Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
Some imaginary sketches for a change (a bit Halloweenish...)

More imaginary stuff

An Anders Zorn study and some concept/composition sketch. The Zorn study was very interesting to do, because he used very light values and only subtle changes

Sketchbook study and sketch for fun. I also started doing more value studies. I take a reference (first row) and try to match the values with an opaque brush and without blending (second row). I don´t convert the reference to B&W while doing so! Only when I´m done, I copy the reference and change it to values only (Third row) Then you can check what you got right and what is off. This trains the eye to see values in a colored image

Some sketches for fun:

Study and imaginary sketch

Your pencil sketches really take my breath away, they are truly outstanding. I am so inspired looking at these. It's just graphite pencil yea?

You're my benchmark right now that I measure myself against! Keep doing what you do ^__^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
@JyonnyNovice: Wow! Such a wonderful compliment, totally blew me away and made my day! Thanks so very much! I´m using graphite pencils (2H, 2B and 6B for dark accents). For smoothing, I use a tortillion or a paper towel

Quick study and imaginary sketch (felt like doing some female anatomy)

Agree with Johnny there, your sketches are looking really great. Also love that Bouguereau study on the previous page, impressive work.

@ Craig Paton: Thanks a lot, that encourages me to continue studying :)

Sketch and study:

Here is also a step by step of my process for the mining gnome above since JyonnyNovice asked me about that (explanation below):

1. Gesture with some basic forms with 2H pencil
2. Adding basic anatomy and sketching out the face
3. Adding clothing design
4. Adding more details to clothing design
5. Slightly erase everything and go over the drawing with a 2B pencil to clean up everything
6. Add basic shading and cast shadows with a 2H pencil
7. Smooth out shading with a tortillion/paper towel
8. Add occlusion shadows and smooth out again with 2B pencil and tortillion
9. Rework the shadow areas, defining more form with 2H and 2B pencils
10. Finish the drawing with a 6B pencil to accent the darkest parts

Thanks so much for taking the time to do that! It's really helpful for me, and I'm sure other people too!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
A finished Bouguereau master study. some Bargue drawings and a not so great ice-elf sketch

Another Bargue and some sketches. Need to do more lighting studies....

Some lighting studies and a...well, don´t know...goblin? Evil Dobby?

I´m trying to more comfortable using corel painter as I really like the brushes, but some things are just awkward for a PS user. Here are some sketches:

A quick value portrait sketch and another advisor character

Really nice value work in your sketches! love your ideas
Here are some more studies (mostly light) and a sketch that was really awful to do. Sometimes you just can´t get a drawing to do what you want. It is rare, but this one was such a drawing. Completely erased it about 6 times and started again. Could have taken it a step further, but I was fed up with it.

Oh yeah, it's a pain in the arse when you just can't get a piece as you want it. Maybe if you hadn't already, you could've done some preliminary sketches? Anyway, nice studies, I like the smooth texture of your graphite work.
@rainbowsorknives & StardustLarva: Thanks very much!


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