Nowio pretends to can draw
@Eduardo You think so?, thanks man! :D Gestures are surprizingly hard, I fell like I don't have any idea of what I am doing D: Thefundamentals... yep gonna grind them, grind them gooooooood xD

Aaaand some updates and also some more work on that sketch xP


Design... kinda stuck with that one :'(

Haha, you've got pretty entertaining little anecdotes with your studies, eh? Good job, man. Keep up the great work. The latest is very interesting-- Neat choice of monochrome. Moar fundamentalz! Get on it! Gogogoooo-- To infinityyyy.


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If you'd like to have some inspiration concerning gestures, you could watch Proko's Video about the topic:
Maybe you've already seen it, but I like to go back to it and watch it again and again :D

Keep those frequent updates coming, and maybe try to not only do studies but also application, to see how much you already understood of what you have studied.

I already really like the sword handle in your wip, even if it's still very vague. It's a bit art nouveauesque and I like that, curious how you are going to develop this illustration (:



@Bookend Thanks! Yep they make the sketching more relaxing from time to tome ;)
@Cyprinus AAAAW thanks!!! I totally forgott about this vid, thanks for sharing it! D: Gonna be more productive from now one, promise! :)

Sooo the bad news: I didn't made it through the challenge D: Will try it this month, not giving up! :D

The good news: The year started awesome and I've alredy started something!

Couldn't sleep one night so thought I aswell might scribble something. I was surprized that after a point I liked the sketch and now I want to finish it!
The goal is to push it as far as I can without reference.

The head is starting to bug me, has anyone any suggestions? :O

Some recent sketches.
Getting busy with the exams but I'll try to catch up with gesture drawings and other D:

Hey! on that one sketch you liked, it's funny how that happens. You start sketching and really don't care for something and then you kind of hit this point and go ah this is actually alright - just when you where about to scrap it haha. Keep on doing the fundamental stuff.

A decent bit of stuff is looking pretty washed out, I'd suggest doing some greyscale studies. Try and get the values right just by eyeing it and simplifying values by squinting. If your having trouble, use the eyedropper and check what the actual value is, and go back to your study. Over some time you'll start realizing your mistakes.

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Some warm up sketch inspired by someone :D

And some offtopic thumbs :/

Next will be more fundamental studies! It's about time I got back to them D:

Good to see you are still working hard! Those bug thumbs look really interesting. I like the whole middle row, especially the one in the center!
As for your head problems (Im not really a character person so I have no idea) I think you have struggled through and worked it over so many times that you have learnt everything you can from the image and to just move on to the next one and hope you get further. I know it may hurt to leave a piece unfinished, but sometimes it might be better for you in the long run. (Though its a very fine line between quitting too early and sticking it out, so I suggest experimentation and reflection)

@Jaik Thanks! Yeah I sat some more on it and I think I should really just go on :)

Aaand here some other stuffs... no studiez yet but there will be, promise! :)

Oh noes, some moar!!! :O


Back to studying.

But first some sketches.

The 4th #maysketchaday

Basically did this dude to see what I am lacking most and where I am to start studying.
So I did all this without reference in order to know the point of when I am starting to wing it. When I noticed it I stopped working at the current part and move on until all possible elements are gone (no background as I am focusing on characters).

What I need to work on most:

-Basic proportions
-Heads / Faces
-Clothes (inside that culture)
-Body Hair (that's a wierd one)

Well... as I still have 27 vikings to go I guess I'll have some opportunity to work on these points.

Didn't mis a day uptil now. Sure it's not much but it's a start to coming back to daily drawing! :D

Hey Nowio, great to see you back to posting and daily drawing! Even if it's not much, it's better to work for 10 minutes a day than to do nothing! So keep up the daily game!

Did you do these from imagination or with ref? I think you should definitely keep up your studies of the basics as well and maybe do these daily sketches from a ref. Like this, you can also learn a ton about vikings!
Also, even if you don't have much time, I'd suggest you try to be a b more deliberate with your hatching, as in some examples it really looks a bit rushed, and sometimes, if the hatching doesn't really follow the underlying form, it will destroy the 3D-Dimensonality in a lot of places. Or let's put it this way, if you let the hatching follow the underlying form it will help a lot, I think!

Anyway, keep up the daily work! Also, I've got a suggestion for you, when you're trough with the month of vikings, why not challenge you with a more polished artwork to put into practice everything that you've learned?


@Cyprinus   Hey and sry to be this late to respond D: On a sidenote I totally agree that sketching daily is huge no matter for how long. Totally failed the vikings month... so gonna do it now, no time limit for 28 vikings- studies and art! :D

Hey everyone! As said above, more studies and viking stuffs incoming :)
Here is the first warmup, these will be the first things I do in the day without reference or specific theme.

Awesome warmup, maybe next time give him an expression that reflects his character? :)

@Gliger   Thanks gonna try that one of the next days :D

here is the next warmup, next coming are studies :3

Attached Files Image(s)

Okay, some stuffs of thingssss
Damn sitting down and doing some studies is... something I am not used to anymore xD
However... I'll get there :)


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