Blewzen's sketchbook
Hey daggers! My name is Álvaro but i used to use blewzen as a nickname on the internet.
Im from spain and i just finished my art school, so i wanted to start a sketchbook to show some of the works i did lately and also studies or whatever.
After days checkin the forum in silence lol, here I go, critique me and comment whatever u guys want.

So these are lovecraft inspired illustrations i did in the last 4 months you can check more of these in my blog:

[Image: cthulhu_blewzenblog1.jpg]

[Image: theoutsider_blewzenblog1.jpg]

[Image: dagon_blewzenblog1.jpg]

[Image: reanimator_blewzenblog1.jpg]

[Image: lurkingfear_blewzenblog1.jpg]

[Image: innsmouth_blewzenblog1.jpg]

[Image: coloroutofspace_blewzenblog1.jpg]

Soon i'll post some studies i did last week i want to keep this updated so i force myself to work hard everyday.

Youre stuff is really interesting, espacially the grotesk stuff (The Zombie like Charakter is my favorite of yours so far)
Looking forward for new stuff of you
Thanks for sharing your opinion! I'll try to update as much as I can, I have done some studies lately I'll show them soon.

Hey, thanks for stopping by, you're work has a nice sense of lighting and some cool vision; i think you need to be cautious about using a small brush everywhere in the image, don't be afraid to leave large brush marks in places away from the focal point.
otherwise there are a few perspective errors in your work, it might be worth spending some time reading up on the basics; scott robertson's gnomon dvd is great if you can afford it!
lastly, your colours seem to be a bit monotone and washed out, i would recommend doing some master studies and still life's to help get away from this.
nice stuff though, keep it up! :)

hey thanks mindwrack, I am currently studying colors from photos, sudying basics and i want to do master studies, anything. I will check that scott robertson's gnomon dvd.
I have to take care of those problems. Thank you, really helpful tips :)

antomy studies from Birdgman book

[Image: skelfigures.jpg]

Hand study aplying the muscles in other layer

[Image: handsmusc.jpg]

some photo studies I did last week

[Image: helmetguy.jpg]

[Image: colladoforest.jpg]

Awesome sketchbook. I really like this classic horror feel that your images have. Even if I'm not a big fan of this kind of gengre. Keep working and keep updating. Wanna see more ;3

finally i had some time to post here, as i said earlier to you, i really like your lovecraft stuff.
At this point, my only advice would be to keep practicing hard, work on values, edges, the usual stuff. Also, those last studies are good, you are on the right track. :P

Get this updated!

@Ramalooke:Thanks for the support man! for now im not gonna do lovecraft stuff anymore I have a bunch of ideas to do for personal stuff.
@Eduardo: No problem dude, im glad you guys like my lovecraft works :). Thanks for the advices and yes I keep doing studies always when i can, thanks!

This is my submission for the dragon challenge of artorder, wish i had more time to finish it because i was a bit busy with a work I'm doing for a blog (nothing really fancy) but anyways i'm pretty happy with it. So hope you like it, ill try to update this with more studies and personal stuff as soon as posible

[Image: guardianofthenature_by_blewzen.jpg]

The painting for the dragon challenge is beautiful! He fits perfectly in the environment, color- and texture wise. Maybe you could have added a bit more atmospheric perspective to the mountains behind him, to give everything a bigger scale.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your art! :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
thanks for stopping by on my sketchbook ;O.. keep pushing man!

Greaat Studies and Finished work! Keep at it!

Thanks for the comments guys! :)
@Lyraina: Thanks for the tips, I had problems to finish the dragon on time for the challenge so I had to keep the backgroung pretty loose -.-

I posted the process of the dragon in my blog if someone is interested to check it.

From two weeks ago I was busy with the bloodsports 13 like alot people, so here is my bloodsports stuff

Photo study
[Image: armordude.jpg]

Some sketches

Final piece

[Image: 1TimewarriorsBloodsports13_byBlewzen.jpg]

And now back to work for the new bloodsports :)

Nice bold brushwork, sir. Looking good.

Long time that I don't update the sb -.-', here I come with some "new" stuff.

I participated in the bloodsports 15: Guild of golems but had several problems during these days (busy with things and I've even been sick ) and I couldnt finish the piece.

Sorcerer and golem are based in corrosive acid spell.




wip of the final

Learnt alot with this one and still have something that I dont like but i tried to push myself the most i can.
Obiously so late for bs15 but i wanted to finish my piece so here it is.

[Image: bloodsports15-blewzen.jpg]

The bloodsport 15 entry is really cool. I love the colors, the blue and green work very well together. It's good you finished it despite the deadline already being over :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
(05-11-2013, 08:06 PM)Lyraina Wrote: The bloodsport 15 entry is really cool. I love the colors, the blue and green work very well together. It's good you finished it despite the deadline already being over :)

Thanks so much Lyraina, yeah I had hard time with the colors but finally it came out pretty well, still I have tons of things to learn but felt good to finish this.

Today's a bit random post of the last stuff i've been doing, portrait gift for my cousin, experimental painting just by following music (not thinking at all) and concept of scifi smoking dude any crit is welcome, I feel something wierd with this guy and I'm hungry...


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