Day 3

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hi Alfonso, for a total beginner you are , i have to say, you are really good, you seems have a good sense of observation and good understanding in the software.

but yeah, your fundamentals seems off, especially, in anatomy, which i , myself is also strugling on it, i will have to suggest you to see proko channel at youtube, he have really good method to help us understanding basic's anatomy,
andrew loomis is also very good author at anatomy, but i find it more helpful t watch video rather than reading books.

here is the link to proko's channel

hope you find it helpful as i do,
and keep it up alfonso!

fixed :)
thanks for noticing

i think i would do crap also if i do 2 minutes head gesture, i've made each of them for about 10 minutes each , yeah i'm not a fast painter.
and also im tryingto understand the structure so it takes me little longer

thanks alfonso for the link, i will make sure i watch the video :)

I lack basic drawing/painting skill...

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Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7

Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
a face

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Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
Those painted cylinders and cubes look pretty slick! Perhaps try some more complicated objects? As for your faces, the b&w face in #25 looks more solid than the latest face. I see the neck shadow and hair highlights but the face looks flat. Try to apply the stronger value scheme of your greyscale portraits to the color ones. Also remember the shadow cast by the hair. But first I think you should do more b&w studies from color- with varying lighting directions.

TY! You are right... im not ready to paint with color. Got to have a go now and then.

I have been focusing on basic drawing. Doing a lot of warm up straight lines, elipses, basics 3d forms.

Im trying Prokos simplified pelvis and rib cage but cant quite get it so I went for simple beans.

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quick poses and head construction

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Looks good so far! Something I think you should pay attention to is the constructive planes of the head. I see that you're using the Loomis method but you're not really backing it up with much perspective or actual constriction. I think you'd benefit a lot from studying the Bridgman approach to drawing heads. It really focuses on a strong construction and it will allow you to better map out the head in perspective.

Anyway, keep on working! :)

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
hi AlfonsoX, nice painting study and perspective. are you studying Scott Robertson's book?

(08-04-2015, 10:51 PM)Tristan Berndt Wrote: ...the Bridgman approach to drawing heads.

Thank you. I take every critic seriusly and try to improve on it.
Im trying the bridgman head and I like it but the hard part is to get the proportions of the cube correct.

(08-04-2015, 11:38 PM)insbox Wrote: hi AlfonsoX, nice painting study and perspective. are you studying Scott Robertson's book?

Thank you. I do have Scott Robertson "how to draw" and the Matte Surface DVDs.
but when I do perspective stuff I use photoshop line tools but right now Im trying to improve on basic hand DRAWING so im focusing on figures and heads for the moment.

So here goes weekly update:
Life sketching.
Bunch of figures 2 minutes except the last 4 ones.
Perspective thingy.

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I would be proud if: 1 I did them from imagination 2 didnt took me sooo loooong to do each one.

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Hi! Thanks for your comment on my sb. You came with good points. Big thanks! :D

I think you are doing fine, studying a lot.

You said you use line tool when practicing perspective stuff. I also do this, that's ok but doing some free hand perspective is really good. It gives confidence to your lines. Give a shot some time!

(Sorry about the bad english)

Keep up :D

Hey, cool stuff! Your faces are looking good, but the one in the middle has an asymmetrical jawline. Are these digital? If so, make sure to always flip your canvas to see your image in a new way to catch any mistakes.

Keep going, though! Best way to improve is to draw, draw, draw! Try to do as many faces as you can.

Your line art looks great! Awesome that you're applying from imagination, and great figures. Keep working hard. Thumbs_up


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Ty all!

ZombieChinchilla. You are right. When I do front symetrical views Im always having a hard time doing the second side. I will pay more attention to that from now on.

For september I want to focus a bit more on rendering.

Some updates of late august.

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I did these simple exercise of just copying simple geometric form, just to realize how innacurate I am.
How am i going to study anatomy or master copy or still life if i cant copy this simple forms accurate enough?

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