Can't wait to see where you take this piece, Man!

Keep your head up (or down and keep working through all the shit flung your way)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@smrr- yeah me's taking a while getting the basic construction down though; I'm just now getting acquainted with drawing knight/armor "anatomy": seeing what works with what, how things connect, and how they fit on the figure...I want this one to be good. Like, GOOD good. It's cool though, I'm beginning to retain the information in my head, sooo +1 on visual library i suppose!

Mhmm That's the name of the game : )

It's getting late at the Haatz household, so I can't scan my page of exploration/study; just going to post my the WIP of my illustration.

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Some sketchbook pages! I've been enlighten over the past far as art goes: I was really concerned with the lack of quantity in my posts; I don't really doodle or sketch, I draw with a study in mind or a particular subject in mind. Thus, drawing for me is normally an action of mulling over an idea or to learn something completely new. So instead of trying to work against my 'work flow' I'm going to embrace it.

I really enjoyed being with my family for my father's birthday! My brother visited, and everybody was in good spirits, just like the good ol' days.

In the past 5 days, I haven't worked out, I stopped drinking water, and I haven't been eating in a caloric surplus. Add that all together and you lose 6lbs, very shitty when you're trying to gain more mass.


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Awww snaaaaaap, armouring up your figures makes me feel bad that I don't study fashion/armour!

Checked out your blog; I really do think that's the smart way of going about your sketches, always goal-oriented - that kind of thinking will really pay off in the future when you're tasked with briefs.

As for hoping to get faster with sketching... I gotta say, warm-up gestures from is really key.
Just 10 60sec gestures to loosen you up a bit

But other than that, your lines are getting so clean @_@

#ineedtodrinkwaterandnotalcohol #iswearimnotanalchy #amprobablyanalchy

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Nice sketchbook work :D

Ending my sketchbook here. I'm done with trying to pursue art as a career. It just wasn't in the cards for me; so many things in life have tested my limits recently and I've finally met my breaking's almost as if God is telling me in his own way to stop. I'm not a quitter... just a realist.

Farewell daggers.


DUDE...If that's what you want it's all good, but this isn't an all or nothing game man. Not by a long shot. Why not have a quick Skype with me man, just to talk. I'm not going to convince you either way :)

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
I hope everything works out for you man, just wanted to say that I really appreciate the comment you left in my sketchbook. It's nice having someone take the time to say something insightful and well-thought out as opposed to the usual "good job, keep working hard" which is still ok.
But yeah, thanks again, and I hope you continue your journey with art in whatever way works for you.

update...15 months later? sketches off the dome. I'll maybe explain my thoughts tomorrow; it's 5:10am :(((

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Fck yasssss, Jak update hypeeeee In love

Today was so fun man, wish I could stayed longer hey

Your music selection is on point just btw

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Oh man you are back, awesome! And that penis monster. :P Jak, you'll scare the women-folk if you let that thing run around without a leash.

You've made definite gains over the course of your SB, man. I don't know if you still want to go for pro, but I think you can if you want to. Can't wait to hear what your thoughts are man. It was loads of fun hanging out while you drew heads and one penis. :D

Keep drawing and post mooooore man!

"Drawing is a skill like hammering a nail. You might not be great at it yet, but there is nothing stopping you from gettin' down and hammering away." -Irshad Karim


Hi! Not totally sure about this, because for all we know, you might have a style you're trying to cultivate yourself. So if ever you think any of my red lining does not hold true, discard if you must!

Btw. This is a stylistic choice I learned from looking at Stuart Immonen's body of work. When I draw figures from a long distance, I exclude drawing the bottom eyelid. Whenever I draw them in, it just tends to look busier than it should!

Jak! Great work ethic!

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
@smrr-It was awesome shooting the shit with you and everyone else that joined my stream! U 'ppreciate the music cuz real recognize real at da nd of da day. Thanks for putting respeck on my name. 
looool :D

@mech- Man, thanks for stopping by! The dick fiend wouldn't have been possible without you bro! I'll definitely post more: here's to the next 14 pages!

@John-Sup man! You're right on both accounts: I should have been paying more attention to structure for sure...I was just a bit self-conscious about noodling since I was streaming; I'm confident that I would've been able to fix things otherwise...but my stuff is too inconsistent to make such a claim hahaha thanks for pointing that out to me, John! And to your second point, yeah, I'm trying to let my style breathe a bit hence the no ref, VERY repetitive sketches. 

I believe strongly in painful repetition when learning any skill. Drawing one thing many  many times, and slowly deviating from the repetition over time. Draw what you're comfortable with, and add new elements. Keep doing this until forever haha
Not a very sexy or eloquent way of going about things, but it works for me. Sycra brings up the concept of "iterative practice" on his youtube channel and the way he explains it makes my brain feel good. 


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Iterative practice is the best. I'm very inconsistent at applying this approach yet but whenever I practised it, it helped me a lot!
Can't help citing Lee once more: "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times".
Offtop: do you have a music playlist somewhere online?

@sketchsoph- i get outta hand with the proportions when I focus on specific parts of my studies haha thanks man! I guess it could be slightly stylistic since I like the long-neck-look...I may have met you halfway in this current upload, though 

@neopatogen- YES, just draw draw draw draw draw, slowly deviate! High kicks, mid kicks, low kicks repeat...then see where you can throw the occasional jab...create combinations :   )
I have a playlist on Spotify, you can follow me n stuff if you dig what I play during my streams :D

studies and my first deathline character concept White X6- Panda Part 1 of 2 from my "Broads of Atlanta Series" ahahahahaha  inspired by 'Panda' by Desiigner lmao XD
(referenced Arkam Knight helmet design for panda helmet, referenced a scope online for the gun scope, referenced top part of pants from a photo online):

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Nice man!

Just something i'm noticing. You keep using exactly the same angles for the bodies. I'd recommend trying to make that random, both in direction, and form what angle, otherwise you'll just get really good at drawing that one angle of a dude.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
@othermuzz- thanks! Yeah, It's done intentionally...just trying to reallllllllllllllllllly get comfortable with drawing that specific angle and pose. For now, if hat makes sense. I've been wanting to switch it up for a long time, but it's not time yet, according to this method im practicing. But you are so right, and it's otherwise, VERY valid advice. Thanks, man.

Not much drawing this week, but I'm still on track with my deathline. Finished the weekly character thing early..The character design 'Black X6- Phantom' is, again, inspired by Desiigner's song "Panda". A lot of things that I could fixed, since it was a biiiiiiit rushed. Can't wait to apply fixes to next set of studies and designs! 14 more to go!

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That is a terrible idea... Who ever told you to do that?

You are just going to give your self a horrible habit that you will have to spend twice as long unlearning as you did learning it. You have to be super careful of what you put in your head as it never comes out again.


Oh damn it... you are following Sycra's idiotic advice. His method is actively harmful to your progress. Ok man, shoot me a pm or something and I can run you over what you should be practicing in a google hangout or something... This isn't annoyance at you btw, this is annoyance at Sycra and something i've feared would pop-up ever since he put those videos out.

I can also explain properly why Sycra's method is flawed, without just resorting to ad hominems.

I really have to get around to recording that video talking about this...

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Hey, guys. Turns out, I still don't know what the hell I'm doing. Not even close. 3 years in and I'm just as lost as was when I first began this damn journey haha

I'm focusing on my anatomy, form/value, and design. I'm studying ref, replicating from mind and applying. Reffing anatomy construction from Hogarth, Loomis, and Bridgeman as I actually study from figures online.


----drawing creatively from imagination (just means I have to continue to draw from imagination and not fear the ugly shit. be more playful and correct my mistakes. Pay attention to what walls i hit: push the extent of my knowledge)

-----studying form/value and having the information stick (currently rendering anatomy studies and mapping anatomy on the muscle masses)

------Weak design sense (I have an interest urban/scifi/cyberpunk stuff and over-the-top- Japanese rpg designs, lmao though, I feel compelled to dip my toes in the styles and aesthetic commonly found in Dungeons n Dragons/World of WarCraft/Lord of the rings blah blah stuff because I want to do tabletop rpg work and get a contract doing Magic the gathering/Legend of the cryptids  level type work.

--------MASTER PAINTINGS: i want to know there purpose and when to study them, and how to apply the knowledge to my work!

I want to do digital life studies of stuff so I can apply it to a illustration I'm gonna work on this week and finish it next sunday (I have a pear in my fridge i wanna paint along with spoons n stuff)

This is an extremely small dump, considering the last time I posted. My god lol. OH: critiques please please please!!! I will apply every single crit I get! Thank you ALL!

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Cool man. your figures have leaped ahead.
I want to see a bit more finished shit in general. This is where you really learn your limitations.

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