Video Games
Just finished Crysis 2. Nice graphics and cool powers/abilities but the story events were duuuuumb. And gameplay was a bit boring at times.
Battlefield 3 - assassins creed 3 and counter strike global offensive

Mass Effect 3 on Insanity difficulty.
Hardest part of the game? Marauder Shields, no kidding. (those who have played will know what i´m talking about. :))

He's doing it for your good, man. Don't fight back, it's easier that way.

Jokes aside, the last game I finished was Starcraft 2: Heart of the swarm. Holy dongles! For me this is the best Blizzard game since vanilla WoW. WoL was super cool, but the HotS campaign was better than a bunch of 'real' RPGs I know. I'm glad they did not restrict themselves by the rts nature of the game. It was cool to have Kerrigan as a WC3 like hero. 10/10 in my book.
Lately I've been playing the old Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fighting game from Capcom, simply because I'm currently reading Stardust Crusaders, which is the story arc the game is based on.

I never would have guessed that Mohammed Abdul would be the most fun to use (I don't particularly care about him in the comic), but he just might be the character I'll stick with, unless I find someone more my style. Once his stand is on, he's really fast.

I WISH Joseph was a character more my style of gameplay, because he's my favorite character in the whole series so far. I even tried out the hidden young version.

Speaking of which, what the hell is the point of the Red Gem of Asia super move when it's so goddamn slow? Am I supposed to only use it when an enemy is stunned? Hell, I've yet to see a character get stunned in this game.

Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

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I've been trying to limit my videos games after blowing a good deal of time on Bioshock Infinite but truth be told I haven't succeeded. I got "Don't Starve when it first came out and was unimpressed with how easy it was- however when I picked it back up 3 days ago i found a swath of new features. It's really grown into quite the game.

After building a mighty base of operations and plain sailing through Winter I eventually died after 89 days because I left the game running unpaused >_<

Currently my goal is to survive under the most extreme circumstances. Almost no renewable food sources, severly low resources, high amounts of enemies and it's always winter.

The winter part kills me the worst. Without any clothing or a heatstone you can only last 30 seconds before freezing to death and finding the materials to build an axe, chop down a tree and collect some grass to start a fire is no easy task. So far my record is 3 days.
CS:GO, steam username is sephiroth10071, headshot time?!
The games I've been playing are Monster Hunter Ultimate 3 and Dark Souls
Both of these games are hard, but when you get pasted parts of the game it
feels so worth it. I literally let out a "YES!" throwing my fist to the side, because
I killed one of the more difficult monsters in monster hunter, and my first Black
Knight kill.

I do however shut down for the week when it comes to monster hunter,
since I like keeping it limited to the weekends. As for Dark Souls I don't own
an Xbox but, I just head over to a friends place once a week and play the game.
(It's odd, I know ) Stupid

Note: Monster Hunter isn't so bad....when compared to Dark Souls.I thought it
couldn't possibly be that difficult, BOY WAS I WRONG! I do still like the game.
Stichmouth: Dark souls is one of the greatest games of this generation i really recommend you that game, but i found monster hunter much more difficult. But the only MH hunter games i played were the psp ones many years ago.

Because i cant afford to buy a 3ds i´m replaying the old Game boy advance Fire Emblem games on my phone. And guys, those are some really awesome games.
Because there is something worse than dying in a videogame, and that is to see how your soldiers, your comrades die because of you. So i dont mind to replay a mission 3 times if the reward is to make those good soldiers come back alive.

I haven't been playing games nearly as much as I used to the past 10 months but lately I've been playing a bit of league of legends, and Monster hunter freedom unite online through adhoc party on ps3, I think it's the best co-op experience I've had in a game. Also I thought I'd share this MH4 trailer, looks awesome

I'm really looking forward to GTA V now, probably my favorite game series.

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Played a quick game of "papers please" its free and quite funny.But decided to limit myself to 3 big games a year so played bioshock infinite and really looking forward to wasteland 2.,
(05-02-2013, 09:34 AM)EduardoGaray Wrote: Because i cant afford to buy a 3ds i´m replaying the old Game boy advance Fire Emblem games on my phone. And guys, those are some really awesome games.
Because there is something worse than dying in a videogame, and that is to see how your soldiers, your comrades die because of you. So i dont mind to replay a mission 3 times if the reward is to make those good soldiers come back alive.

That's the best (and most frustrating) part about Fire Emblem. Each of your soldiers are unique individuals with a bit of personality given to each of them, and if you mess up on a mission and they end up dying, they STAY dead. And it'll force you to make a decision: start the mission over or move on for the rest of the game without that solider.

And it's also really cool how you can develop your character's stats in certain directions by having them interact with other characters, making their personalities develop even more, and making you MORE invested in the soldiers as individuals. Your soldiers may fit under classes, but they are more than just "Mage" and "Knight". They're "Sain, the wannabe lady's man" or "Canas, the overenthusiastic scholar".

As a tactical rpg, it's already good, but the character element makes the game go even further.

Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

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Psychotime: exactly! it is good srpg but it is the interaction between characters and their development what makes it great. But yeah, it can get really frustrating. I had to stop playing fire emblem: the sacred stones when the ai managed to kill my favourite character when i was just 1 turn ahead to win the battle. (And i already repeated the mission like 3 times because i didnt wanted to lose anyone.)

Now i´m going to try Agarest generations of war 2.
They say it has a cool character system, that lets you get married and have children, and depending on who you married your children will have different stats.
It also have some weird minigames about bathing and massaging your female squadmates. (And the manual says it is better with Playstation move)
I love japan.

So for my 2nd game this year i decided to chose metro:last light a great game very immersive,great graphics i enjoyed the storyline and the overall feel of the game is great and definitely improved on the original.For my last (3rd) game this year ill probably get wasteland 2 but until then.DRAW DRAW DRAW DRAW!!!!1111one
Been replaying Bioshock got nostalgic for it after playing infinite, Always found rapture to feel alot more like a real city and generally more alive then columbia was a cool design but I think it sorta fell apart itno just sorta combat arena's and the audiologs were'nt half as interesting as the original, nothing was as explained in depth as the original as well felt all of the city's development was swepped aside for the main story.
Also playing a bit of bastion decent so far.
And i've been playing on a mindcrack minecraft server, been building a James bond style volcanic lair in the middle of the ocean.
Started cranking Witcher 2 today, god damn do I love this setting, mind is buldging with ideas. I often forget its good to take a break and breath in someone elses creation.

Been playing Monster Hunter 3 ultimate. I'm a big fan of it and coming from Tri I feel like a kid in a candy store! Seeing the amount of hours I pumped into it al ready makes for a slightly sad panda though, feels a bit like art time wasted. But you can't do art 24/7 non stop so it's my guilty pleasure.

As an old school games fan, I'm starting yet, a new campaign of the best rpg I've ever seen. Arcanum: of steamworks and magick obscura. I love that game.

warframe and league of legends is all im playing

just finished chronicles of riddick escape from butcher bay

im thinking of playing kingdom hearts 2 because its sitting on my table for some reason =\
League of legends as well. It's eating my precious drawing time :(

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