smrrfette's Odyssey
Samszym - oh yes! Vilppu is king! I happened upon him a couple of weeks ago. His methods seemed to have clicked with me more so than the other masters. Oh and thank you very much for the advice on negative space! There's always so much thinking going on at life drawing that I haven't been able to just take a step back and see how my work reads. Thanks man :D

Samarus - haha not like an actual competition against each other per say - but instead, exactly what you just stated ^ ^' I share the same values as you! Wow thanks man :D yep! Lets keep kicking dat butt ;)

mosqueira - aww yea, beginners ftw man! :3 thanks for the advice, I'll take that on-board <:

JhonnyVDB - haha hey man, thank you! Indeed, there shall be more stuff! xD

Wraeclast - ohai! Thaaaaanks :D

Thank you all for dropping by! <3

Super duper rough thumbs for the August colour-scheme challenge @ deviantart:

need to learn how to paint women!! So here are some studies... I still don't enjoy studying anatomy from photos - but at least I learned something!

Tried applying what I learned, will have to finish tomorrow morning before yoga (about 1hour in) will be doing a a lot more of these. I learned heaps today

aaaaand a sketchbook page.

Man I have so much that I need to learn - the real lesson is not becoming overwhelmed by it all and staying both organised and focussed on each task!

Finish that chic, muscles, skin, colour-scheme challenge, work on faerie piece (better comp)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Yes, this is getting very serious, if you look at your page 1 and page 10-11, huge improvements :) Watching ya constantly from now on , buahahah ! :D

Yes, channel your thoughts, keep focused and you sure will improve alot! Nice studies! I'm excited to see more from you!

Matija Vuk - ohai you! Aw thanks, baby stepping my way :) getting pumped for some muscle studies? ;) I just realised: timezones suck haha

Art.ful - thanks man! Will do :)

study from life -- I have terrible lighting in my room, even with the window open :c daaaaaamn yooooou fluorescent light bulbs! *wags fist*

Forgot all about that colour-scheme challenge thingy I promised myself I'd complete... well, I completed it... in an hour. Got bored of it, What was first a very inspired sketch turned into... this. :/

MMA studies - drawing out the fighters in various positions and laying the muscles on top - have yet to apply this D:

Nude study ~1-2hours, painted completely on a white background -- and damn was it hard. The brightness of the white throws your colour-perving off. It was interesting though!

Aaaand finished the nude chic from imagination. She reminds me of those "butt pirates" Ashley was talking about in Mass Effect 3... ;)
Anyways I pushed it as much as I could... looks so flat. But I'm... okay with it considering it's my first female painted from head.

Lots to do tomorrow! \(^▽^@)ノ

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
:) I lub u <3
Fedodika - <3 u 2 :D

Soooo today, I didn't get as much done as I'd like :/ I blame that still-life (why I kept at it, I don't know) for crashing on me as I was 3/4 through the first time. So I restarted it, taking a good 4-5hours out of my day :'( -- oh well, I learned a lot from it.

I managed a couple of figure studies in pencil for Matija Vuk and I's new study group "Fearless Mofos" before my hand starting being lame and crying out: "please... stahp dis.. pain pls stahp...master... :'c"

some digitally - working on values and form

"H2Ohai" i dont even kn-

and before bed, I started a Character Generator piece, getting me to apply what I learned todaaayayayay.

Need to finish it tomorrow morning, <3

because right now, I'm dead :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
OOoh nice work! :D Love the color pieces, great colors.
Haha I need to really study anatomy too.

Anatomy and Life Studies, ooooooh yes! Keep going Thumbs_up

tough guys! I love these last anatomy studies!

Ursula Dorada - thanks you! :D haha can't ever get enough of dem anatomy studies ;)

atrenr - haha yase! Aye aye cpt! Thanks man :D

Rognoll - aww yeeeea! Thanks Rognoll! :D

Thanks for stopping by guys, means a lot. :)

Started with a quickie sketch, I feel I want to contribute to the Speedpainting Thread in CD ~
maybe by doing one a day I'll improve on 'em. Plus, there's the Spitpaints :)

Attempted to draw myself - looks nothing like me yet again, woot! The eyes, head shape, mouth, etc. are off. I need to do some more facial feature studies. Took me like 10mins to draw the lips. -_-

The lines looks exceptionally shitey today because my hand was getting all whiney again. He was all: "pls. nu. cannot, no NO. NOT AGAIN. NO. NO WTF STAHP"
so yea.
Took a break, went for a walk, came back and went digi, about 1.5hours (new PB :D) though ofc it looks nothing like me:

Did a leather study with 2 variations. One from the ref, the other from my head.

Aaaand finished this guy (sort of) before bed.

I need to rest my hand, its being weirder than usual. So I stopped about 2hours in D: so much potential! But I'm done with ol' Royce Arias, for there are zillions of characters to be generated and loved c:

P.s. ALL OF THE AIRBRUSH ;_; until I get a handle on form some more... it shall be abused. Only next time, I'll tighten up them edges, 'cause Hexdamn they bad.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wow, I really love the life studies! They are so shiny, and though you picked "colorless" subjects (like a spoon and water), the colors look really good.

p.s. Hope you stretch those hands out a lot!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Love that water bottle.
Tygerson - hey thanks! Hopefully not too shiny ;) thanks man :D

Overthot - haha cool thanks you! c: !

Here's just some of the stuff I've been doing...

Been reading Loomis lately - he really is the master. Focussing this week on heads. Maybe next week as well and then hands, because lol hands right?

unfinished sketchbook pages, been going back and forth between them, realised I can't stay on one page too long anymore.

Going on somewhat getaway with aunt and uncle for about the rest of the week, so I won't be able to do any digital stuff, hopefully I can squeeze in some sketchbook seshes ;) no. I will make time for sketchbook seshes!

Will be updating daily again when I get back, I'll miss you, daggers :') though I'll still be checking out sketchbooks!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
ugh i hate when my hand hurts >.<. ya gotta take that break though, else you'll wind up like dan luvisi and be outta the game for a couple months :( scary
Great work here, I'm really liking your lip studies. Also, it's amazing to me how much you've improved just going through your sketchbook. Thanks again for the helpful posts you gave me.

Fedodika - for sure :( I did manage to rest it during my getaway so hopefully no Luvisi repeat D:!

JonVenske - no worries and thanks :)!

All of the random unfinished junk it's terrifying... I really don't know why I'm posting some of these, but hey! Like I've said before, it is a sketchbook -- more like sketchblog. I'ma post my good days and bad, no matter what (:/)

so I've yet to post my sketchbook pages but I'll update with some (ugh) digis:

30mins ea:


fabric study

more junk from imagination.

This sketch was inspired by RO. I figured whenever I get all nostalgic about a game -
why not just draw while listening to the game's OST and see what happens?

I realised after reading this thread that I've been doing way too many studies over actual work from imagination again. So I'm really going to focus on doing things from imagination and then taking note of what was difficult to paint from head etc. Gotta constantly experiment and find new ways to learn.

Also: the "getaway" was fun. More than fun.

That experience in itself a whole lot of things into perspective - not only to do with art, but loved ones in my life. When I got back to reality i.e. home, I took a day to hang back and be with loved ones.

Now I'm back in full gear and ready to rock! Lets keep at it daggers!!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Yeaah more imagination stuff! Bunch of prolific work! Great job :D
Really like that falconeer sketch, obviously for the helmets sake! For the sake of some sort of armor continuity you could have the helmet's pattern throughout her design. That's something I've started to explore recently atleast!
Great anatomy studies too. The ones that look like they're painted with a hairbrush rock my socks.

killer studiess!!! wwwoooww, your getting great with anatomy and colors ! keep up the good work!

the stuff about imagination is so true; tehmeh made a post about it on 4 chan that he just wasted 2 years of his life just doing photo refs and self portraits; in order to improve you gotta think!
beautiful sketchbook! reminding me to get back to my pencils. have you read color and light by james gurney yet? if not you should definitely check it out. keep it up

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