Fedodika the Koala
You're doing good! :D I can see some problems with the proportions of the face, but just keep on doing those studies and focus on construction and proportions. 
You've really improved! I like that skull you made. I've experimented a little with mixing 3D and 2D and I must say I really enjoy that workflow as well.
looking forward to that big piece you have in the oven, i used 3d (Daz, poser and the likes...) for illustration before and the results were pretty good!
Nice collection of cuties too, very good aesthetics. ;D

Eduardo: my bro, so i did a lot of takes on this thing and just ended up using 2d for the whole thing lol; I'm not really patient enough to learn 3d at the moment, but i gave it an honest try; watching blender tutorials and stuff. I think once i can get some commissions i'll save up and get z-brush and keyshot and all that good stuff cuz i think learning hard surface design would be fun, plus i don't get too sick of it :). Thanksh, you wouldn't believe how many pictures of beautiful women are on my harddrive, oogling them has become a passtime of mine haha;

Bjork: I think i'm getting a lot of the proportion stuff sorted out just through learning perspective, but I really am gonna fix it in february; Thanksh! Ended up not using the 3d, but  will come back to it later this year, i wanna try using Sculptris to make some creatures or dragons or sth;

Soooo, i learned a lot of things this month... one thing is why many people who do improve don't say much when they post; it's just like... Do the work you know, things will kind of align and solve many of your own issues. Anyways, yea i focused on learning from Scott Robertson this month, drawing a lot of mechanical stuff in perspective. Lots of sketching... Tough shit, 

But i really have fallen in love with this approach! Next month it's just portraits only and push that further; It is a strength of mine I believe, but not good enough to land a commission; That's the goal this year is to get my first commission, even if it's for 100$ or sth, i'd love to draw something for someone, would be an honor! And it has to be from a stranger who admires my work on their own, not a family member or sth. But I do think it's gonna happen this year, i can't be mediocre forever.

I'm also laying out a schedule for this year of things to do
Jan- perspective
Feb- Portaits
March-Anatomy front and hands
April-  Anatomy back and feet
May- creatures or monsters or sth, and i dunno for the rest of the year.

Just keep trying something random or crazy and keep struggling to get good at everything which is what i really wanna do, have a lot of versatility! But focus is key, and this month i've learned a fuckload, and I've never felt so optimistic about a new year!

First things will be sketches and studies, Then painted studies, then work on the big piece i researched and worked up to all this month, I guess I am satisfied with it, but it always looks much cooler in my head; it's getting closer for sure :)

Just month after month i wanna keep one upping myself, it is the best feeling to keep working hard, i love it, even though it's gotten me nothing tangible; I love to see myself grow as an individual.

Anyways, I dunno if i'll post throughout february, but i def will at the end. stay alive my friendz <3

oh and ps thx smrrfette for all the help and support <3 XX

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Hey there Koala-Man, I've got to agree with Sketchosoph, the improvement from when you last posted is incredible, especially given the amount of time that has passed. In particular, your rendering has gotten much better, which I think is particularly evident in those vehicle pieces you've done. All I have to say is that if you keep going like this, your work is going to be bloody amazing.
yep yep like Stardust said you are on the verge on making something really great, now its the critical moment when you need to keep pushing further, but no pressure or anything haha just keep doing your thing. When you are passionate about what you do, you are bound to improve. :D

Yeah I can see the improvement as well. Your experimentation is really informing your work. I think the schedule you created is definitely the right way to go for sure. Lets see you stick to it ;)

I will be going at it hard this year as well, things have gotten a lot harder now and I have 45 hours less time each week but not gonna let the dream slip. Lets do it baby!!

[Image: e2kG5lX.gif]
gotta protect the peoples from this bomb u jus dropped

the vehicle renderings are cool looking, the one named "fugg kew" as a file name is my fave

'sif I never saw this update... sillly smrrfettetrtatateo oooooohh >:o!!

P.s. anytime bebz and ty 2

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Sketchosoph: Thxx Heheh

Stardust: hehe thanks! uuh, lets hope sooo! tried to keep it rolllin!

OG eddy: I hope i will make something amazing one day! and make shum $$$$$$$$$$! Thank youz!


Smrr: <3 hehehehe those were good practice, uuh feel so old already haha

Well guys uuuh, Idk the more I do this the less i feel like anyone should pay attention to me; it's weird.. The less i feel i should say here, i see it happens to most artists; they end up saying less and less as their journey goes so deep. It's just hard work you know... a lot of it; and really uuh, just trying to make things looks good, making a focused effort to create something cool and original, idk...

Anyways, the more stylized portraits are all fantasy characters that i have created, some of them being as old as 2003. I have characters that go even further back from that all the way to 1999 when i was 5 and i will get around to painting them soon. I like to show don't tell you know, people's eyes glaze over when you tell them all your amazing fantasy ideas; and i feel them soo... 

My two Stories are called 
Turkisss World: A medieval kind of fantasy
Hay Let's Go!: an avante garde sci fi novel that starts out as a high school drama

These characters are from the former, and i'll leave it at that.

Umm, gonna post these here.. Idk why i'm so nervous and worried, i guess cuz there is a lot of uuh, culture that i have put into these characters and i feel guilty they turned out so close to how they look in my head yep.. So, uuh, enjoy! well... you don't have to if you don't want to haha.

The first TEN ARE STUDIES! If i uploaded every study and sketch i did this month it would take hours lol

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

Major improvement on your structure and rendering, Fedo. Great work. Next step would be to put more thought into how you can use edge quality to differentiate materials and focal points.

Hey man, your studies are looking killer, especially that month of Robertson study, what an improvement!

For portraits, your rendering (esp. in studies is really nice), but when you take it across to your imagination pieces all the fundamentals don't quite mesh together. For the Robertson month his stuff forces you to focus on the applicable fundamental (perspective), and this carries over to your personal work, whereas for the portrait month you've kinda done more copying photos rather than analysing the fundamentals behind it. So to improve your portraits, I think you need to work on your facial form/construction, colour and light, because a lot of them are looking a bit unclear on where your light is coming from and what your colour scheme it?

You've improved loads though! Keep it up!

Nice progress over the last few pages. Those portraits have definitely gotten much better!

In regard to some things that could be improved upon -- your values are muddied in a lot of these, so just be sure to better separate those, and I think that would go hand in hand with what Eristhe mentioned about being more deliberate with your light source. There's some overuse of texture as well in a few of these which creates a lot of visual noise. Take a little more time beforehand to plan everything that you think will be going into you're painting and I that will definitely make a big difference! :]

Archeux: THanks bro! been doing that

Eristhe: Just fightin through the suck, thanks for the comment!

Vicianus: Edges r my lief <3

Hey guys, end of the month drop off, the last piece is not quite done so... I know what i need to fix on it. Got my FIRST FREAKIN COMMISSIONS THIS MONTH HOOYAHH!  Bomb Bomb Bomb  That is the first pic, and (I know there are a billion problems with it  but the client loved it so peesh) it was a lot of fun! But uuuh, yea, still learnin stuff learnin a lot of new cheat codes hehehe. I got a lot of other crappy crap but i think this is enough, and yea uuh, goin to learn more stuff the new month ahead cheers and keep GOOOINNN!! WHOOO  Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Party

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Your Winona kicks my Winona's bum

You know how I feel about the stuff you're workin' on <3

Keep pushin Fedo!

P.s. holy fu- check out how much work you're pumping out In love --!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Hey Nick! I like your studies! One suggestion though - push your range of black to white more. Meaning if you take your studies of landscape and knight to photoshop, and make it grey scale, make sure they hit a wide range of very dark to very light. If you do that, your images, with what they already have now, will pop a lot more.

Fedudu I'm back to torment your soulllll
Jkjk I just stopped by to see how things are going at your side. You did a nice job working on that knight study- shapes and strokes are well made- and than again you forget about it and move on to your regular style. Try practicing more with shapes- simplify image that you're studying- work with bigger objects, bigger shapes- less detail. Algenpfleger and Even are great examples- you can see that kind of stuff in their sketches.
Keep it up =)

wow guyz... this month offline has been quite the experience... I perceive everything in a very different way now hmm... Anyways, thanks for all the comments guys, though it's kind of hard to put anything into words... 

Anyways, i spent most of the time drawing in pen and using my imagination maybe 90% imagination.. and i gotta tell ya that helped me grow very quickly. I didn't listen to anything while drawing, and for entertainment i played some old video games and listened to music on walks; maybe watched like 5 movies.

 I really see what everyone who would critique me on structure was saying, it all makes sense now. People want to feel like they're looking at something three dimensional, no matter how eloquently it is painted.

It's gonna take a bit to get used to digital painting again. Goodness i feel so different. It's almost poetic, like there is some sort of hopelessness online for attention, and now i feel like my head is screwed on very very tight, it just doesn't want to give in to any nonsense or clutter. 

We'll see how long that lasts however... I have found out who I am as an artist, and it's just me, and everything i want to see; though it will take some time to bring out the true dimension of the things in my head... We're getting very close...

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Wow, welcome back! You did quite a lot. Your poses are very dynamic, however faces will need some Loomis - mainly the head proportions. Enjoy your stay :)

Hey there Fedo, those traditional sketches look really nice, very loose. The painted work is pretty good too. Great to see you advancing.
GET. IT. BOY. <3 <3 Welcome baaaaack-!

Tighten up some sketches too tho-! That's where you really learn shit!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Piotr: Thank you very much my green skinned, kale pickin vigger

Beedlefox: thx bro, appreciate it <3

Smrrfootitooti: i am screaming in lowercase omg i luv u so much holy gagagagag mamamama lalalala hooo haaa hehehehe xxxxx asfasfasfasfasofasf muah!

Soooo, recently i've been getting back to work with digital, and after the sketches i posted the paintings i did in sort of a linear fashion to show how i was rusty haha. Still kind of am... But man i have a totally different approach now; It's like i kind of sketch the thing, block in the colors with some texture and stuff, then just STOP! then do a really ballsy blur (depth of field) on the entire image after shrinking it, then sizing it back up. man, that is how you get the photoreal quality, i am getting closer, it's ALL about edges and value. You get the edges right off the bat and stuff starts looking like something. 

Anyways, that's all good and stuff, but i am trying to figure out how to get more people to solicit me for commissions. See in April, i had a girl contact me for some private commissions and she absolutely adores my work and is very loyal to me. I also had 2 other people contact me, but they said they were short on cash, but would come back if they did (doubt that.) 

I really don't want to cater my portfolio to specific companies, because I mulled over it a lot on my month off and I just wanna start making my own brand you know, even if it's harder. So I've made up my mind to try and do some pieces that really show more balls than what i've been doing. I often BS textures like hair and skin, or fabric, and it's time to make those things look real. That's not getting me commissions so, i'll save that for the quicker sketches and things. People like dimensionality and realism, that makes stuff look cool for some reason. Not everyone is gaga over smoky brush strokes and pretty colors unfortunately.. I mean i like it, but you know... 

Also I'll throw in some more complex backgrounds and cinematic looks with laser sharp anatomy and stuff. Sooooo, we'll see how that all goes. I was thinking of maybe doing some fan art but really giving it my all with studies and stuff and hopefully it at least gets one person interested in chucking me some bucks every month or two so for a picture.

I don't wanna sell out, but i'm tired of livin with my mum, so we'll see who breaks first, my ego or well... my ego. 

Gotta always be thinkin of the next step, living in the present is depressing because if you always do that, nothing will ever get better, and if you wanna be happy, you have to keep making things better.

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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