smrrfette's Odyssey
don't be afraid of color you know how values work!

I like the big nose lady :3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fucking awesome sketches! Really digging the variation on the head silhouette chicks even if they were quickerz.

Keep up with the value sketches, I think it will help doing a lot of b&w drawings. Color is pretty important.

See lots of improvement from the start, keep it sexy!

alexashbyart - Aaaah, thanks a lot Alex! I agree, have lots to learn :D haha I'll attempt to keep it sexy ;)

Fedodika - Trueeeee-ish D: could always be better though haha, but yeah it's more structure I need to work on :3 thanks as usual doooood!

crappa crappa

I think this is it for the ¯\(°_o)/¯ mood I've been in for the past couple of days.

And I say that because when I step out of my normal routine of getting things done - studying, exercising, etc. Things go downhill. Haha :/ basically, my noggin gets filled to its capacity with nothing but brainfarts.

Deleted so many .psd files today lol

Anywaaaay, here, have some crap, sketchbook:

Tomorrow's a new day, let's pick it up woman!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Some nice sketches today! I think the brush strokes on the muscles are retry solid, same with the cooler colored shadows. I feel the proportions are a little off but I don't think that was what the study was about. Looking forward to more :D

hey smrrftt, just had a quick look through your sketchbook. Your progression is really showing, you can be proud of yourself. not trying to sound patronizing, it is just very obvious that you got way better.

I liked the morphed - dead eyed - face a lot and all the work you put into before comitting. Some of your pencils look a bit skewed to me. like you lean your head a lot to one side, when you draw with pencil. Like the first Loomis study in post #391. also sometimes the eyes of your faces seem to be on another line than the nose or mouth, which leads to slightly off-balanced-looking expressions. maybe studying more perspective would do the trick for that. I can recommend the CTRL Paint tutorials by Matt Kohr, but I am sure you have tons of ressources already ^^

Other than that I can only give you the tip I got myself a month ago. that is to do every study twice. once from reference, then again from memory. It makes you pay more attention when doing the first study and forces you to really rely and test what you learned in the second study.

Just keep pushing yourself, you came a long way already. Just be honest about your shortcomings like you have been and it will be good.


Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

Flo - Haha trust me I don't take offence to that kind of comment at alllll! I know how terribad I was when I started studying in 2013 :P I still am now of course, but things are getting a little easier in some respects... so yeah, thank you!

My pencils suck balls D: it's ironic that I love to draw and yet still don't know how to haha. Mhm, I completely and utterly agree with ya, Flo! And thank you kindly for the suggestion on watching some CTRL+Paint tutes (it's a site that I knew about back at the start of 2013... but never took advantage of)! I've already checked out a couple vids and I can feel the knowledge pouring in through my... nose o_O
But seriously, I'll say it again, thank you muchly for taking the time to provide me with some (much needed) critique!
I've taken all of it on-board and plan on kicking those weaknesses in the face... (which I've already started doing :D)

Keep killing it! o/

alexashbyart - whaddup Alex :D! Thanks man (though I feel like crap about them as per usual haha) yeah it was more focussed on general location within the skeleton ~
thanks for dropping by! ^ ^

Couple o' sketches and studies today:




'Cause like. It pisses me off that I still can't draw faces. :D

So like. Yeah!

Focussing more on form and structure than anything nowadays. Opening my feeble mind up to new concepts... always trying new ways of thinking and observing and drawing

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Yooo, thanks for the comment smrffete!!
those faces are coming along nice! Can't really think of a definite crit about them XD Maybe try drawing more angles? show us some top and bottom views and profiles, and more 3/4 views where the nose breaks the outline instead of the ear! It's tough to get the eye foreshortened right when it turns that far...
If you have a little hand mirror you can look at when you're drawing these that would help immensely, I keep mine right next to my drawing desk so I can just position my own head any way I want, and make stupid faces all the time.

Just keep practicing, faces and hands are the toughest things to draw good! Time and effort will pay off!

Your drawings have nice values. Thats something I should practice more. Its good that you're focusing on forms. Just try doing lots of construction drawings for a bit and dont even worry about adding value to them. The point is to just practice visualizing objects in 3D and turning them around in space. Draw your subjects as basic shapes and build it up into a wire frame. Eventually your brain will turn into a 3D modeling machine!

Hypnagogic_Haze - Hahah yes! That's what I'm working on improving now :) today I realised I couldn't even draw the wireframe of a sphere haha. Lots to work on D: thanks for the feedback, it's muchly appreciated and taken on-board!

kidult - Will definitely keep going hard at it! Faces mostly, followed by hands and feet. Just gotta improve my understanding of form... badly ;_; thanks, kidult!

Samszym - No worries man :D!
Haha yep, I tottaaally agree, believe me. I always start out wanting to draw a head on an angle - but then my brain is all: *too much to process rrrr.r...r.. must.. draw... boring-g-g.. r..r-r angle*. But whoa, hey! That's a really cool idea! Will be sure to try it out! Thanks muchly for the feedback! ^ ^

Weak update is weak! I tell ya I'm focussing on forms. That's all there is to it!

So yeah, just sketches - otherwise it'd just be an update full of spheres in space with gestures and more spheres :P so anyway,

These are terrible, I know.

I think the only way I'll be able to force myself to draw interesting angles is to fight that fear and bust out some seriously ugly attempts until I get it right, ffs! Right now my mind is in "but if you draw a head at thiiiis angle, it'll look okay! :D"

Let me be clear, crazy voice in head:


Fight your goddamn fears, woman >.>
and yeah I'm going a little insane.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
You improved and gained a lot knowledge since the fist post. Your forms and values are great! In my opinion your on the right track, keep up the good work!

the way you draw people is so unique! be proud, like algen once said, "You'll always be on your own level so you'll never like your own stuff" i think algen said that haha.. i wanna see MOAR!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
love the quality of your digital paintings, I need to get my lighting to look that good

Hmmm...try going back to basic loomis method of constructing the head. That's what I did just recently, and it MADE MEE THE BEST!!! nah, but it really helped push the concept further into my braaaaains.

Proko teaches how to draw the head from many angles using the loomis method very very well.

You watched these right? I forget, but in case you haven't or forgot how helpful his instruction is, here is a playlist to the videos:

The girl in the bottom of the diamond/comp sketches looks like you, kinda sorta I think...

Hey, smrrfette! Still chipping away at those drawings I see, which is great! I think you could benefit from doing a little more construction before getting into the actual face. Keep at it!

atrenr - Indeeeeed, chipping away, albeit slowly haha. I agree, definitely need to work on my construction ~ I also think I need to open my mind up to new ideas... like all the time :3 thanks for dropping by man :D

Mannyhaatz - Yep, it's all about Loomis for now Man :D oohohoho, I've gotta check them out! Thanks a lot for the links and feedback man, always appreciated-!
And LOL OUCH! That one hurt hahaha... although, I can see why you think that... my self-portraits aren't exactly the best representation of myself ;_;

Peppermint Butler - thank you muchly man :D I still have a a buttload to work on though (... and then there's the notion of "your eye is always a better painter than your hand, blah, blah haha) and you sure as hell can, I believe in you!

Fedodika - meehhhhh D: honestly, I'm not thinking about how I draw when I draw haha. My state of mind as I'm drawing is all like:
[Image: BMWkgZD.gif]
And haha that quote from algen is very true! But yeah thank you always Fedodika! Always maintaining my momentum!

Sir-lex - Thank you Sir-lex! It's humbling to hear that people think I've improved haha ^_^ true though, I feel I have learned a lot - though I feel my understanding of form and value are my weakest link MWAHAH! Thank you again! :D

Thank you all for stopping by, you're so wonderful! haha

Mmk, still working on faces, etc etc etc
Needs more cowbell... I mean - Loomis


sketchbook page, applying:

Lots to work on... such as drawing basic forms, because as I stated earlier in the Shoutbox - I can't even draw the conrours of a sphere :D *facedesk*

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wow your latest face studies came out great! Whether you continue like that or go back to more basic stuff I think doesn't matter that much. Faces are hard to get right especially putting them in perspective. This is stuff that comes with time and practise.

The only thing I would suggest is do another long face study. Really push is to it's absolut limit to get shapes right and then do some quick stuff again.

Anyway nice work! :)
Zipfelzeus - ooooh, awesome idea! I'll try it out! Thanks for the feedback, Zipfelzeus :D

Some family came over to discuss a houseboat trip organised for next Friday for over the weekend (...I swear I'll be sketching this time - or so help me, Hex! Also, I hope there'll be reception this time o_o I'll be ticked if I can't continue with my daily sketchbook uploading)!

Anyway, spent the day researching ~

But I need to post something everyday! So, 'ere's another sketchbook page.

Yeah, the proportions and stuff is whack.

Night daggers o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
gahh those faces are amazing! your progress getting is ridiculous :D

hey smrrfette, did you know that you flippin' rock and every time I visit your sketchbook I wish I was working harder?


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