Arch's Book of Stuff
It's funny that you mention the "going back to the basics" mindset and working on your drawing because I've totally felt that as well. Do you use You probably already know about it/use it, but I've been doing that every day and it's an awesome tool

Well good luck with study stuff, as for lost drawing time, I keep a little pocket sized sketchbook and pencil with me all the time. I just whip it out whenever there's a chance of standing or waiting, even just getting some hand / eye co-ordination practice is worth it! And those other stuff will come in handy later!

bemota- Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. :]

I can definitely see what you're talking about. I've been trying to figure out why some of my stuff feels a bit simplistic. Some of those texture studies would be nice, actually.

pnate- Hey, man. That's awsome, haha. I've definitely been abusing my sketchbook, getting back to it really reminded me why I started doing all of this in the first place. And yeah, quickposes is the shit. There's another site I use as well, You gonna be posting any of your sketches?

kidult- Thank ye. :D
Whenever I do go out, mostly school, I always make sure to bring it as well. Downtown is a good place for life-drawing, except the bus, hahaha.

I didn't do much aside some spit paint and work on a tattoo for a friend. I actually forgot to post this a long while back, I'm almost finished. After I figure out what to do with the damn dragon I can get on to color! I'll double time on my sketches for tomorrow! >:D

[Image: BlackDragoon_zpsffdbfd1e.jpg]

Hey guys, back with more sketches. They didn't turn out so great yesterday. Not much refinement as I've been focusing on getting comfortable with the construction of the figure. I'm feeling better about figures in general I just need some more practice, MOAR!

Here's also some spit paints.

See ya next time, Daggers.

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Still gotta get some of my sketches in. Here's some paintings from today. Just sketching and having some fun. I'll be finishing up the fan art tomorrow. Pain is awsome.

[Image: sketch_zpsf19e1c9b.jpg]
[Image: sketch2-5_zps6fb0c05c.jpg]

Nice work man, really like these last two sketches, dead moody :) keep it coming

Nice! But there is one little thing that bothers me in the first painting. The character in the front doesnt get much attention(he sould stick out), the values are too dark. I did a (kinda) overpaint(in the spoiler): I hope you know what you mean :)

Overall, really nice stuff and Keep it up!

nice stuff, I really like that you do a study and then try the same image from memory, might give that a go :)

Jake, thanks. Yeah, I'll definitely be doing that. I'm almost done with the Pain fan art. Soon.

Sir, you are most definitely right about that, perfectly understandable. :]
I usually try to keep an eye out for value contrast like that. I won't let it elude me again! Or maybe I will, haha.

Peppermint, thank ye. Studying and then immediately applying really does the trick for me, you should totally give it a try. :D

ALMOST done with Pain. So here's just a quick study I did in preparation for more work on it. Sad Aragorn is sad. Tomorrow, I promise! I really want to finish it, the only thing is that I am just so slow, but hey, at least I'm not fast like Sanic and piss poor. Ye?

See you next time, Daggers!

[Image: study_zps0820c6ec.jpg]

Alright, so technically it's the day after yesterday. I was working on Pain all day, and learned hella over the course of it. I'm not too happy, and don't really feel like I was able to do it justice.
Still, Pain is my all time favorite. I'll really have to re-visit the idea, I'll probably just do another favorite character.

More reasons to get better each day!

I'll be back with more.

[Image: bu_zps8d9d1e81.jpg]

Sorry for the delay of the post. School just started back up again, it's never been so depressing, hahaha. My body was not ready for it.

I haven't got much sketching done the past few days, been coming home and pretty much just passing out right away. Hopefully I'll get adjusted to things again. I also did some real quick fixes on Pain, also should be better quality this time.

[Image: sketch2-7_zpsbf647baa.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1_zps25fc960a.jpg]

Hey people, had some concept art challenge at my school yesterday, did a quicky . . . maybe 3-4hrs, I think? Need more sketchbook stuff!!!!!! And studies. And to finish my WIP pile.

Also modeling a castle for my 3D class, I may post progress on that. I'm actually pretty excited for it despite my difficulties with 3D. imjustbadat3d.jpg, hahaha.

Cool concept on your latest post, I like the sense of movement we get coming from the giant bird!

sketchbook thread
art blog (tumblr)
devART (beware; old stuff here lurks!)
Ahh yes pixelovely is awesome too! I think I mentioned this before, but I'm liking how your stuff is getting more of a "mood", and has a much more dramatic feel to it. As a crit, I'd recommend doing some material studies to figure out different textures and such. Hope you're hangin in there with school and stuff man, don't wear yourself out too much! And post those 3D piecesss

Hey, thanks jingles. :]

Thanks man. Yeah, I could definitely go for some more texture studies, or just studies in general, I gotta keep on top of those, haha. School has been a pretty big waste of my time with the commute, and classes that aren't offering me what I need, or am trying to learn to be blunt. 3D is alright, especially since I'm getting the hang of it, but enough bitching.

A new me, the best sketcbook page I've had for a while, some studies, and a shot of the 3D castle I'm building for class.

Merry winter, Daggers. It's freezing here! No school tomorrow! :D

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Here's so more stuff, sketches, 3D, and some things I'll be putting some more time into.

I still have a couple of things that need finishing, I just can't seem to sit still and not hop around to other things, haha. I'll get one done this weekend.

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I'm seeing all the nice sketchbooks here and I realize I'm not trying, well not trying, I'm not doing enough. I can go much harder with this. I'll be back, people!

Just an experiment from a spitpaint last night.

[Image: skull_zps9796327a.jpg]

3D homework is a pain in my ass, haha. I'm starting to enjoy it a bit more, it just sucks how much it's taking up my time from painting and drawing.

Here's just some messy spit paint, and also a tattoo I made for a friend. I've got some stuff near completion, hopefully I'll get the time to post it this weekend. :D

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Hey guys, I haven't had much time to get any quality work done this past week and a'half due to school work. 3D is really killing me and my motivation, along with the daily commute, 8am classes, etc etc.

It feels like it'd be so much easier to just hold a job than continue school. If I wasn't probably already in debt 80K+ I would just drop, sadly that's not the case, and being one year away from graduation it would seem like a waste of money to not even get that damn piece of useless paper. At least if you've got a job it doesn't follow you home and eat up anymore of your time like homework, haha.

It's really depressing hearing pod-cast's and interviews, especially the Noah Bradly interview, of how "you don't need to be in art school and racking up all this debt to become a great artist." Hell, I'm even in the wrong program, hahaha. Hindsight is most certainly a bitch in this case.

Anyways, I've no right to bitch. There are many in worse off situations doing more than I am. So I can't have this petty shit getting to me. Here's some stuff I was able to do when I'm not twerking at home for school. Mostly just some spitpaints, and my 3D which isn't 2D, hahaha. Seriously guys, I'm always trying to take away something from what is seemingly "useless". It's just so damn hard.

TLDR; School sucks ass, no time, wanna paint, much tired, wow, amazingly bitch, such regret. Haha.

I love you all! <3

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I feel for you man, so much debt, I'll be dropping out with around the same, but the way I see it, University isn't what I want to do, I'll be happy working a small job and doing my art in my own time instead of stressing over university as well, think longterm :)

I'm liking the 3d stuff man, should definitely do something with those!

The paintings, I think you should get in a habit (takes 21 days to form a new habit) of spending more time on a piece of work, render something to a final finish, sketches are good but you won't learn unless you push yourself, also some material studies will really help (I should do some of these too!).

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