Zombie's Book of Sketches
Some more work. Plowing through with Amit's EDR class, I'm sooo thankful to have such great, guided assignments to work on that isn't for school. I'm also starting on my big project I'll be doing this term. I'm doing an illustration of what my anxiety would look like if it were a place, so it'll be a big scary cave with lots of monsters.

[Image: zombiechinchilla_week1_zpsrmjsg620.png]
Assignment 1

[Image: zombiechinchilla_week02%20copy_zpstylwq0qy.png]
Assignment 2

[Image: AA8C0E0B-7C46-4DA8-9E6E-98ECD042C506_zpso2datzu9.jpg]
Quick acrylic study, from photo ref, maybe an hour

[Image: 2A54733A-5D67-455B-B69D-927A1CBC97BA_zpstywyzxlw.jpg]
Thumbnails for my anxiety caves.

[Image: 071E8231-79DB-443C-86CA-0FE6072F902A_zpsrl27nmvy.jpg]
Anxiety monster concepts

Gorgeous environments! Fun, but messy sketches. Maybe make sure that your values are clear in pencil, so you can show what's going on? Other than that, really cool! You're making progress, so keep it up! Thumbs_up


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thanks, Bookend!

[Image: zombiechinchilla_week03%20so%20far%20cop...crikoh.png]
My work so far for assignment 3 of EDR.

[Image: other%20brienne1_zpsj63h4kh4.png]
Went back to an old Brienne painting from a year ago and redoing it.

[Image: 19847109-000D-49E7-BCC7-E3388D48C6F7_zps0c7jebni.jpg]
Sketch of Zelda. Might redo this, not sure.

[Image: D2CC4F6E-F8E7-4613-9202-64EE2B761608_zpsz4lldnut.jpg]
Sketches of anxiety monsters. >:D

[Image: 2EC32DE9-128F-4603-9341-D32E7C5ACB4A_zpsv5l9zdsl.jpg]
And a piece I'm working on for class. I'm gonna add a figure holding a torch where the light originates and monsters in the foreground and background once I'm happy with everything.

that last piece is lookin really good!

Thanks, Lurch!

I've been a-work, work, workin'...

[Image: tumblr_nww2m4qE6F1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

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[Image: tumblr_nwxujhu7E51rrywreo2_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_nwxujhu7E51rrywreo1_500.jpg]

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[Image: tumblr_nxndhfDlxR1rrywreo2_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_nxprjnX4uo1rrywreo1_250.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_nxprjnX4uo1rrywreo2_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_nxprjnX4uo1rrywreo3_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_nxprjnX4uo1rrywreo4_1280.jpg]

I'm working on a bunch of stuff right now. Mostly school work, plus environment design stuff I'm catching up on, and I'm doing some personal comic stuff, too.

My EDR week 4 assignment:

[Image: zombiechinchilla_week04%201_zpsdc2crqjt.png]

And the layers of the armor for one of my OCs:

[Image: tumblr_nxz168oPzt1rrywreo1_1280.jpg]

hey your stuff looks nice!

Thought I feel like there is some inconsistency problems that are still there when looking at your figures. I would recommend using a simple skeleton underneath all your figures at first to get a good feel of the proportion and structure. You seem to be loosely using one in most of your drawings and I think taking more time to pose it and draw it proportionally would help tons.

Heres an exemple of a very simple skeleton you could use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2SmQg4L...=CUBEBRUSH
Marc Brunet isn't the fanciest instructor but he definitely knows how to cut corners efficiently.
I agree with Di-Dorval, another thing that could help is gesture studies, working more loose and trying to relax the poses a bit.


Looks like you are producing a lot, thats great! Keep it up!

Di-Dorval- Hey thanks! Yeah I've tried a few different skeletons but I admit that I tend to draw it really quickly and messily, then when I start to flesh the figure out I will sometimes ignore the skeleton because I didn't draw it correctly the first time. I'll remember that, though, and put skeletons on my list of things to study.

Davi- Thanks for the resources! I'll try to do more studies, thanks!

Haven't had too much time to paint lately, but here's my latest. My EDR assignment:

[Image: edr7_zps9bbvr3te.png]

And a Zelda painting. I was really struggling with the values, so I switched to greyscale and will add colors later with gradient maps.

[Image: zelda1_zpsluut4sfl.png]

I'm hoping to get the Zelda painting to a high enough quality where I can sell it as a print, so any crits will be much appreciated!!

Ohh no, it's been two months with nothing! Well I just posted my February goals in my 2016 deathline thread, and one was to update my SB more often, so here we go!

I didn't do as many studies these past two months as I would have liked, but here's some mannequin stuff I did:

[Image: study4_zps9r31x9hr.png]

[Image: 20151227%20copy_zpspxteytmc.png]

Sketches for my first illustration assignment:
[Image: tumblr_o18lx5R6Da1rrywreo1_500.jpg]

The cover art for my webcomic:
[Image: tumblr_o10ucwDujW1uu81qco1_500.png]
(The link is here: http://dreamsofdrowningcomic.tumblr.com/)

Concept stuff for webcomic:
[Image: goddess%20copy_zpsov05cfrp.png]

Main character:
[Image: moss_zpspyynzo37.png]

WIP of my graphic design project:
[Image: gd_zpsywzmsqxc.png]

And my completed Illustration project:
[Image: 23B0DA39-D623-48A5-8D40-5172F6EBC6D3_zpsiql18fxf.jpg]

Whew, I think that's about it!

I honestly don't have a lot to post here, but:

[Image: 20160229_zpsk1x9jdga.png]
I did some studies last night, the ones on the right are from imagination

[Image: donuts%20copy_zpsmgyo6s7k.png]
I drew some colored pencil donuts for my illustration class, which I later made into a seed packet:

[Image: seed%20packet%20copy_zpsbwkcd4kl.png]

I'm redoing a painting from about a year ago. Here's the old:

(01-25-2015, 01:28 PM)ZombieChinchilla Wrote: [Image: tumblr_nfbivv5aoL1qk63doo1_500.jpg]

And the new:

[Image: space1wip_zpszim0suoi.png]

Still just a wip, but it's already quite an improvement.

Nice sketchbook. I like your approach to anatomy studies. I think you should do some more head construction sketches. Keep it up!

Thanks, Piotr! Ah yes, heads will always be my downfall. Gotta remember to study them more often.

I don't have too much, I went on spring break the past week and did barely anything. It was actually super duper nice. :'D All I have now are some thumbs for a graphic design assignment and my WIP for my illustration class.

[Image: tarot3_zpsydkgw3yx.png]
The assignment is to do tarot cards, and I chose Strength in a post-apocalyptic theme. I would love some crits on this! I posted it over in the crits board.

[Image: gd3_zpsru8dm40l.png]
And these are some thumbs for graphic design. We're doing posters in the style of another designer, and I chose Jules Cherbet. So I'm gonna make a Florence + the Machine poster in that style, but I'm not sure which thumb to do. Maybe the middle one?

Yeah I'd say the middle one aswell, nice!


Okay so although I do have a bunch of drawings I could post, I don't really want to post all of them but here's a few. I finished the tarot illustration:

[Image: tumblr_o5j397jfWM1rrywreo1_500.png]
I'm pretty content with it, it's just a little dark so I might fiddle around with filters a little bit.

[Image: tumblr_o5ial6Tlir1rrywreo1_500.jpg]
Graphic design assignment, in the style of Joseph Binder.

[Image: tumblr_o5j5w1guQQ1rrywreo1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_o5w92uYFxx1rrywreo1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_o5w92uYFxx1rrywreo2_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_o5w92uYFxx1rrywreo3_1280.jpg]
Some character designs.

[Image: tumblr_o5y7ofOQyH1rrywreo1_500.jpg]
A Rey I did for fun a while ago...her ear is a little too high.

Okay, so last summer my job actually worked out pretty great with me being able to work on art before I started my shift, but sadly I really hated being a cubicle monkey. This summer I have a job is retail, which still sucks but is more my speed. However I haven't been able to been able to carve out time in my schedule to sit and study. I'm hoping to do that this week but since my schedule is always different I can't say what'll happen after that. So we'll see, and I'll try to post more here!

Broke out Hampton again and started some anatomy studies.

[Image: 446814AF-6B7A-491F-B478-C024D59964D7_zpslqzqjjaj.jpg]

[Image: 85EEDD98-60EA-44BB-AF1E-50F249C3DA44_zpsi31vqdcm.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_o8uhoi2DcW1s8gcu2o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: F15DF96B-2A47-42B2-A314-4F54B1A8EE04_zpsfndcky5v.jpg]

Here's a painting of my OC I did a few weeks ago:

[Image: tumblr_oa9kzleV8k1rrywreo1_500.png]

I started an illustration of Cersei and Jaime from GoT a while ago but I'm not at all happy with the rendering:

[Image: cersei2wip_zpsahrncekn.png]

[Image: 76C70F52-1B68-492E-BCFE-DA256684F93F_zpsz3qx8b91.jpg]

Some anatomy stuff:

[Image: A6D0EEFE-ED3A-4AA0-9878-34B7B3AE3862_zpshsdq5ymn.jpg]

And finally I've been doing some kinda-daily watercolor landscapes:

[Image: 1044D8D6-0E40-4F65-8090-94664D5F35D4_zpsiymdwdar.jpg]

[Image: A764A778-F7D2-44CD-9690-F67E316C3490_zpsoye1kb87.jpg]

[Image: E3DAE171-64D9-448B-A87D-88D039603853_zps6w0vglii.jpg]

[Image: 0E3FFB85-F2EB-4497-AEB5-D3DB292FF919_zpswk3ftrzd.jpg]

[Image: E4BE43A7-910A-41C2-BFC9-30DDCF345B0F_zpscxkvuirx.jpg]

[Image: DD81329C-D072-4A88-809B-5372AC002DE3_zpsn9wdsvfd.jpg]

Hey Zombie! Great work with your Hampton studies. Have you tried Proko vids btw? I find them really helpful bor basic figure drawing, I mean simplifying without anatomy.
And the sunset painting looks awesome!
Keep up pushing:)

Thanks, Neo! I have tried Proko, I need to use his videos more often, though.

So for the past week I haven't been working as much as I'd like, but I'm slowly starting to get out of this slump! Shoutout to my art grinder bros. ;)

Some art studies I did. Please feel free to critique! I'm not sure if I'm getting this right:

[Image: 16FCCA83-24E0-4BFE-86ED-0262FC0B7F43_zpsx7uqu186.jpg]

[Image: arn%20studies_zpsleggftul.png]

From imagination:

[Image: arm%20studies_zpsskbfb0pv.png]

And some sketches of Amethyst and Lapis from Steven Universe:

[Image: 4001F9A0-329B-47C8-AA8C-E7AA427B048A_zpsrg0uijmo.jpg]

[Image: 183739F4-F255-4DFC-B101-27B53BC51261_zps4yoffk2v.jpg]

And finally, a painting of Eleven from the show Stranger Things:

[Image: eleven_zps5vhkogwm.png]


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