid.
And the other one was just a quick try to look at EXTREEEME perspective. :)

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School is keeping me so busy...
As a result I am in a bad mood all day long. I WANT TO DRAW AND PAINT. Groooar!
So much useless stuff that I'm learning everyday.

quick study and speedpainting.
Digital medium is best for this relaxing stuff :D

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I'm back again <3
Sry for disappearing, but I lost the forum out of sight and had a lot of school stuff around.
But I was still drawing and painting, so no worries. :)

Here's an small update of stuff that I made a few weeks ago.
I'm trying to update this daily again.

Thanks for stopping by!

And now onto some recent stuff. :)
I want to focus more on fundamentals again, especially on values.
So here's the stuff from the last two days where I focused on that topic.
They are all after reference but I learned tons.

Never knew that I can work in such small value ranges and still make shading possible.


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I'm also taking part on Wotjek Fus February Sketchbook Challange! D:
Pushing myself a bit, even though most of the stuff turns out to be crap.

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New sketchbook pages! :)

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Some thumbnails for today.
Was fun to draw with ink again.
And I am damn happy that I can draw and paint more tomorrow again. <3

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Had some time in school to do this digital sketch ( ~45mins) and then I drew this sketchbook page this evening :)
Pen & ink are fuuuuun! Yeah! <3

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Wow, so much improvement in the last 8 months.. keep it up, your stuff is looking great!
Reed Thank you man! :)


Weekend <3

Painted this study (a friend was doing it and then I wanted to try it out by myself) after reference and also drew my sketchbook page.
Turned out shitty because I was working too fast and bLSfjhioadhfis!
Tomorrow will be better!

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Environment sketch from imagination and sketchboooooookeeeeeee stuff.

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Photoshop theory stuff I did this morning, random still life sketch I don't like and my daily sketchbook page (which also failed)...
So, yeeeeeeeah.
Tomorrow will be better, huh?

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good, good, more, more

ramalooke On the way sir! :)


Good daaaaaaaaaaay! :)
Did a quick sketch with some new brushes and then finally a finished environment painting again. Yay!

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I'll try to get this rolling again within the next few days.
I had a lot of stuff going on but I want to start improving again. :)

Thanks guys for stopping by.
Drew this today for school.
I'll try to do more again. :)

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Woah. What a huge jump in quality from page 1 to page two, over only a few months! Now that's what I call improvement. I love your lines, clean and confident :)
The environments in #26 blew me away, especially the second one.
Do you still continue your anatomy studies? Those are important! :P

Keep up the great work!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
nice sketchbook, your stuff has improved allot.

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