Lyraina's sketchbook
meat: ehehe… no real return just yet…

cracked: Yeah it’s fun doing those photo paintovers. I do try to be thoughtful with studies, but it doesn’t always work out…

Bookend: Thank you!

Warburton: Thanks so much for the links!!! Ooooh interesting things in there, will give me some good material to listen to while working. Thanks <3

Purple Scissors: Thanks lot lot for the kind words :) I think the most important thing with study is trying out a lot of things that worked for others, or that to yourself seem like a smart thing to do, and then see what helps you to learn. Then keep doing that. :)

9.30 am - sunshine, but FG still in shadow (when I started - changed later on). Trying to stylize.

8 pm - sun has already set, clouds are remarkably blue
against faintly pink-yellow-greenish sky hue.
Light fading quickly, sky keeps its base color
but gets darker - so quickly it‘s hard to keep up with painting -
so half of these values are done from memory.


6pm - the sky paints a gradient from yellowish green
to warmish blues where the horizon has been
Clouds are rimlit in yellow and white
but overall cool, no cheesy pink sight.
Landscape’s colors are fleeting and faint
Changing much faster than I can paint.

...forgot which notes belong to these.

Random still lives.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Beautiful as always. I like the exceptional shape of the trees and branches in the 4th painting. Is it where are you living? By the way I got the same kind of key ring, they are cute :D

(Could you check my sketchbook? I would like to get your feedback to improve myself.)

Your fan club awaits your return with baited breaths...

Rei Ayanami figurineeee :D me gusta haha

Lots of work to look at, lovin' the plein airs as usual - digging the simplification in the fourth one, but aaaah - they're all tasty for my eyes to feed on
I'm sure you're learning loads with these (especially with the notes/reflection you add)

Still life studies lookin' good too!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

Love the still lifes and landscapes Lyraina, also those notes are great.
PurpleScissors: Thank you. Yes, that’s right outside of my window, which is why I keep painting that exact point of view, ehehe…
Wrote you some crits in your SB :) Hope it helps.

meat: >__>

smrr: Thank youuu~ yeah the „pleinairs“ feel very useful, mostly for color and sky related things, but also because they allow me to experiment. I’m a bit bored of them by now though….

dodeqaa: Thank you! :)

Rather busy right now with some very cool freelance I got, and also doing my driver's license, and also finished CGMA course (Enviro Design 2). Some things I did for class:


Color exploration





Everything is located on Duality-52, a tidally locked planet meat and me are exploring/developing at the moment.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
great studies,you have a good analytical mind,cant wait to see the improvement to follow.
Fedodika: Why thank you! :D

graypersona: Thanks!

Here's a still life I did with very green light source. It's not completely finished (had to make up some things from memory) because first the cucumber was demanded back to the kitchen, and then the tomatos were getting a bit old, and the berries started shrinking (did this over several days). Interesting fact: I tried to photograph the still live, but had a really really hard time to catch the remaining red in the tomatos which I could still see with my eyes, but got lost with camera.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
One more case for life observation over photos :D However, for actually going out of your way to acquire a green light source and do that still life from life, you just set yourself apart from even more of us *thumb up*

Damn your environments are beautiful!

Faaaaahk me your enviros are /so/ gooood--!!!
Never stop doing your thing, Lyra daaamn!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Beautiful work Lyra!

Can't wait to see more of Duality-52. Also that green light setup is <3
I'm following your work for a good while now. And I'm really impressed with your improvements. You got very nice shape language and design sense. I think that when you introduce nice brush strokes variety into your work will push it to totally new level. But yeah. Really love your work. Keep killing it!

meat: I don’t set myself apart from anyone :P At least I don’t keep smelly seafood references on my table like certain creature designers…..

lurch: Thank you!

smrr: Thanks! I hope I’ll never stop :D

dodeqaa: Thank you. More of Duality-52 is under way!

ramalooke: Thanks a lot. Brush strokes is something that I’m always very hesitant with, maybe because I fear of being too loose. But I would love to master it!


I apologize for being so inactive lately - I do follow your work, but oftentimes just don’t know anything meaningful to say, or feel too mentally drained to write useful critiques. Also kind of beating my head against many walls (thankfully so far only metaphorically so) and not producing as much work as I’d like to, so kind of lost my roll of "post at least every 3 days". Since I’m not just applying to environment concept artist jobs but also 2d illustrator and generalist concept artist, I felt the need to prove to myself that I can still do figurative work too, following some old tutorials of Anthony Jones (but changed workflow towards the end, since I’m not as good at eyeballing anatomy as he is). I’m currently in the process of making nice concept sheets from these designs:

Personal piece. It’s even more personal than my usual personal pieces, because I painted it (on and off) over the course of a couple of months, and during these months life changed significantly (for the better, from single to having a girlfriend). So during painting, the meaning it has for me changed, but still works, just differently.

More soon!! :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Yooooooooo! o/ !
It's a Lyra!

Hey, don't you worry, we understand. I'm the same way when it comes to commenting in peoples sketchbooks most the time. Drained af D: so yeah no need to fret, we know you're a lurkin' behind the scenes, working hard and all that jazz

You seem to have the interesting shapes down with your figures - the biggest help when it comes to "eyeballing anatomy" is getting perspective down to a tee (... aka the hardest thing to do ever imo haha)

Also, that personal piece though ;_; ...
+ The message with it = ;_;
+ me gusta about gf lmao

So happy for you! Both for happiness and for completing a piece so personal to you!
Looking forward to these concept sheets!

Keep pushing girl!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

love the girl and the spirit :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
damnnnnn girllllll youuuuuuuu....... im gonna cry and work harder on color :P GREAT JOB DSAHDAFJAIJDADJIAFAHCAJDAS. Also that lineart :O love the concept. and omg... everything is omg. just... yes XD hahaha keep it going! <3
Don't worry! We're not checking you against a calendar here! What's important is when you _do_ post, you post juicy stuff! One day you'll publish your own art book on kickstarter.

Also, dead seafood has stopped smelling (much) by now, so there! Although something else is starting to smell. Oh wait, that's just me.

Still have no idea what the personal piece means, but that circle is fighting! Probably just need to be less weiB. LOL! Or be inverted. But wait, it's personal piece, so I'll :X

Is it just environment, or do all your thumbnails look way awesome-r than creature thumbs? Look at them lights! Look at them variations! Oh no... it's not environment, silly~ just you being awesome.... lol! All my creatures are now huddling in a corner, sobbing, and occasionally looking at me accusingly! "*sniff* you don't love us enough to make us awesome with 3 siblings... *sniff*"

GOOD LUCK ON THE JOB HUNT!!! Get 'em! Get 'em!

Congratulations! :)

Those characters for duality-52? I like them very much!

Good luck on the hunt, may fair winds ever be at your back!

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