Bjulvar's Sketchbook
Hey man thanks for coming by my sb, really cool stuff here, your imagination pieces have interesting designs and some are pretty strong pieces. Keep updating! ( I should too D:)

Haha thanks man! He became a big man instead of a mech though :D

Don't feel lazy man, quality over quantity! Or is it the other way around? I don't know anymore!

Thank you mate!

No worries dude. Thank you, that's what I like doing the most, it's keeping me from practicing fundamentals haha!

So I've found that there's less anxiety if I don't try to post daily. I'll try to refrain from it if I can. But the temptation is always there :P
Also, my arm has started to hurt a bit, don't know what to do about that.

Starting this sexy post up with some spitpaintings, all done in 30 minutes

Two little studies of clothing and design!

And some progress on the piece. I added another guy because I felt that there was too much negative space going on. Might be the values that don't read right, but I'm going to try and run with it.

Had a really nice headache today, so I left this study in apathy and paain. Don't want to continue with it :P

A 30min spitpainting, topic was "fight in the clouds"

A study from yesterday

I've always wanted to do a project with norse inspired art and all that jazz. But I usually feel that it would turn out too much like Skyrim or something similar. Damn you Bethesda, I should concept up an expansion instead.

Nice sketchbook man, really a lot of work in here and the improvement is great. Watch the foreshortening on some of you characters though, a couple of the limbs are looking a little wonky. I'm talking mostly about the last image in post 342. The guys arms might need a bit of a rework.

Keep on going man, you are doing great! And thanks for stopping by my SB :)

Hey Jaik thanks a lot!
Haha I was thinking the same thing when going through the image before. The legs on the guy lying down are waay too long aswell. It's like he's two people! I noticed some more weird stuff because of your comment, so thank you. Will try and fix it the next session!

Anytime man! Heartwarming support :D

Here's my magnum opus of spitpaintings, purple jacket!

And a moviestill from earlier! Doing a little apply for it, but it's not showable yet :P

Aand even more progress. It's starting to go in a better direction again. Fixing some values, fixing some limbs etc. Still a fun piece to work on!

Haha, 'fixing limbs' I know that feeling lol. Looking good man, watch out you don't make the hands on the right too small though. Just gotta say I love the pose of the guy on the steps btw. Really believable/natural.

Keep it comind dude :)

Great updates mate. I digg your bold guy with a knife piece. love the composition and colors. However you could introduce a little bit more texture to the painting. Right now everything is kinda the same material. Oh, I allowed myself to do a small paintover, hope you don't mind. Love your work, keep pushing!

Haha it's the best feeling, I guess you're on the right track when that happens. Or you've gone on the wrong one for waay too long? :P
Thanks man, fixed the hands! And yeah I think the pose came out better this way too, thanks! :)

Thanks dude! Yeah I guess I haven't experimented much with textures yet. I tend to stick with one brush like a coward! Dont mind the paintover at all. Reminds me of my constant mid-tone crisis :P Thank you man, keep it uup you too!

Sturdy study

Two spitters, the first one is "Fog Army", where I just played around a bit. The second is "Petrified" which is bullshit, but still showable!

I got another idea from the Fog Army theme, so I made a fog dude! Spent an hour or two on this.

And some therapy painting

Another statuestudy, started out good, ended in disaster!1

A ball in a desert, pretty deep art

Sex appeal by Giorgrigio Armenian

Today's spitpainting and study. The topic of the sketch was Shark Devil, just went with a mythical shark thingie, fisherman's tale!

Lots of work, man, that's awesome! I think some of your edges could use some sharpening up here and there, which would best be achieved with large, bold brush strokes. The more opaque you can make your "paint" the more alive it seems to feel. Great stuff, man, keep it up.

Oh nice. You've done lots of stuff since I last poked my hairy head in this direction ^^
Lots of cool ideas going on, that floating enchanted armor piece really makes me want to draw...well, that. It's bloody awesome and now I'm again reminded of it haha.

The guy drawing a dagger against the wizards/cultists-piece would benefit from a more dramatic camera angle I think. Like a low perspective from the man's point of view. I'm a bit obsessed when it comes to those kinds of compositions so might be because of that heh (As you've beared witness I've tried some of my own). Also some more color variation would make it all the more sweet to look at.
The piece tells a interesting story and I especially like the blue guy's overall design and his awesome glowy hand of sub surface scattering-light!

Thank you man. Those are really good tips! I tried applying them to some of these quick sketches I'm posting now. But I don't feel like I handle it very well. But I'll keep trying it out.

Hey man!
Gotta keep the hands busy with something! :P
Really happy to hear that something I did made you want to paint. Smileyface!

You're right man. It's kind of late in the process though, but I'll see if I can transoform the image a bit when I'm about finished. I think I had a more extreme angle in mind when I first began. But as usual, I was too quick to go with my first thumbnail haha. About halfway through I noticed that my initial perspective ideas didn't work out either.
Oh well, next piece I suppose :P
I'll bomb it with color later!
Thanks dude! Story was the main focus of this one, so I'm happy that you catch that :D

The main piece I've been doing now has taken awhile, don't know if that's why I'm feeling a bit down again. I've been doing some perspective studies traditionally to change things around, I think I gotta get my hands on some mechanical stuff and just study it.
I'll get around to posting more physical sketchbook stuff later, been putting that off for a while :P

These are just a bunch of quick sketches, the Lizard Rider is the only one I spent an hour on or so. The rest is cac.

i´m really enjoying these updates man! they have potential, also that paintover by ramalooke was great, i would totally go in that direction.
Just the amount of work you've done since my last visit is inspiring, keep rocking! :)

It's always very inspiring to visit your sketchbook. Volume of work you put out every update is impressive and quality is growing as well. Can't wait to see more finished stuff though. <3

Thank you man! I'm totally going in that direction now. Good to be reminded!
Good to hear, trying to push it :D

Hey thanks babe <3 Wooho, if the quality is growing, then I'm onto something! Yeah I can't wait either. Trying to finish up the one you painted over. Finding it hard to set aside studies to focus on it at the moment though! But it'll come, just like winter! :D

So I saw Pacific Rim some days ago and I facking loved it. Just what I wanted from a movie. Ballin' soundtrack, neon-drenched visuals, memorable characters and skyscraper-scaled robots punching monsters. So here's a gentleman Kaiju, because I can't paint mechs

But I want to paint mechs! So here's freehand studies of a camera, I think I need to fill my brain with visuals of technological stuff.

Quick shitty environmentsketch, because I felt like it.

Spitpainting, red waterfall!

Washington, washington, six feet tall and weighs a fucking ton.

Some silhouettes of a soldier type sci-fi dude, carries swords and shit.

Awesome studies, man. The still life turned out really good. If you want to study a specific object, such as mechs, then the best way to study them is to look at other mechs and fill your library with those. Grab a bunch that you like from various artists, draw them yourself, get that form language into your memory and then when you go out to sketch on your own, you'll use that muscle memory to sketch freely and come up with your own variations.

Great studies and marvelous work ethic. Really inspirational to see the amount & variety of work you produce. Kudos!

Thank you man! Still lifes are the bomb, just gotta learn how to apply that stuff. Ah and that's some really good suggestions. Never thought about actually drawing from others. Compiled a collage of mechs I like though and tried getting some hints from it. I'll definitely study and build up that memory.
I do feel that I need to get a better understanding on how mechanical stuff work though. Not sure if it's totally needed, but I never come up with useful components to put in there!

Hey thanks Tristan! I'm happy that it's inspirational :D

Starting with some spitters. First up is Water spell, which became more of an ice thing instead. Then it's todays theme in which I mixed heavy armor and Bazooka.

Some female variations of the silhouettes from before

Tried my hand at some mech heads, kind of pathetic attempt :P

Happier with this one

Stylized link portrait, looks like MJ


Goblin/orc design, gotta get ideas from my next illustration.

Todays still life. You'll never grow tired of my table and wall

I want to call this done, but I'm reluctant to stop painting. I'll probably just throw in some smaller details and move on, can't be on this forever haha.

Nice amount of imaginative work going on here, Keep it up.

Also that last illustration is really nice, is it a part of a series?


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