smrrfette's Odyssey
awesome article, thanks for posting that! Cool Joker too, Chinese medicine says artistic types have an excess of 'yang' (creative, warm, big ideas etc.) but as a result have less 'yin' (cool, logical, ability to get things done), so it's probably a bigger and more important challenge than people think to have an idea / plan / offer to draw something for someone and stick to it! Good luck with it : )

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Nice lines. Also digging those clean gestures.

crackedskull - (lol @ nice lines, clean gestures) cheers cracked! let's keep working! <:
JyonnyNovice - let it be your creed too, Jyonny ;D thanks for the comment -- what you said really resonates with me!

Guess who punk'd herselffff?
Aaaaaaaiiiiiiii diiiiiiddddddddd.

About 85% complete AND - wait for it... it wasn't actually due by the end of tonight lololol.
I have until 5-5:30PM tomorrow, but I made a fake deadline because lol.

Now I can finish it up before 12pm, do some studies, clean the house a bit.

Feels good.

lemme take a moment to celebrate...

schwaet draemz doaggerz o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
That reminds me, one of our teachers in art school pulled a fake deadline stunt on us aswell, it proved to be quite effective.

Will do!... as soon as I google what creed means :)

Joker is looking cool! It's supposed to be through a camera phone right? I totally got that from the line drawing but in the painting it's not so clear, maybe needs a phone screen border or some more contrast between the thumb / buttons and the rest of the image, I know it's still wip but thought I'd mention it. Keep rocking!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
JyonnyNovice -haha xD hey thanks Jyonny! Yeah he's totally taking a selfie lmao. yeah have to agree, that wip was jumbly... hard to see what was going on. I hope I managed to fix that... and account for different screen calibrations and/or printing brightness... but anyway! gotta keep working! thanks for the comment!

crackedskull - hahahaaaaaa best teacher! funnily enough, my visual arts teacher used to pull the fake deadlines on us when we were supposed to bring in our theory homework lol. thanks for popping by cracked, I gotta swing by your sketchy soon!


Idk how I feel
but I know I'll get better and and and - I finally understand what master studies are for and I need to do more of those bad girls.

Also. I'm gonna take a nap before the party!

'til next time <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Whats up smrr,
Solid linework, got some nice construction and line weights happening. cool idea for the joker painting, keep on pushing it!

Ben Nissen - cheers Ben! <3 <3 lots to work on! and right back at ya! :D

not gonna lie, fell flat on my face after the Joker painting. saw it the next morning, and my brain funked out. had an art block for 1.5 days... yesterday I did the perspective things, plus some shitty drawings. Today I studied Bridgman's anatomy and did some drawings to get out of that brain funk -- aaaaand I'm out :)




also, experimenting. quick late night doodles tonight

now I g2g to bed to combat this fc@*&#^ng insomnia! o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Nice balance between studies and work from imagination. This camel/ape creature is brilliant. strong profile and nice design. Keep it up!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
[Image: post-38815-Waynes-World-Were-Not-Worthy-g-vpD0.gif]

Fedodika - lmfao aaaaaah, always making me smile :3
constructicon - cheers constructicon! gotta keep experimenting <3
IrishWhiskey - PARTY TIME! EXCELLEEEENTTT! but really, I am not worthy. you're too kind, IrishWhiskey!

I slumped out on studies today

so I experimented and realised the value of texture. really interesting stuff I'd like to work with some more on my digitals.

cleaned up this chic from my sketches above ^

i think i'm realising more and more the importance of just having fun with it. experimenting and clicking around on new tools and stuff is really eye opening.

ok i'm talking mumbo jumbo now. i need some schleep. and water.
onward to a better tomorrow peoplepleples <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Holy crap, your progress is super inspiring o.o

And your bridgman studies made me wanna dive into it agaaaain ;__; and yeah, i can totally relate to what you said about the importance of having fun, tho sometimes is hard to step back and enjoy the process while we are drenched in studies aha

Oh man!! Your sketchbook is just super huge and so inspiring! Look at all this mileage! :) So much goodness in here!! Love to see all those studies, and the application phase of those. Now I feel like Natsu from Fairy Tail (anime) and I'm all fired up!! I'm sure I'm neither the first or last - keep it up! We got to grow even more this year, right! :3

Dammmit... i can already tell the skater lady got dat good good, ahhhh!! :O your style is cementing into something great and wholly original tho; your characters have a unencumbered uniqueness in their faces and overall design. mmmm!

28J15 feels very's like an earthy illustrative collage of shapes...daggg...keep doing your own thing SMRR cause I've never seen anything like your work. Be fearless!!:D (are you still using the other digipainting software?)

Mannyhaatz - you really are too kind Man <3 been so long since I've updated, I've answered all these q's on faceboob haha. I'll see you on the flipside <3

Minksy - Hey you! Aaaah so many compliments ahaha I still suck so bad though... but ty! Also, aaaaaah I need to Skypeeeee more! I just always forget it's there and I need to work on my time management :3 I'll fix that soon! Thanks again for the kind words

RenatoCaria - hnnnnggg i wish lol, I still feel like I know nothing!! it's cray cray :D definitely! having fun is easily the most important thing I've come to realise. gotta keep our spirits high all the time because we draw all day and whatnot :3 also yeah, we don't want to do so many studies that our personal work is just robotic as unnatural as fck you know? nothing in art is perfect after all! let's keep at it Renato!

Thanks for poppin' by guys!
ok ok ok okokok

got back into daily exercise which has been so good muddafcka! goddamn I forgot how refreshing it is to exercise. also realised how unfit I am again :D yay! feel the burn!

haven't posted regularly because I've only been drawing/experimenting/writing all over the place.
and you know what scannings like... hnnng.

sketches, sketches of my cat, skulls from imagination (to see how much I know regarding skulls) and there's a half assed one with a dude with a blindfold that was done in the car while road tripping.

as for studies? really haven't been. but now I seriously know what I need to get cracking on - since I'm sick to death of sucking donkey turds at not being able to draw facial features in the correct place, as well as hair, fashion and dynamic figures in space......................

I'm gonna work on that.

so yes steph - studies of some of the above in the morning, digi sketch in the arvo-4pm drawing-bed.
le go.

also balls. I need to get my portfolio cracking.
thinking i'll do CHoW's...
because character <3 4 life.

anyway, that's all for now.
wake up, shut up, get better.
nighty night daggers o/

p.s. can't wait for my sketchbook to arrive I'm actually shaking thinking about it. this lot of copy paper I've been using sucks so bad.

p.p.s. I just realised how a lot of my drawings can look stiff as fck. bizarre how only now I can really see it. but yeah anyway, gotta work on that <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
It's really nice to see you grow and develop into such a nice artist with each page. And those sketches look like lots of fun. Keep it up like this :D

The joker image is really cool, I think it shows how creative you are. I never would've thought of that. I agree with the experimentation thing you're talking about too, it really is easy to get caught up with bringing something to a "finish" with the tricks that are obvious to you.
BenFlores - thanks Ben -- that really means a lot! <3

Toxicpanda - thank you Toxicpanda! they really are haha, will do c:

haha watch me fail hard at eyes and application:
I'm in training to become a super saiyan - I've gotta fail, fail, fail before my power level is OVER 9000-!!!!!!

thingy study

studying faces + experimenting

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I said, I luv... SMrrfeeeeteee! I said, i luv... SMRRFEETE!!! Uehhh hehehe... <3 <3 <3 <2

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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