I didn't see a finals forum for the time warriors so I am putting mine here for people to see.

I work mush messier than A lot of you folks I notice.

Hmmm, deadline just passed and had to send it, I will still work on it for a few more hours to refine some stuff, but I need a break from bloodsport for a while first.....this one almost takes my life lol

[Image: bs13final_isrartistic-com.jpg]

Hey guys amazing works everyone! This is my studies and sketches that I did for the bloodsports 13 and also my final piece

Photo study of armor


Knight and motorbike sketches

Some composition sketches

Final piece

Hey there guys,

I hadn't uploaded anything here yet so I will make one giant post now with all my steps and things. Enjoy!

I came up with the idea of a future warrior going to the past, and having to fight an evil raptor riding barbaric clan. She steals a raptor which becomes her companion.

The sketches

I chose this one

Then started designing the elements
the raptors

the arche-somethings

the main character

with her raptor

the enemies

and their raptors

Having designed all that I made a detailed sketch
Hey guys, really awesome posts around here!!! Sorry I didn't post it along, but I didn't even finish it yet!!! I ended up gathering waaay too much reference (like 900 images? hand picked off google lol), and overall avoided going into the actual piece until like 3 days ago? Anyway, I'm gonna give a few steps back from this one, and finish it properly, this is just a rushed presentable wip

[Image: linessetup+3.jpg]

Mood Board

[Image: moodboard.jpg]

Design and Comp iterations

[Image: VictorQuaresma2.jpg]


[Image: study+sheet.jpg]

Seems like I forgot to post the only study I did... the only study on its own.

I didnt have enough time to do more studys so for the rest of the illustration I simply googled images and randomly took elements that made sense to me and implemented those as best as I could immediately into the final image. I didn't save any images from my google searches though...

heres the final

Since I can't find a Finals thread (besides the mail adress to submit it to), I'll just post my final here as well :)

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Some small changes

There is so incredible stuff for this bloodsport ! :O

my stuff :

My entry. Trying to wrap my head around this digital stuff. Very 60's illustration influenced.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Hey Guys,

Awesome job everybody.
Although i could not participate in the contest due an other project i still want to do the bloodsport :)
Se here's some concepts and a WIP of the final.

[Image: 33.jpg]

[Image: 34.jpg]

[Image: 35.jpg]

[Image: 36.jpg]

Hope you guys like it and thanks for watching!

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