Einharjar's Sketchbook
that aerial battle is awesome, so dynamic! The last one is cool as well, let the orc's closest arm catch just a tiny bit of highlight on the top. And what Lumens said. Nice amount of studies as well - good job, man!

Agreed on the aerial piece sketch - that is one strong composition if I ever saw one. Fix the angle of the weapon being perpendicular to the movement of the picture, then paint that sucker!

Oh yay, nice sketchbooks all around <3

You're still working on this piece?
[Image: attachment.php?aid=13089]

If you are, a suggestion - make the sky lighter and saturated so you have a big dark creature silhouette against it, and get some lighter values around the light areas - to pump up contrast a bit. This is looking very cinematic, if youre able to push the contrast, its going to be full blown hollywood hehe!

@Ivan: Thank you for the suggestions sir! I will keep that noted.
@Jordy: Can you show me what you mean about the weapon and how to fix it? Thanks!

@Ursula: Yes, i havent finished the beast yet. And thank you for the suggestion i will definitely try it to make this illustration better.
Just got home from the hospital because of emergency, and man i cant think straight coloring this angel vs dragon illustration. This is as far as i can go today....

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Keep pushing things, you got some cool stuff. Hope everything is alright with the health.

Some sketches i made while in the hospital watching over my sick mother.

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awesome sketches dude.

I like what your doing with this creature.

But I think the building is weird . If you place your vanishing points too close to each other, your resulting drawing will look distorted. Nevertheless, nice work man. keep it up!

@klaus thanks mate! yeah it does look a little weird, anyway, i fixed it when i colored this one.
Todays sketch...some dude with a duel arm desk thingy like the one from yu gi oh....

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cool )

Thanks for the welcome and you've got wonderful sketches! Hope things get better! (:

Tried to paint this wonderful scenery i saw from my 3 hour ride from Cebu to Malabuyoc this morning. I was fascinated by this green hue in the ocean that was highlighted by the light of the sun. Done in 20 minutes from memory.

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Some study of different diseases...

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night elf...

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Another 30 minute study...

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kugihanah oh kayasa suya man pud ta T.T hehehe bz-ha na nako oi T.T nag patuyang ako mga amo hehehe wa jud ko ka prac lately hehehehe suway ko karun

(02-13-2013, 11:25 AM)Eumir Carlo Wrote: kugihanah oh kayasa suya man pud ta T.T hehehe bz-ha na nako oi T.T nag patuyang ako mga amo hehehe wa jud ko ka prac lately hehehehe suway ko karun
Decided to take part on Sickbrush's sick classes.

Here is the first assignment, about the use of lasso, gradient, marque tools.

Done in 1 hour.

Hope to post the line drawings of different races later.

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2 hour digital portraits from life of me and my little bro.. Im the one with the long hair.

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Couple of character sketches i made for a fantasy book. Trying out different approaches to get the characters.

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