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Your sketchbook is looking very tasty man. Those still-lives from your brother's place are great, the brushwork is quite confident and it communicates a more solid picture. I think your personal pieces would definitely benefit from more of those strong strokes, even if they don't work out right away :) Your face sketches are coming along very nicely aswell. Your proportions are a little off in places: their eyes are a little too high in some sketches. But keep at them, I can already see great improvement since the first batch!
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Eduardo, Hey thanks, man. I'm really still trying to work on my cleanliness, haha. The more I practice and the better I get, the more confident my lines have been getting. The next post of my sketchbook should be much cleaner, at least I hope so.
lungcell! I am glad you think so, totally, I agree with what you were saying in regards to my brushstrokes. There's nothing I find more delicious than a painting with some good strokes. Still think I keep making the damn eyes too high, but now I know what to stop, indefinitely. :DDD
I've got some sketches I really wanna post, I'm still gonna wait till Sunday to post 'em though. Honestly, it feels like I broke another barrier today, and it feels sooooooooo good. Faces and people have been killing me from the beginning, I'm now finally feeling like I've got the power to conquer them.
This is old, but I went back to it because I think it could be something really cool. I'm going to render the shit out of it and see how far I can go before stuff starts lagging.
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Not much of an update, but I did some streaming today for a few good hours, it was fun as hell. I'll definitely be doing more so if any of you guys wanna just stop by and say hello from time to time, you're more than welcome. I'll probably be doing some streams every weekend, it's really too much fun.
I'm not done yet, I've been learning a lot thought, and I'm definitely developing that good patience to have, haha.
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Man your stuff has come leaps and bounds since my last visit, you've made some awesome progress. I love that speed paint on the previous page too, the second one down with the violet hues, it has great mood and is very dynamic.
I'm not sure how old you are dude, I saw before you mentioned you were contending with a lot of school work, but I imagine that if you keep this up and working hard, you'll be a drawing force of destruction by the time your done with school ;)
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This is lookign great man. The strokes are fresh in the areas they should be and more refined in just the right areas. So jealous you can do this.. I sure suck at it, mine just looks unfinished instead of implied.
Dont forget to render her hair like it is sitting on an orb. I dont get the feeling of any depth when I look at her hair, kind of like there is nothing but a flat space behind it.
Keep up the good work :D really cool!
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Warburton- Man, thanks a bunch. :DD
I'm definitely planning on revisiting those at some point soon. Right now I'm only 21, I've got about 12 months left of school so I'm trying to get as good as I can in the mean time while I'm here.
Jaik, thank you, and thanks for the reminder. :]
I totally forget that the head of all this is so much like an orb. I've been thinking about doing more hair studies as I find I really don't know much to do with it.
Here's just some spit for today. I'm taking a break from the armor girl for a bit to do some studies, and mess with some other stuff.
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Here's just a mix of some spit paints and other stuff. I'd forgotten to post the blue armor guy a while back, I did some small things to it.
I really wanna work on the first and second one, and maybe even bring one of them to a finish. Spitpaints are really good for that reason I feel. You can end up with a really quick start on an idea with promising features.
One thing I know I need to work on is having a longer, more drawn out process for a planned piece. There's not much I have right now that I could safely say is "portfolio worthy". Probably because I don't ever really take the time to make thumbnails, and plan everything out. More reason to fall in love with the process. :]]
In the mean time I'm filling up my sketchbook so I've got something substantial to post.
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I REALLY like a lot of the mood you've captured in your last post, Arch. Especially the Wolf Samurai looking guy and the knight with the glowing blades. Love the aggressive forward motion in the latter, and the at rest but still murderous intent of the former.
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Great stuff Arch, that first one with the shield and the glowy eyes it great. Really want to see that finished.
On the not of not having a planned out process and doing the groundwork for a portfolio piece: Do the bloodsports with us! It will really help solidify the process and forces you to output a finished piece, do the comp sketches, the studies etc. You dont neccessarily have to do this one, but me and Lyra will be reviving each of the bloodsports the first two weeks of every month for the next ~12-16 months, so theres plenty of time, if one comes up that tickles your fancy, jump in and we will all give feedback. Theres no real deadline either, if you wanted to hop in and do the second one, I'll def jump on give feedback along the way.
Anyway keep up the good work! Looking forward to seeing more.
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Hey, Crusader and Jaik. Thank you guys, it means a lot to hear awsome stuff coming from other people. It always lets me know I'm not sucking as hard as I think I am, hahaha.
Jaik, that is definitely something I may be interested in doing, and I had no idea they were being revived. There's plenty of BS's I haven't done, so I'll be keeping an eye of what sports are popping up. Thanks for letting me know, man. :]
Sorry guys for being gone for such a long time. I missed this place and its people so much, you don't even know. I was sick for a large portion of last week, between that and school work I haven't had as much time as I'd like to be super active aside from trying to just pass my classes.
Here's some paintings I was able to do, and there's a small shot of my organic project I've been busy with. I'm not the best at 3D, but I actually have been starting to have fun. Painting and 2D work is still more for me than anything, though, haha.
I stream every Sat, so if anyone is as lonely as I am, feel free to stop by. Lmao.
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Nice stuff man. That portrait in B&W looks really great. I like how loose the strokes look.
Keep on learning man, whether its school or art, you are still using your brain and that is what is important. If you apply structures of learning that you are discovering with studying art to school you will be top of the class AND a killer artist :D Keep on pushing. Every day all day. And then take breaks as necessary :P
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Wow, so nice to see your growth from page one to now. Your brushwork and use of color got so confident!
That banana...moon..face..guy is seriously creeping me out though >_<
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I absolutely love this one you did:
Its crazy, seriously. The colors, the movement.
With enough refinement it could totally amazing.
Seriously, keep posting the good stuff. :)
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Aw, thanks you guys. Reading all this brought a small tear to my eye, I really appreciate the kind words and feedback. :''']
Jaik- Thanks, man. I'm really trying to do as little schoolwork as possible and still continue passing classes, haha. It aint easy, but it's going to be worth it.
Lyraina- Wow, thank you. :D Haha, he is a bit of a creep I suppose. It was only until I was finished with him that I saw he resembled a banana/lemon more than a crescent moon.
Eduardo- Mannnnnnn, that means a lot. I would really like to revisit that. I think I stopped because I kinda hit a wall? I was enjoying it as well, I'll have to go back and give it another shot.
Alright, so here's some of the final renders of my LAST 3D project for school, emphasis on LAST. Seriously, I'm so done with 3D. I understand digging deeper into a subject, developing an interest, and broadening one's horizons, but I just flat out refuse when it to something so technical. It gave me so many problems, even in the moments when I found myself enjoying the task. I'm done. :DD
Enough complaining! Painting FTW. I've got a week off from school, so I can now make love to my tablet and make some art babies.
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I've got sketchbook pages to scan for tomorrow. Here's just a couple of meh studies from the other morning for the shield girly. I'm probably gonna do a few more armor/face studies to get the extra bit of confidence.
Also, I need stop making noses so damn long! Why is this even a thing? Damn it. Haha.
Anyone have any tips on how to constantly check yourself before you wreck yourself when it comes to art mistakes? I mean, aside from being aware of the problem at hand, and not being scared to start over when there's a mistake that needs erasing, etc. :'''D
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I really gotta start getting more sketches out. I admire pencils above all else, personally it's something I just want to achieve, is to have tasty pencils. Gotta twerk it harder.
These are from the past couple of weeks, and maybe a bit older. There's some OC stuff, I don't draw my personal stuff enough. Honestly, it terrifies me and I don't even know why, haha. I suppose every time I draw his face wrong, or somethig, I get that second-hand embarrassment feel. Everyone has already started doing some personal IP-ish stuff. Need to explore that more.
Also, I got a WIP coming soon! :DD
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Here's a WIP for now. Time to get to work. Hopefully I can finish this up over the weekend.
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Hello! Really nice sketchbook you got here man - especially your pencil sketches. I always think it's really awesome when someone does pencil drawings. And I see you're trying to achieve tastier linework - perhaps this link might be helpful.
Oh, and regarding your personal stuff - don't be embarrassed! It's your sketchbook, just draw whatever. (And you know, you don't necessarily have to post up ALL your works. You can always hide the not-so-good ones and just post the ones you feel are the best, haha. That way at least you can remove some of that pressure.)
Anyway, doing great man! Looking forward to that finished piece you got going on there.
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Thanks, Long! Man, Marko is amazing. I really need to watch his character design videos.
I suppose I'm just a bit hard on myself, haha. I really don't mind posting everything, especially the bad stuff. For some reason it really bothers me when there's an artist I look up to, and when I go through their archives of work there's none of their older crappier stuff to be found.
Thanks again. I'll be finishing her up soon enough.:]]
Here's some stuff from yesterday. The average kid developing supernatural-telekinetic-psychokinesis-ting-bing-boo-bah powers is something I like. I got studies, just posting one would be boring, maybe. :{
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Here's a couple of studies that I spent way too much time on, haha. I think a learned something, though. We'll see I suppose. :D
School is starting up again for me tomorrow. . . I'm really dreading it. I'm trying to make some bigger changes in my work ethic. School will just be more of an interesting obstacle. I've got some animation classes coming up, so hopefully I'll be able to find a way to share some of that with you guys. :]]