Rognoll's Sketchbook
Whaaaat I've seen some pretty rad fakemon in my days! ha, whatever. Cool creatures!

Thanks man, don't take me seriously, I'm one of those canon nazis. I'm sure there are pretty good fan-made stuff out there.

some finished random monsters.

[Image: criaturas_by_dadapan-d6qt4hv.png]

Character design practice
[Image: character_design_practice_2_by_dadapan-d6quqc8.png]

some portrait studies
[Image: caras2_by_dadapan-d6qylgr.png]

Hi Rognoll. The lineart character design sketches you do are great; they have a reall sense of movement to them. As for the more painterly pieces like the portrait above I would echo what Tygerson said a few pages back; i think you need to vary your value range a bit more. Get some darker values into those deep shadows. Keep up the good work!

thanks, Ignatz! I hought it'd maybe be useful to do some master studies, so, here they are.
My arm and wrist are hurting a bit, so I'm working very very slowly these days.

[Image: master_study_by_dadapan-d6rbrg5.png]
Sargent and waterhouse color studies.

[Image: dorf1_by_dadapan-d6rd7k7.png]


[Image: dorf2_by_dadapan-d6rfrp7.png]

[Image: dorf_by_dadapan-d6rlbha.png] Diggy diggy ho!

I really love your sketchbook. Your colours are so vibrant- it makes me jealous! (I always tend to gray things out accidentally.)

Keep up the good work! :)
Thank you, Ralee! I struggle a lot with colors and contrast. Light, edges, colored lights, are so hard for me

OK, same dorf with cheap special effects!
I've got to fix that. Any suggestions?
[Image: dorf_by_dadapan-d6roh9w.png]

Niiice dwarf =d Love the design and style, plus this flashy thing he's doing is kinda neat. Hands could use some tweaks here and there. Maybe back up this with some studies. Great job overall!

Hi! Nice linework and I think you are improving when it comes to color and value as you can see it on the dwarf. To be honest, the one without all the glowing effects suits me better. Andrew Loomis said that one source of light gives the best reading of form. I know that the most of fantasy/sci-fi art is full of rimlights, reflections and so on... but to be honest, maybe it's good to fuck that, and do a nice form reading with just one light source and some shadow filling with soft, diffused light reflected from the floor or walls. The dwarf without glow has a nice vibrant color and gives a nice reading. Maybe you could try stepping on to this path for a while?

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
@Ramalooke: Yeah, for some reason big hands are a pain for me, I guess I should study them a lot more.

@Kerm: You're right. I was going for no-cheap FX, but what would he be doing? I mean, why would he be in that pose, if not casting a spell?

Anyway, I'm posting a fx-free version
[Image: dorf__no_fx_by_dadapan-d6rr3qy.png]

The dwarf has a good pose, and I like having the fx on this one. The light matches the mood. It's not as if you have a lady elf reclining among flowers, with crazy dramatic light behind her.

I might drop the background value down a lot, just to get as much contrast as possible.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


So maybe it would be nice idea to make only the hands on fire? Rest of the body would get only some fill, diffused light. Well, I may be wrong, but it would create a nice contrast and pull the hands to the front? So we could get more 3d feeling? Well, corect if I'm wrong. I'm still in a learning phase but trying to help :) :P

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
Thank you, guys! Yeah, darker background and less fire, I think it might work!

now, a quick Schaffer color study
[Image: schaffer_by_dadapan-d6s5dsf.png]

Hey Rognoll, nice stuff.

I was really fond of your dwarf** drawing, but the paint over didn't quite do him justice in my opinion. I believe that you could benefit greatly by simply devoting more time to understanding values and form, edges too. Study the masters you enjoy. there are also some great resources online for these principles.

These immutable principles will really help you sell your visuals better, and help you break down your process into a more concerted effort.

Still, I see a great deal of potential. I'll be checking back! keep it up.

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
I don't understand. You mean the dwarf?

Anyway, yeah, I've got to study more u_u. Thanks for stopping by! :)


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