Hey all! heres the thread for wips and finals for bloodsport 13, the details of which can be found here. <3

for anyone who missed it-

this is gonna be sweet.

made my first concept sketch for a fantasy based one.

[Image: xcAO2h3.jpg]
Hello! I am new here and very excited to participate=)
So here is my first study and composition sketch.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

A few thumbnails for the future warrior design.
He will be going to the past, I've chose a pretty cool sidekick too, you will see ^^

[Image: 576068_10201035684599410_613785361_n.jpg]

My Crimson Daggers sketchbook ^^
Here is like a rough comp sketch, gonna do a few more. I'm going to include the wizard that was in the brief too.

[Image: 31008f57-726a-41b9-a1e4-7ce4d8f459e7.jpg][Image: 6391e4e4-2417-4af0-9efd-a37c32827778.jpg]
[Image: 58b03798-9df2-46f6-ac56-26cc4bdd826c.jpg][Image: c0b897fe-2b4f-4d82-8c92-712845d16cdb.jpg]
[Image: futurethumbs_zpsd0c7ff9d.jpg] been wanting to do these for a while but ive always been here's a few thumbs im havin trouble on, yahoo!
Just shooting out sci fi dude designs. Some hero, some villain, some just dudes! Just to see what sticks.

[Image: Future_Dudes_1_March_7_2013.png]

Available for Freelance - Portfolio | CD Sketchbook | Blog | Email
few comps, trying to decide things

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Did a quick sketch of my initial idea. Going for the shadowrun first ed. style but a bit less serious. Knight/giant killer robot companion, aliens/robots standing a gasp the background, and lots of neon :)

Wanted to give the knight a 'where the hell am i' pose to get the point across.

alternatives/studies/photo reference to follow, its 4 am now, going to bed :p

[Image: bloodsport_sketch_by_moonskinned-d5xb9sw.jpg]

RPG Cover References

This challenge is about making an RPG expansion book cover.

Here are some references I'm dumping here until I get my time to sketch and develop ideas.

Some of these covers don't meet the challenge guidelines, but they give you some idea of composition and how the final illustrations are/have been utilized by the publishers.

Hey guys. It's been a year since I was last here too. Glad Bloodsports are continuing the tradition :) I'm kinda busy these days so I don't know if I'll have the time to finish this, but at least I'll follow you guys so I can see some improvements. And of course it's super exciting cause Kekai is gonna be around. So here's my concept speedy. It's just a rough direction but obviously I'm going with the medieval environment and the hero chic from the future. Still deciding to go steampunk or mecha with her.

A prehistoric shaman and her mechanical centaur companion, yeah it's not a centaur atm. Thinking how to add more flowing bits of costume without covering her up much. I want the mechanics to mimic natural musculature fairly close, which'll be fun/painful to deal with on a centaur!
On to the composition.

Time Warriors WIP 1st and 2nd sketch and 1st approach
Hope you like it!

[Image: 20130308_104613.jpg]

[Image: 20130308_131923.jpg]

[Image: SchaatNat1.jpg]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Battle atop a floating citadel

I see cool stuff is going on already! :-D I got really excited for this challange, can't wait to see what else everyone has come up with!
Here's where I'm at now after doing some basic designs and settling on a thumbnail, will probably change a ton of stuff as I move forward :-)

hey everyone!

here are my first character sketches. The sidekick is a domestic coffee machine robot that for some reason decided to join the main character in his journey. I think I'll try to go with a slightly stylized look.
Got to do some thumbnail comps now!
[Image: 079robotskt.jpg]

those rpg book cover refs mike put up nail the feel of this contest perfectly haha.
A few concepts for costume design for a lead female time traveler.
[Image: Female_Time_March_8_2013.png]

Available for Freelance - Portfolio | CD Sketchbook | Blog | Email
Awesome stuff everyone! Here's my rough I hope. I'm not positive how to attach it so hopefully it works.:huh:


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