smrrfette's Odyssey
your linework has improved tremendously over the past few weeks. can't wait to see where this is heading :). keep it up
yea I'm abit of the stickler for traditional materials as well, maybe its ocd lol.

looks like you're weeding out your big heads so thats awesome, keep it up!

trying limiting your shading to 3 distinct values for rounded volumes and 2 distinct values for angled volumes?

Awesome, just amazing to see your progress, the last sp is great!! :D:D
This is so f* inspiring!

Tec - wow haha thank you and thank you for the inspiration Tec! :D!

anzhou - that's good ocd! traditional media kicks ass, ;D haha yeah, sorta - they come back every now and then when my brain begins flicking to mindlessness :/ ooh and thank you for the tip! I really do have trouble understanding value relationships with shading forms. D: need to work on simple value ranges and work my way up! But thanks again! ^^

M. Calza - hey you! wow thank you a loooot for posting that comparison... I'm always so tired by the end of the day that I never just take a minute to reflect on my previous work o_o I always knew my first SP was bad, but THAT BAD? Haha thank you again!

Today I spent the whole day/night creating a foolproof concentration/study area (FINALLY) no more crappy music/TV playing from the other rooms etc.
Still playing it safe with my hand, only managed to do a couple of sketches I'm not happy with at all:

except for the fact I found a bunch of new surfaces and mediums while making up my room - including: yellow paper :D

can't wait for tomorrow
nn daggers x

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

I had some kind of revelation today. I realised... that....


I never realised just how mindless my study methods were when it came to studying from books. All I used to do was :
1. copy the diagram
2. learn from it
3. ???
4. profit!

Or at least I thought?
Man, that was silly of me. Anyway, I realised I really need to pay attention when I'm trying to learn things, damn. It may be the new concentration room I put together -- I can hear my own thoughts for once :3

So I studied hands today - but like, studied and actually learnt more about form and how to study form than ever before. The kind of study that makes your head sore :)
Just the dorsal side for now

did a value sketch to break it up ~2hours, I feel I learned a lot from this one

and refless sketches to apply what I learned:

Lesson learned: pay attention!!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
good job on upping your game smrr :) reading real volumes!

Inspiring stuff!
Those last designs are extremely interesting!

Good job on the realizations of your study methods :)

I want myself a drawing room :( instead of the couch or computer desk :p

Anyway, great sketches you have there ^^ keep it up!
anzhou - thank you aaaaaaanzhou! ^^! I feel I'm finally understanding form a bit better :)

JGZ - haha thanks you!

Rognoll - ooh thanks! Although personally I don't really see any *design* in those last ones, nor these ones - just loosey goosin' about :3 connecting lines and focussing more on applying what I've learned throughout the day.

SpectreX - hey you :) haha thank you, though once I realised I managed a good couple of these:

It really is great to finally have some personal space. A luxury I must admit...

Thanks for stopping by guys, <3

Sooo, a couple of palmar side of the hand studies today as well as frontal arm studies

stuff from imagination - trying to apply... could have done more though. Mm.
Also; I definitely prefer sketching in portrait

but had the urge to do a quick master study:

about 2hrs 10mins? I got a lot out of it, though later on I plan to spend a lot longer on these. Also, my tablet pen pen pressure system was acting erratic - going from soft to 100% hard strokes like using a mouse :/ no idea why. Need to fix this.

I shall return in the morning, energised to browse through sketchbooks
but for now,
nighty night daggers <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
More studies
Not happy with today's work, should have followed what I had planned.
Mm. That's what tomorrow's for I guess, after having lunch with le father.

hands, arms, hands, arms.

2.5hr metal study:

piece of imagination I gave up on, while in the daggers Hangout with some hilariously awesome peoples!

and le crap - wasn't thinking. I should have gone back in my room to concentrate. Too much noise argh

Feeling pelvis, hips, legs and feet tomorrow.
nn daggers <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wow, your sketchbook is awesome! that progress so incredible.
I really love your anatomy studies. so accurate.

why are hands and feets so difficult to draw?Thinking
keep on with the beautiful work!!
See you!

♥ ♦ ♣ ♠
Also you can visit:
C.D. Sketchbook
My personal blog
Your anatomy studies are looking pretty strong, I think that when you start working on skin tones you'll be an unstoppable character artist.
Those hand and arm/shoulder studies look great. I also really like the little girl with the kitten.
Keep up the good work.

We are losing atmosphere...
lookin great smrr! your studies are paying off so keep at it!

ps: take breaks and stretch regularly so you don't break your hand now heh

Solid improvement and nice volume of work! You seem to be putting in a lot of work so i have nothing to suggest really, i should be doing what your doing heh. Keep it up!
Man, havent been here in a while.. That was silly of me. This is such a great sketchbook, the big sworded guy with the big ass hair looks really cool, should do more of that kind of stuff :D Your traditional sketches are awesome too, would love to flick through one of your sketchbooks xP

artleech - woo! Thank you buddy :D haha because then the life of the aspiring artist would be easier :3

Finnjamin - thank you Finnjamin :D

Sargatanas - haha thanks you man! :)!

anzhou - thank you anzzhhhhouuuu! And haha definitely taking that advice! Also, thanks again for the help yesterday!

Inkling - :o thank you Inkling! If you find anything in the future, criiiit me to deeeeath lol

Jaik - hahaha :D the big-sworded guy with the big-ass hair is the kind of stuff I love! Weird, goofy, creepy - I just need to learn how to paaaaaint and there'll definitely be more to come! Thank you Jaik! :)

Ended up starting my Deathline yesterday (2 July), as I was called out the day before (1 July) very unexpectedly. I was feeling very anxious the whole time I was out not painting/drawing. Ive never really felt that before... so that was interesting. But I did learn a lot on that day, took loads of pictures to study from and got inspired by a bunch of things, so it was a nice 'last-day-out' with friends (aside from soccer).

Been learning how to blend, working with values, trying new things + anatomy some study and read a lot yesterday.

I worked on 3 other digital pieces, but became too frustrated and stopped working on them.
These ones are showable - mainly focussed on blending and value.
Built up using shape only, 1hr time restraint:

ended up half-finished. Spent waaaay too long on this, like way too long on this - and for what? *sigh

Aaand another:

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Is that Moses or Zeus? You look the most relaxed on that one. The other two statue studies seem more forced, but Moses/Zeus shows confident brush strokes, at least to me.
Leg studies are looking good. The knee area is such a mystery to me.

We are losing atmosphere...
Sargatanas - Haha to be honest, I'm not quite sure who this sculpt is of :( I found it through Anatomy 4 Sculptors on le Facebook, I know of its location but that is all D:
yeaaah, I'd have to admit, I did feel a lot more confident with that study... mm... I need to channel that moment again!
They are indeeeed a mystery -- although, they're becoming a bit easier now that I'm studying the structure of the leg. :D it'll help uncover more and more of its mystery ;)
Thanks for stopping by!

Bleeeending practise, because I suck at painting. :D.
A photo study (drastically changed)
Did some skull studies before I went into noses
And stuff from imaginananation:

Nigella, is dat 'choo?

Understanding form and planes helps a bucket-load!
need sleep, looking forward to tomorrow morning - green tea in hand, checking out some sketchbooks and deciding on a CD challenge for this week!
NN daggers! ^^

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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