Kaffer's sketches & doodles
Hey there Jaik! Yeah, right now it's portfolio-building time, so I'm currently dwelling in more polished stuff too, other than just plain studies.. soon I'll upload what I've got! Thx a ton & best of newest of years to you as well(est) !! :)

Character study after the long break to get my juices flowing..

Spitpaint for the FB group to warm up.. Magic Book topic


entrance to the dark castle:

Looking good man! The spitpaints are really badass! Love all the stuff everyone does with them.

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Thx man! Yeah, they can give you a boost int he beginning of the day :)


Awesome paintings man. I love the color and values.:)

Thx a lot Raz! Killer anatomy stuff you got there! :)

hey buddy

i really like your last Character study! do more of this kinda stuff !!
Hey man! Just did one -forgot to upload it yet :)

And a speedie to the Spitpaint group - Raven King

..and another portrait study.. from the legend himself! :)

Hey man stopped by, awesome sketchbook going on. A suggestion: maybe try think more about contrast in soft/hard edges and how you could utilize that, anyway keep up the work :)
Such glowing color and sweeping organic lines in your 1-20-14 post! I really like that one.

Great set of studies and paintings!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Hey guys!

@knokkelmanden: Thx a lot! Yep, It has been pointed out to me a couple of times, altough when I apply soft edges I always feel like if I lost some of the painterliness.. but I get what you mean, I love to see compositional variations in hard/soft edges (like in Wojtek Fus' portaits) but failed to utilize it yet.. I'll keep on trying though!

@Tygerson: Hey, thanks! Yeah that one is close to my heart, it started as a compositional sketch in values, made a simple palette and colored it.. it took about 20 minutes the whole thing. I think I'm gonna experience with that in the future, it actually amazed me how such simple stuff can work :)

Hey guys! Been a while since I updated.. so here is a go

Started Matt Kohr's Observation to Imagination series..

Also did some gestures - 90sec, 60sec, and one interesting pose for 5 minutes

A quick enviro-study

I started attending a figure drawing class - should have a long time ago :)

Some Spitpaints

And my progress on the revived Bloodsports theme

man nice sketches !

keep it up

hope you doing good !
Hey man, thx! Yeah, same old-same old.. :)

Here's a Lava environment study I did for a project

Wow... now that's a really cool looking lava study! Or should I say hot...

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