Mannequin's sketchbook,
sweet progression recently, your characters are awesome. The lara croft piece looks especially nice.
I know other daggers have mentioned the age thing but their right, i didnt start seriously till i was 23-24 and your way better than me. You have every chance to become amazing with time if you choose too. ^ ^

Beautiful work !

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

Blog | Sketchbook | dA
awesome stuff here, your characters all have really nice poses, could be great to see more of them in environments, great work though keep it up :)

Absoulutely in love in your work. Dunno why how to explain it, but your stuff has some kind of nice loose feel, that i enjoy. Keep working ;3 Wanna see more stuff from you in near future x3

wow I see really good stuff in your sb! good job on the lara croft one, i was thinking to do that contest too hope I have time!

Some sketches of mine :)

[Image: sumsketches2622013.jpg]
[Image: sketches0.jpg]
[Image: mix32.jpg]
[Image: mix4d.jpg]
[Image: mix2xn.jpg]
[Image: mix1o.jpg]

I've uploaded it on my blog. IT was my february challenge :)

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

Damn, your pencil sketches are awesome! I really struggle to get form in my sketches, usually it ends up being mostly line work and feels a bit flat. Do you have any advice for getting that sense of shape? Cheers :) @
Mannequin, thanks for coming to my SB. You're very good and I'm thrilled about it. I very much love your hatch work, well all your pencil stuff, and I like you're painting too. I've been here a few times, I just get nervous telling great artists how great they are, because I wish instead I was like, "oh you should work n this and that." Whatever...your shits sexy. Good job!
So super jealous of your traditional skills. Love it, great work! Keep it up.

thaat traditional stuff looks great!

...i want your pencl skills 0.0

where can i get some?

you have some nice stuff in your sketchbook..
i like a lot some of your traditional work..
hope to see more..
Well, hello there All! LOVE all yours comments <3

Super super busy...actually it's a shame...but I should try to do more regular updates ^^''
I'm now trying to do some stuff to put in portfolio, but it's so hard to figure out the topic :D

Sooooooo...... right now some practice and studies

Portrait of a friend
[Image: inka1152013.jpg]

Life Drawing Sessions
[Image: modelx.jpg]

Also a little life drawings
[Image: somemodels.jpg]

Subway drawings :)
[Image: metrosummarymini.jpg]

[Image: laska652013small.jpg]

[Image: czarodziejka4small.jpg]

Practicing environment skills...
[Image: thumbynewmini.jpg]

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

these latest pieces are great! definitely some strong portfolio pieces, pencil work is great as always too, keep it up! :)

those environments look great..
Very nice drawings!! O_O!

Looking forwards to more personals too! Looking great so far, especially the enviro thumbssss!!
Lovely lovely work! I think if you keep polishing your anatomy and dynamic posing your characters will just be unstoppable. keep goingg my eyes need moreee

mindwrack, sker2 Thanks for kind words ^^
Tooth you're saying nice thing about my enviros but... I'm fan of Yours grest stuff D16c4689 :)

pnate Thanks! Definitely I'll work on that. Characters are my favourite topic. So also I'm trying to do some more things that I don't really used to ^^

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

Thanks for the comments in my SB. You have great linework and sketches, and your values are solid for the most part. To get more comfortable with color, you need to understand the inherent values within color and start seeing them in two ways - degree of value and warm/cool. Anything else is superfluous. I suggest taking a photo/painting and doing an exercise where you match colors with greyscale values. So you'd find a certain red in the photo, you'd then have to decide what greyscale value best matches that particular color of red. Then desaturate the red to see how close you got. It's quite amazing to find how off you can be sometimes at judging the value of a color! Keep working hard.

Whoa! That's just some great advice to use. So I think the thing is just practice, practice, practice till the good result. I'll take use of Yours comment. Big thanks for the tipTh_101_!

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)


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