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Bjulvar - thanks a bunch for the feedback!! I have to agree, the vert lines really made it static and even more boring :/ and yes I do! They make you think on your feet while using PS, getting you to experiment and whatnot :) you should join!
Read a lot of stuff and something clicked with form... not much to show today but soon... (/^▽^)/
couple of 30min speedies and a bit of pencil stuffs, quickish studies from posespace and a refless half-dude.
Going to a shooting range tomorrow for the first time <: hopefully I can take pictures!
Then I have a cousins 21st... lets see how much work I can get done alongside completing yoga & my 1hr walk o_O
Bring it!
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"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Dis one soogood :O!!
And you're one fu**ing active person, omg, I have the disposition to draw, but yoga/parachutes/shooting/soccer and moving the rest of my body in general, nope xD
10 pages already hey!
About the finished one, I really love the bg, maybe the main guy could use some more defined areas, but it's looking great :D...I mean, still suck!!
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"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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I know it's hard, the frustration and all, but I'm 110% sure that it means that something is going to "click" for you very soon, just power trough!
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I am liking much of what I see.
Your sketches are just that: sketches. Use them for idea generation, learning exercises, etc. If you are identifying the positives, AND the negatives within the work, that is a great thing. One of the challenges that I come across as I work to improve, slowly mind you, is that when I do begin spotting the issues, I have to battle against muscle memory. When you are so used to putting down some of your marks incorrectly, it becomes a challenge to retrain your hands to place the lines, paints, etc. where you want them, and not fall into your old ways.
The faery piece is a bit early to give crits, but I am liking the thumbs more than the current iteration of the work. I think it has to do with the energy level in the thumbs...they look great, full of energy, and the WIP for your painting is looking a bit less energetic. Have you considered blowing up the thumbnail? If you blow it up and lower the opacity, you can draw over the top while maintaining the energy level you've captured in the thumbnail.
Looking forward to seeing how this image progresses. And remember to have fun with it.
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M. Calza - hey man, thanks for the motivation! Means a lot that you even bother to check out my junk even when I'm down in the dumps. I really hope so, only time will tell! Thanks again for lifting my spirits and lol I never really used to be... 2013 was the year of change for me ;) hahas. I figure, why not? YOLO RIGHT? LOL 
p.s. yes! show me the pics from the sculpture!!
brianjohnson - whoa, thanks man! Mhm I do know what you mean -- having doodled all throughout primary-high school, I'm still fighting the multitude of bad habits I've formed with drawing for e.g. huge mofo'ing heads! Haha :3
oh yes! I agree! It has lost a lot of the energy from the thumb. I'll try what you suggested for sure when I get back to work on it (hopefully tomorrow!) and will remember to ;)
thanks again!
Needed to kick my ass into gear from moping about this week. I've adopted an ideology to get past all the crap happening in life right now. All credit goes to Sickbrrrrruuuuuuuuush
Today was all about perspectiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiveeeee!!
I still act like a pansy when it comes to perspective - so I punched it in the face today.
More to do tomorrow!
And made sure to get at least one little poop in before bed.
Ugh, proportion right? And muscles. Gotta work on them.
Also need to do some Vanderpoel!
Anyways, night daggers, mucha love.
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Nice studies and thumbs.
I understand your mood very well, but the bad moods make the breakthroughs so much sweeter. Keep fighting!
Nice perspective grids. I like that illustration at the end, the jumping legs have a lot of motion in them.
Nice stuff! The improvement from just earlier this year to now is so apparent, it's amazing! I love your life drawings, they're so fluid~
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DeLeonxxx - hey thanks man, that really means a lot! ^^ I will, forever and ever!
deerheadlights - why thanks you :)
opkluu - wow thanks! :D it's nice to hear there is some kind of improvement visible haha
thanks for dropping by guys <3
Vanderpoel studies, a couple of eyes from photos (and a quick, quick 1/2 sketchbook page before bed -- I need to do more dammit!!)
note to self: need to work on head-hair, head 3D
quick toadstool studies for the faery piece,
and a sketchy poop. Unfiniiiished because CS6 crashed during colouring and eh. Lost interest. :/
black and white sketch:
'til next time!
Bushwalk tomorrow morning in the Blue Mountains with some friends, I'm gonna die :D
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"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Ahh, the crash. Its a shame, the sketch looks good in color, balanced (maybe a cool/warm color balance?)
And YES! Vanderpoel! The values look very subtle, just like the originals!
Keep going smrrfette!
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TonariNoPunpun - thanks you buddy! Hmm indeed, haha now that I think of it... teal and orange *shivers* I'm over-using that contrast almost as bad as they do in Hollywood :P
will do!
Not much today at all!
Need to pick up my game... this is just shameful.
Oh well, it's the end of a bad week. Tomorrow's looking brighter already!
So, I painted part of my breakfast, about 1hr:
unfinished - planes, skin tone study using anatomy from posespace (must apply)
sketchbook page from head
Life drawing tomorrow!
I'm gonna kick everything in the face.
Bring on beautiful Monday!
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Cool studies, you are improving :) I love those perspective exercises you do, very helpfull. Btw, you are a member of Noah's art camp ? What's your name ? :)
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Woah !
That's a really impressive sketchbook you have here ! You seem to be progressing quite fast which is awesome !
I feel like I have to work a lot more now if I want to catch up with your skill!
Keep up the good work :D
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Matija Vuk - heya Matija, all in baby steps but haha thanks! Sure am, my name is "Steph Emara" ;) if you want to look me up on Facebook :), though I recently decided to take a break from it - it's still activated, I just don't use it :{ dem distractions.
Samarus - hahaha thank you man xD oooh, do I smell some healthy competition? ;) mwahah!
I'll be sure to pop by your sketchbook after I get some schleep.
So I managed a couple of studies.
Furrr study & then applied it to an over-due 30min spitpaint theme... because that's just how I ro-- yeah no :P
Eye study, need to do so many of these & apply 'em ahmahgad.
morning sketch which... I don't even kn-
note to self: more skin studies.
Went to life drawing... COULD HAVE DONE BETTER GIRL WTF. You weren't thinking hard enough, your brain wasn't fried after ward, hence why you're still able to type coherently.
excuse the crap quality. Took some semi-decent shots for the 5-15min poses.
goal tomorrow - paint some skin from imagination!
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Really nice stuff! Studies and application are looking great. Your figure drawing method sort of reminds me of Glen Vilppu's, are you familiar with him? I think his drawing manual's worth studying if you can get a copy.
Not sure readability is something you're concerned about in these figures, but I think slapping a darker tone in the negative space would really help them pop out. Make it more of a light-on-dark read.
Keep killin' it :D
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Haha, maybe it's some kind of competition , I don't know. For me it's more like challenging my ability to work harder and to get better. It's so inspiring and motivating to see fellows artists growing so fast and getting so good !
I'm definitely going to follow your progress ! :D
Okay, time form me to make something worth viewing to put in my sketchbook now !
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Nice studies! Good to see another beginner work around here.
For the perspective studies with photos, I recommend you start drawing through and guess where the rest of the building is in space. It helps a lot when drawing from imagination a quick sketch.
Keep working hard! xD
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wow a lot of studies down here! Great stuff and great motivation! Keep it up. It would be awesome to see more stuff :D
I can't really give u some feedback in here. I wish i could do more
Great sketchbook! :D Your work looks awesome ^.^