Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches!
Great stuff. On your last painting of the girl with the giant fish, there seems to be some disconnect between the main character and her surroundings. I would recommend some blue reflective light hitting her from the direction of the fish. Great stuff, though, your anatomy seems to be improving! Keep going!

Thank you for the comments guys! 

@ZombieChincilla: Yeah, there might be something there.. I guess desaturating the hand a bit more would give a better sense of depth and would fit together with the fish better.

Alright! So today I did sketches for the main character's space suit! All supervised by my boyfriend, as it will all be based on his scenario.. :)

I think I found one that's good enough (the last light grey ones with the orange line).. It's really fun! Can't wait to dive deeper into details and get to paint that suit and the character in their environmeeent! e_e

Oh yes, by the way, her name is Nati! Pronounce a long open "a"!

What's your favorite suit? :P

You are your only limits!

I like the top right grey / blue one because the blue strips look reflective / shiny. If you made the grey / orange one shiny and reflective along the coloured strips that would look cool too, little bright accents on those strips could help sell the whole high tech space suit idea. I look forward to seeing where it goes ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Nice thread. Really seems like you got the basics down. Your rendering is also really great!

I'd work on the design aspect, your space suits are serviceable but don't really stand out. Just taking more inspiration from your favorite artists and being bolder with shapes would help tons. One of my current favorite: , this guy really knows how to make a shape work for him.
(11-15-2015, 03:57 AM)Di-Dorval Wrote: Nice thread. Really seems like you got the basics down. Your rendering is also really great!

I'd work on the design aspect, your space suits are serviceable but don't really stand out. Just taking more inspiration from your favorite artists and being bolder with shapes would help tons. One of my current favorite: , this guy really knows how to make a shape work for him.

Thanks man! Well thing is, I am not looking for anything "spectacular" for that spacesuit, it has to be very "functional" and simple to serve the character and the story it takes place in. Check the suits from Prometheus, they are really cool yet simple and functional. That's more what I'm going for.

That artist you linked is badass too! Although doesn't seem like he's into anythign realistic or armor that woul dbe "practical" :D

You are your only limits!

Having trouble getting into the "arting" again.. I guess it's really hard for me to keep working with no real projects or any outer work frame. That's partly the reason why next year i'll be leaving to start that atelier! Hopefully. :)

Anyway, just started the "concept art sessions" again, to get back into a habit of sketching quickly and more loosely. Get me doing something!

This one's a 30min sketch + 30min extra coloring ans whatnot. This brain's really rusty.. xD

You are your only limits!

Your line quality is glorious! especially with the figure. You must have ropes for arms to have that much flow in your lines.

I found that guy in your last painting so funny, i don't know why tho haha
I think it had something to do with the rip in his shorts and how he kinda looks like he just slept with that monsters wife haha Stupid

Heya Lale, long time no speak! I like the angle used in that last one, you can really feel the intensity of it. I wish you luck for the future with your work.
(11-23-2015, 01:22 AM)IrishWhiskey Wrote: Your line quality is glorious! especially with the figure. You must have ropes for arms to have that much flow in your lines.

I found that guy in your last painting so funny, i don't know why tho haha
I think it had something to do with the rip in his shorts and how he kinda looks like he just slept with that monsters wife haha Stupid

Awww thank you! I laughed so hard when i read your comment! :D I didn't think about sleeping with his wife, but that's actually a brilliant idea! :D
Thank you, you put a smile on my face with your comment really! ^^

@Stardust: Yes man, long time! You should come back to the skype group or join the PermaNoobs hangout! I'm there pretty much every day! :) Keep up the consistent work buddy, I wish you all the best in that! :*

Also, today I just learned that I WILL BE MOVING TO BARCELONA NEXT YEAR!! To start an Atelier there! I'm all crazy about the news and stressed but so so happy! :D Hopefully my art block will be over soon and my sketches will be worth posting again!

You are your only limits!

Damn! Been a while! I've been soo busy with commissions and so on.

I'm finally getting a little free and so here's a real quick sketch I did as a little warm-up for a contest I'm gonna take part in! :)

Also just a few preview of those silly family portrait commissions I've been taking... It's been a hell to be able to translate so many faces into a cartoony, simpler style, while keeping the resemblance with the actual faces! A great challenge that helped me learn quite a bit actually! And the client was adorable and really helpful! So it was worth the effort.

I'm not showing them elsewhere as I don't want to be known as a "portrait" artist but this is the kind of jobs that helps to keep me fed (and a little drunk) so it's good! :)

Hope you're all doing fine! <3

You are your only limits!

Aaand just started a drawing as a Christmas gift for my dad! 
He's a good guy and a lawyer and had a pretty rough year but it seems to be ending all well for him, so I thought I'd picture him as some sort of super Viking warrior (he's Swedish) with a phrase like "Warrior Dad made it through 2015!" ^^

You are your only limits!

Sweet card, makes me kind of emotional cause I think about if my daughter will be so caring and loving to me when she is all grow'd up : ) maybe include some lawyer related props too? a briefcase hanging off the hilt of the axe / off his belt, or one of the severed heads with a judges wig or something. Cool drawing anyway : ) I really like those portraits too, cool concept to do more realistic looking but still cartoony / simplified family portraits.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
(12-17-2015, 01:26 AM)JyonnyNovice Wrote: Sweet card, makes me kind of emotional cause I think about if my daughter will be so caring and loving to me when she is all grow'd up : ) maybe include some lawyer related props too? a briefcase hanging off the hilt of the axe / off his belt, or one of the severed heads with a judges wig or something. Cool drawing anyway : ) I really like those portraits too, cool concept to do more realistic looking but still cartoony / simplified family portraits.


Well I was thinking about putting a balance and a sword symbol somewhere (symbol of justice) and the heads will have the names of some of this year's defeated "opponents" :)

And I'm sure your daughter will be just as caring with a dad like you ;)

You are your only limits!

Started my Warrior Dad all over again, as I wanted to give him a more cartoony, funnier style.. Should finish it tomorrow. :)

Another little something I'm working on veeeery slowly and which I will get back to once all the 2015 craziness is over! :D

Also did this little fella for a friend of mine... :) Almost Christmas!

You are your only limits!

That skull/wolf thing is awesome. All the way.
Please post it when it's finished, huh?
Thanks! Cheers!

[Image: rUfiMf1.png]
second version of the warrior dad looks so much better. I like the facial expression :)

Thank you guys! :D

Yes I will post the "skull creature" here for sure! ;)

For now, I'm done with the Warrior Dad painting.. Yeay, just on time for Christmas! ^^

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy this end of year with your beloved ones! Take care! :) <3

You are your only limits!

This end of year is killing me! Too much food, too much alcohol and so much art to do! :D

Also finally saw Star Wars!! Now I desperately need to paint some light sabered badass female!

Cheers to all of you!

And here's something slowly coming together (don't mind the roughness)..

You are your only limits!

So cool! Great job with the warrior dad, haha. Grin I bet he loved it.

Happy holidays! And keep up the great work!


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Happy New Year everyone!!! :D Hope you had a great time last night and, for those who didn't, hope you'll make it up in the upcoming year! ^^

Personally, I worked further on my "Beast" painting but I got super sick on the 30th and so I couldn't make it to color (it was for a contest held by Iain McCaig).. Anyway, I had lots of fun and will probably color it anyway once I'm back on my feet.


You are your only limits!


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