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Fedodika - thank you papiiiiii <3 
Stuff from today hnnnng. I was so close to just... not catching up to inktober again... and my daily sp goal.
But then I... PUNCHED THAT THOUGHT IN THE FACEEEE (ty Bobby Chiu <3)
First, I woke up and did a thing for Punk-A-Cat (aka Top Cat)
There's a write up in her sketchbook about what it's all about, if anyone's interested
Day 8 and 9 for Inktober ;_; so much to work on I wanna cry. but I'll just plan shit out better for tomorrow :D (and also not rush it... because I'm up to date again! yay!)
And a pen-only for my daily SP
i'm tiururedd.
at least I get a burrito tomorrow
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"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Good job on pushing through your goals. You should do 1 selfie with a spoon in your mouth in honor to Bjulvar lol.
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You're killin' it with all the work. Good job keeping up with everything! Stay sharp  .
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Keep those SP rolling, getting better and better - try unusual viewing angles if you can.
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These ink sketches are really cool smrr, mooooorree! Love the action and stylization going on in 8-9 in the latest post.
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Thanks a ripe tomato for dropping in dagz! -!
Dennis Kutsenko - cheers deeeennnnis, glad you like 'em because I enjoy doing them! o/
meat - absolutely will meeeeeat! yeah I've gotta find new angles that won't destroy my neck lmao
razvanb08 - thanks raz! gotta keep the ball rolling, working smart and thinking smart too! o/
crackedskull - thankssss cracked! and LOL awwww rip Bjulvar ;A; I miss him so much. I must spoon him... I mean-- dedicate a spoon for him in one of my SP's lololol
mmmm sad, sweaty update because I'm still a bit behind on wor,
but here's a couple of things:
colour study thumb from rl > tryna get the colours right and fast

sp 10-12:
approx 3-4 hrs > yes I was tryna look like a psychotic war monger ... or as Jones put it > "Amazonian Steph" lmao (I wish, #goals)
1 hr, 15mins > setting myself a time limit and really pushing myself to get faster, because I know I have more in me than I think I do...
45min pen SP
Inktober 10+11 (need to do 3 tomorrow now lmfao asihd ausjk dhyadk v)
I was really ambitious with the idea behind this one. Maybe one day I'll be able to get it right... mmm, as much as I don't like this, I also kinda do... purely because of the thought process... the problem solving... the frustration.... the failed attempts... urrrghgh. It may not have the same energy as the rest of my Inktober entries, but I s'pose it'll always have a place in mine heart x'D
A lot quicker - wanted to really just get in and GET THAT DYNAMISM GOING YA KNOW.
I failed but, I still had so much fun <3
Lots of work to catch up on tomorrow. I didn't realise I wouldn't have time from 4:30PM today 'til 12AM. But that's ok. I know I've got this. I must annihilate. I will annihilate.
The cool kids (you know who you are) that hang in the CD Hangouts have been helping me achieve what I set out to do daily and I greatly appreciate it
ticking off things on ye olde checklist has never been more fun
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"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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black sharpie sketches of face
1 hr sketch before bed - absolute and utter failure but I know what I can do to fix this so my work won't turn out half-assed like this again.
for example, the drawing wasn't thought out at all and honestly, when you don't think about these things, there's really no point to even painting something. Half assed sack of crap, I'm disappointed in myself. I know I can do better than this.
inktoberrrrrrrr -- brush pen running out, I'm not happy with the one with the chick. should've thought about thing smore.
so happy for tomorrow hey
lets get shit done!
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"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Dang Steph, you killin it!! Too goooood! and you half ass sack of crap still looks amazing, better than anything I can do in an hour lol. And I also need to get out of the habit of drawing aimlessly.
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Loving the ink sketches, really dynamic stuff Also that supposed to be pacman a few posts back? XD.
For those self portraits keep an eye on the neck, on some of them the neck looks a bit weirdly placed(namely the 5th one down).
Keep killing it Smrr!
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Lots of dynamic, interesting work! I like your style quite a bit! Love the expressions on your characters and your experimentation with other mediums-- Keep up the rockin', and thanks so much again for your support.
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Bookend - cheers Bookeeend! Means a lot to hear and no worries <3
Triggerpigking - hey thanks Trigger ^_______^ and yeah lol, you are not wrong haha. will do!
yog joshi - Yoggggg, you so niceeee D: thank youuu--! the habit is real and we shall defeat it ;)
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sketchbook!
today I learned that I need to draw more and draw more things that I like and share them online and not care about anything else in the world just have a good time and enjoy myself but think about what i'm gonna draw beforehand so it has substance - but other than that just draw whatever the bum i want because art is about having fun. do good work. good in my eyes means stuff that I like so...
ok enough brain farts
listen, me.
just stick to your goals.
don't let october challenges take you down.
do work.
do. good. work.
my daily self portrait describes my mood somewhat effectively
you can really tell that I wasn't in the zone today. wasn't thinking clearly at all.
and PS decided to be a dick and crashed when I was rendering the eyes, so then Adam suggested to turn it demonic ;)
this was a quick inktober, using up my brushpen's ink to it's last dying breath:
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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leevin sum noise 4 u smrfete <3 XX
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Psycho and Satanic SP's have me like
(Last satanic one is too fucking cool though)
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The Painting stuff is looking cool, and the Inktober studies are looking great, like the looseness of the sketches has a freshness to them.
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I feel fake as hell commenting in sketchbooks as I leave mine UNattended. Leaving it updatedless. Leaving it cobwebful. Keeping it...empty. I'll update soon.
But I'm coming for you...wait eagerly in anticipation as I continue biding my energy; 128 hit combo.
Hell yeah: you got the inktober joints on point and ya got the self-portrait joints, DAILY, on point. Nice. Consistency melds habits. You are producing self portraits daily and staying on top of the month long event, that is, Inktober: you are CONSISTENT on a series of actions that are GOOD. Thus, you are building GOOD HABITS. You are melding GOOD HABITS.
I'm assuming your goals are to improve upon self portraiture, hence your focus on the subject. SO, remember to become MINDFUL in this exploit (if you aren't already, that is). I've noticed that you are hitting it from multiple angles; ( aaaaaayyyyy) you've focused on the contour, form, color/light...whether it was conscious or not, yaaaaas dat be goood!
Now, like a microscope, you can dial in your focus to a HIGHER resolution. Focus on not just REPLICATING your face, but try to flex other portions of your knowledge regarding the fundamentals of representational art. Be aware throughout the entire process. Be DELIBERATE in this study. If you feel yourself becoming complacent in this endeavor, push yourself harder or seek knowledge that is applicable to the exercise.
It's kind of easy to forget that self portraiture is a portion of life drawing itself: the live model (you in this case) WILL's indefinite. It would be ideal for your knowledge and drawing skills in anatomy to be competent enough to piece together basic proportion and structure whilst you use the model as REFERENCE to plug in the finer details (placement of the features, distinctions...the overall capture of the model's CHARACTER. INDIVIDUALITY. EMOTION. LIIIIIIFE)
If you find out that this is difficult for you or downright impossible for you to execute, then you should already know what to study next to supplement this exercise (Years ago, I recommended Loomis. Tonite, I shall recommend Loomis).
Personally, I am going back to the drawing board: with my current level and knowledge, the fundamentals will be sooooooooooooooo much more beneficial to learn than it was when I was first starting out. Shiiiiet, I didn't even know HOW to learn from my studies or even "LEARN" in a manner that is exclusive to representational art and illustration. Perhaps this may suit you as well?
I'm not saying that it's imperative for you, Smrr, to "start over" per se, but I know that with your increased ability to retain; chop up; and formulate new information delved from studies, you will learn a lot more than you did when you were but a weeee art bud. (common sense is common, sorry haha)
+trillion rep for drawing the anterior view of your face cuz jesssusss that's difficult as hell, like, eternally difficult forever.
bUT YEAH SHMIRR,,, just keeping ya sharp so my own blade doesn't grow dull. Coming after you.
OH, and I creepily wink and blow kisses from time to time. +billion rep for taking that like a champ.
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Jaktraytr - Thanks Maaaaaaaaaan! I'm really liking these honest crits, they're helping you out a ton too, I'm sure <3 You've listed some really great points as usual, Jak! I feel like I'm just tryna get through october with these goals and challenges I've set for myself and then it's really all about fundamental training in the mornings (including Schoolism training) and then play time in the arvo. But yeah, I can't do everything I want to do in a day at the moment without wanting to slap people lol
Hmmmm, you're comin' for me aye? If this isn't motivation to wanna push even harder, I don't know what it ;) also, whaddup Pokemon referenceeeee!
Cool sooonggg brrooooo haha
P.s. laughed so bloody hard about the kissy kissy
Jamesxwu - Hnnnnng, thanks James! Hope my new brushpens arrive soon :s
Jonesoda - you effing legend Jones ty! love me some kramer!!
Fedodika - thank u papi <3
quick update! I ran outta ink with my brushpens, so my friend has lemme borrow/have her ink nib + ink ... buuuuut I've been procrastinating in using it after seeing Sula's work primarily hnnng. I need to grow some balls.
I'm kinda hoping this new brushpen arrives before I get around to it. I think I got myself a Pentel Pocket Brushpen? Not that it matters, I loved my Tombow dual brushpen 'til it's last dying breath <3 rip
but yeah, here's a couple of digi stuff
I cbf scanning stuff atm, as I did a number on my neck posing for these SP's today
and the colourful piece is like a sketch fanart kinda thing. just learning to paint freely while painting a fave char of mine
1hr, no lines, straight into the thick of it. I was standing about 2metres away from the monitor + mirror doing this

about 4 something hours? maybe more? I gave up on it toward the refinement stage after PS crashed and I realised how long I'd been working on it >_>
likeness getting a bit better though. No lines, straight to colour. Seated, mirror in front

I honestly feel I'm never gonna get better at these SP's unless I take the time to fully render a couple? Well, maybe the last couple before ISD, Nov 1st I will. Humm.
Not a #GPOY >_______>
bleep bloop having fun messing around:

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"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Fedodika - Ahahhahahuaaa ;__________________; <3
Sketchosoph - Too kindddd, sketchosophhhh <3 yeah I really do prefer brushpens to ink pens/nibs or whatever! A lot quicker and scarier = fun. hmmm, I dunno whatchoo mean about the recreating char designs - you prolly mean about the colourful piece with the 3 dudes huh? haha.
Thanks for dropping by with all dem juicy vibezz!
hi guys, my name is Steph and I need like 29 massages pronto. also I'm an idiot that left Inktober shit like by the door and didn't touch it 'til today because I procrastinated after my brushpen ran outta ink and only decided to get cracking after I looked at my recent DEATHLINE goals and saw that "complete Inktober 2015" was one of them lmfaoasdoasdjnkad...
So yes, all the Inktobers I'm uploading today... were done today.
Thank you to all the cool ass mofos in the Hangout today <3 <3 can't thank y'all enough for just keeping the momentum flowing hey
you know who you are
never forget
This one was my first time using an ink nib thingy. It was hard and took _ages_ to do.
This was ink nib + sharpie because dear lord, I needed to bust these out quicker and I had no brushpen
all sharpie
They're all hella bad
but I'm just glad I've caught up ffs.
and I worked a little more on this
i'm done.
good night dagz!
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"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Killing the inktober pieces Smrr!
That illo is also soo dope :)
Keep truckin!