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You're on the right path Archreux, loving your lines and your face studies.
I'm on the same boat with the amount I still need to learn, I want to keep studying anatomy because that's my main focus but I can't shake off that I NEED to learn other stuff too so I don't become a one trick poney. It makes it haaard but it *will* payoff.
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Cyprinus- You're definitely right when it comes to learning. In the long run there is most definitely time to master anything you wish, so I can see the value in understanding the learning never ends. It makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing your stuff. I'll be trying to work out some solid schedule, or something. :]
Zan- Thanks, man! Yeah, I keep forgetting it never helps to always be thinking of things as a whole because it can completely overwhelm you. The payoff will most certainly be a tasty one. Thanks for stopping by! :D
No "new" stuff today, or paintings. School just started back up for me, I've only got roughly 6 more months till I graduate, and I'm starting to feel the fear. I hardly feel ready for "the real world". Nonetheless, I sorta like the fear, like I can use it to make myself better as I have no other choice unless I want to end up day-jobbing my immense debt away... The fight is real!! Every time I think of this I remember Algen wrote in his Conceptart sketchbook about how much he hated the idea of the day job (not doing what he loved), and he fought hard enough to win out of having do that.
Anyways, here's the animations I mentioned I'd been during my last quarter classes(3 months of work). I'm not really fond of animation, it's a lot of tedious reworking, nor am I all that good at it, but I did find moments where I was enjoying it. :]
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Here's a couple of speedy paints. The first week went great. My portfolio class is amazingly small, we talked business, and our first assignment is to find some freelance work! I'm anxious.
I'm still working on personal work . . . . I'm amazingly slow. Hopefully with each finished piece I get faster.
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The blue armor guy looks awesome! What school are you going to?
For the crit, I think the helmet can use some more light coming from those blue orbs(or flames?).
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Ben- Thanks, dude! Sure thing, and they're gonna be weird blue orbs of some kind of energy. Those will probably be the last things I figure out. I'm going to the Art Institute here in Minnesota for animation. Not the first school I'd have chosen, let me just say that much...
Didn't do much today on account of my arm feeling shitty from being up all night painting. I was able to work on this study throughout the day, though.
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Oh man, the colours in post #203... damn man, looks so awesome.
The armor studies are looking good. I hope you are planning on doing a personal piece applying some of this soon :) Or alternatively go back and apply it to the char with the sparks and apron on. Would make for a pretty strong piece.
Keep up the good work :) Hope the arm feels better soon!
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Jaik- Thanks, man! Yeah, I've still got a lot of work to do on the blue floaty guy, which is the main reason for all the studies. I'm gonna do my best to apply everything that I've learned so that it can come out looking alright. Thanks again. :]
Some old face stuff from a few weeks ago. I'm finishing the blue knight piece up today (I've been procrastinating...sorta, no other choice but to finish it today.) Haha. It will be up later.
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Damn, your lines have gotten so much more confident in a short period of time!
got any tips? :D
Just sketching outlines without building forms?
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Ooh those lovely armor studies ... and lines ... Looking forward to you application of all those studies.
For the blue floating guy, right now I feel like he's a bit too high... I know that he's supposed to look "high up", but to me it feels a bit crammed at the upper part of the canvas. Other than that - looking good, cool design!
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Great sketches above man (Y) !! And of course, lovin' the painterly armour studies, oh and the chic looks great as well!
Lol I sooooooo know that feeling about being slow with personal work. But it's a good thing, (apparently haha) yep, keep doing more and more and I'm sure with time, it'll get easier. For me it's hard to alternate/organise my schedule to account for studies, sketches/applying, personal/finished piece.
But aaah ~
Also, beat that procrastination in the faaacee man! It's pent up fear in the end. Procrastinating is simply a way of avoiding problems/work/things we fear.
Ohhh... arm problems?? Rest up, exercise, never push through it D: all the best man, hope it ceases soon!
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Yep, agree with all the people above, those armor are looking dope. Don't let procrastination get the better of you, and remember there is the stream! Lol!
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Birch- Thanks! Yeah, actually. Just be more aware of your lines, and think about where your strokes are going before you lay them down. Also, another thing I've been doing is going through the motions of making a stroke before doing any actual drawing. It gets the mind and body familiar with the movements. I've actually been trying to pay more attention to form, and I think that's really helped my confidence. I suggest reading Memory Drawing Perceptual Training and Recall.
Lyraina- Thanks for the crit, I changed some stuff around so it should be less crammed, I totally felt the same way. There won't be anything "new" for a while, although I've got a bunch of old works I'm trying to finish and will be applying the studies to.
smrrfette- Yeah, I'm definitely feeling better in the arm department. It's a thing that comes and goes depending on how hard I work myself. Procrastination is really a fickle bitch, haha. I'm doing my best to develop good habits. Thanks for all the kind words.
rafa- Yeah, man! I streamed yesterday, actually. No one really came in except for a friend of mine, it's great for productivity anyways. I usually post it in the CD chat, so come on in if you're looking to hang out. :D
I don't have much aside from a couple of the bigger paintings that I've been more than happy to keep busy with. I'm getting into a lot of local networking events, so that's also been taking up a lot of my time. Gotta go interact with other humans with similar interests, ya'know? Haha.
Oh, I didn't finish the blue knight. I'm sorry, guys, stuff happened. He is close, though. They're both fair game for crits, as usual.
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Okay, I think that it's actually finished. Getting that sense of what a painting feels like when it's finished is still something I'm not all too sure about. Hopefully when I start to "finish" more things I'll start to develop a stronger sense of this.
Anyways, I'm calling it done. Any feedback is always welcomed, as usual. :]
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I got around to scanning some more sketches and whatnot. My sketchbook has really been an art haven for myself as of late where I can do whatever I want without feeling an agenda weighing my creativity down. These last couple of paintings really weren't the best; they were old things I decided would be a good idea to finish. feelsbad.psd. Hah, It's embarrassing.
I really don't know where to go next. I'm liking the blue floaty guy, I'll finish him soon enough, and that will happen once these bad art feelings dissipate. There's a few other things I've got lined up for my classes that I am less than enthusiastic about.
- On one final note. Planned Parenthood is something to consider when painting. I've learned my lesson. Paintings are like your babies; your children. How can you raise a child if you don't plan for it? Haha. So that's what I've taken away from all this. Plan that shit out, son!
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That piece of the knight is looking good. Only thing I'd suggest is that the pink aura around their face could look a little more transparent.
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Stardust- Thanks for the input. I might go back and change some stuff.
Some speedy paints, just trying to get back in the groove.
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I've been invited by a teacher at my school to set up an artist table at a local gaming shop (Fantasy Flight Games if anyone's heard of them.) I'm pretty excited, it'll be my first real social art thing, and I'll be making some fighting game fan art for the occasion. :]
This is just me playing around. It felt great.
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Nice, grats!!! These invites are always nice. And I've heard about them, lol.
The studies are already paying off, keep it up.
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zanchetin- Thanks, man! Yeah, gotta get on attending lots of public things. It'll be fun, although I'm kinda nervous with it being my first time and all. It'll be nice.
Here's some speedies from today. I'll have sketchbook stuff really soon. I'm going to Ren Fest tomorrow with friends and will be there all day. Time to sip some mead and get some free looks in.