Sketches and paintings and ALLOT OF FUN!
More movie studies , Also i dont really paint allot of female lately so need to improve that ofcourse!

[Image: kingdomofheavenfilmstud.png]

first attempt to do a self portrait from a mirror ! it was a small round one:P

[Image: selfportraitstilllife.png][/u]

Very nice studies :D
hey man, you have some nice studies ! i really suggest you to put more contrast into your work, since they lack a bit of volume ! Keep it up man !

thanks guys and Kikindaface I will try man thanks for the feedback!

So also joining in for the New bloodsports !

here is a quick thumbnale I chose the Song Abduction

and also a moviestudy from Close encounters of the Third kind.

took me about 4 hours.

[Image: 84472774.png]

[Image: closeencountersofthethi.png]

Here is another Study for the upcoming Bloodsport:

working with perspective is fun and hard at the same time:

[Image: evildeadii.png]

Doing some perspective practices from CTRL paint !

[Image: perspectivetraning1.jpg]

here some composition sketches I chose the titel song Abducted,

I also chose the one with the child i gave the most mood and story, also did some color tests still not sure about the last one!

[Image: compositions1.jpg]

[Image: compositionscolortest.jpg]

Moar moviestudies :

[Image: aliensketches.jpg]

[Image: 92289526032055411299773.png]

[Image: evildeadstudy2.jpg]

well i think im done, maybe tweek some things tomorrow but its all good now,

[Image: childsleep.png]

[Image: bloodsport16test1.png]

my Entree ! had allot of fun with it, I chose the titel/song : Abductors

[Image: bloodsport16.png]

Studies :

[Image: studiesbloodsport16.jpg]

References :
[Image: reference2bloodsport16.jpg]

[Image: referencebloodsport16.jpg]

today was a study day, did some face studies and light and other stuff, and also this ;)!

[Image: selfportraitg.png]

moar studies, on things i suck at,

not too happy with the females and also the perspective on the arm is way off,

need to practice more of these bitches

[Image: randomstudies.jpg]

soo im on vacation thats why the absence, but im stil painting now and then, i think its a good time for some good practicing and studies !

[Image: 1013390_279267562218296_1151090115_n.png]

[Image: 8685_278950862249966_1652810896_n.jpg]

[Image: 972131_278391848972534_772558977_n.jpg]

[Image: 963985_271342403010812_681467614_o.png]

[Image: 943322_270903619721357_2025544282_n.jpg]

and here some character work! :

[Image: 312295_267750810036638_1094801229_n.jpg]

Oh man so much quality in this sketchbook!
I already commented the Meadow Gist study on your dA but I'm still in love it, really great work!
Seriously, keep it up! :D

Man, there is some serious improvement from page one on here, I'm lovin' some of the stuff you've got in here, namely these last few painterly studies you've done.

After seeing such smooth polish it's nice to come across such a difference, I am personally fond of that style, but I would say you could probably just apply that to other things, much like those character designs you've got. I feel it could add some strength to future pieces. I say this because it's pretty clear you understand your brushwork, even with a study, it's just a suggestion. Good stuff! :D

hey you guys thanks for the warm comments!

yeah ive been trying to work more traditionally with my art, but the thing is that im lacking the most is understand fundamentals like not just a little bit but at a point where i am not struggling with light or form, so thats why im practicing edges and form allot lately,

here is a personal piece where i tried to work with 2 weaknesses edges and Hardsurfaces.

[Image: 382518_285525418259177_375355280_n.jpg]

and here are some more studies, where i tried to work with value and get a clear progress of how i should start a painting the 2 faces are from a tutorial from BOB KANO i highly suggest everybody should watch that one ive learned Soooo much!

[Image: 1003414_286192254859160_1563957840_n.png]

[Image: 1010162_281380318673687_1014778302_n.png]

[Image: 983951_282097315268654_228960950_n.jpg]

[Image: 1014353_284076181737434_947726763_n.jpg]

More to come soon!!

an really nice sketchbook here! love them, also ive seen on FB some of your stuff, you have an great style! very painterly like and nice colors! keep them coming;)

Freelancer available for new commissions
Deviant art:
Whoa I like the details on Your portrait drawing. Great brush strokes on faces and the colors are looking awesome :)

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

hey Daggers!! thanks for the awesome feeback!

here is some more portrait practice using gueache technique from Bob kane :

the first one is from a photo i took from my uncle the rest is from imagination, and as you can see i still have a hard time defining my lightsource, so i think doing some asaro head practice might help me? if you have any other ideas on practicing light let me know!

[Image: jmtn.png]

[Image: 841m.jpg]

[Image: jnb.png]


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