Jack's Sketchbook
Study and Applying
Study 20 Mins

Memory 5 Mins


New painting kinda Glados esque
Enjoy :D

Hello Jack, thanks for checking my sketchbook. You've got some nice work posted up here, maybe you need a little better edge control but things seem to get better as u post more and I think you'll get there soon. Keep updating it :)
Really love the stuff you got going on here, keep up the good work, when you get a min can you give mine a look http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-1501.html

New stuff :D and thanks callergi and Nick your stuff is pretty sweet ;)

armour study

Nice sketchbook so far. There is a pretty considerable amount of improvement when comparing these last few posts with your earlier ones.

Continue doing studies, and nailing those fundamentals. I'd really have to agree with Cal, keep an eye on the cleanliness of your work and those edges. You're doing awsome! :D

The knight study is looking good! As Archreux and a couple others have mentioned the cleanliness isn't as present as it could be.

I find it helps to make a conscious mental effort to place each and every stroke. remember that whatever brush stroke you're laying down is either moving you closer to what it is you're trying to visually communicate, or further away....which would you rather have it be?

There's a difference to being sloppy, and having a "loose" yet masterful appearance.

That being said you're making strides! Just put some more love for your craft and process into the mix and see what happens!

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Thanks guys and I do agree with you my edges are a bit wild I try my best to control them, but it does not always work. But I am working on it thanks for the input :)

New sketch, I am working on an illustration too (coming soon)

Tribal Alien
I am trying to pudh my rendering i think i may have abused the skin texture brush so Critiques are welcome :)
Hi rez available here:http://xy-axis.deviantart.com/art/Tribal-alien-370992365?q=gallery%3Axy-axis&qo=0

you have a really nice design sense so just keep pushing the technical stuff! perhaps studying some old master's work could help, keep it up though :D

(05-12-2013, 04:59 AM)mindwrack Wrote: you have a really nice design sense so just keep pushing the technical stuff! perhaps studying some old master's work could help, keep it up though :D

Haha thank you Mindwrack :), I have been tempted to do some master studies but i kept procrastinating it I think I will do some frazzeta studies to improve my composition :)

it hard to think look at master without feeling overwhelm to be a master one must be a noob once

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
If you want to start doing master studies I would begin by watching this, I found this video a day ago and it has already helped a lot.


Hey guys have not posted here in forever will be posting here more often from now though :)
[Image: 1979299_834068159943761_1670031222_o.jpg] Still a wip but it's getting there!

I love the wolf and the moon! Your drawings look really good

It's beeeeen a while daggers!
Here is some stuff I have been up to!

Great sketchbook Jack!

Wow it's been 2 years since you last posted? Your work seems to have gone up a level in the meantime!

Great creature designs - keep it coming mate!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook


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