Oh shit I got transported into 26th of July and did totally not slack off! Screw the punishment, I mean It's cool to go without internet, but I ain't doing that shit again for a while.

On a sterner note, I think these goals wont work on me anymore, becuse I've changed. I am happy with my progress, got some jobs, need for validation/to prove oneself is much lower. So I'll just do art whenever I want to until I get worried about jobs and then I'll start rushing my improvement again.

Another thing I'm continuing(if I can make it happen, today I kinda made it happen 50%)
is this:
Restrictions to media.
I get to browse internet 8 hours after waking.
No phone near bed.

Heres some necks.
Ps: Holy crap it never occured to me to just make a new folder for my PS files and pictures, every time I wanna upload or show a picture I gotta wait like 10 or so seconds for it to update to the most recent one.

Holy fuckin' shit. It's been a while since I've checked your work. You've improve a shitload. Great work on the dwarf painting. You definetly got some juicy strokes there. Keep it yup!

Havent posted for a while so I thought It would be a good time, also because I'm procastinating a bit from actual art :D

Ramalooke - Thank you, It's encouraging to hear that. :)

Update on life stuff, started going to art school again, also doing some client jobs on the side, life is good. Getting more productive, as of late, too!

This is inspired by Walent, love his style and freshness of sketches.

Some studies and a cityscape for fun.



woah that man's face on the top left! looks really cool

Thanks Nada, it was referenced from a repin painting

You any kind of artist? Anybody know who you are? You’re a no-talent piece of shit. How dare you come down here and do this. You’re a disgrace. Who the hell do you think you are? You any kind of artist? This is one of the most important places in North America. Who are you? WHO ARE YOU?! You miserable presumptuous no talent! You're no artist. You obviously don't have any talent. An artist respects the silence. It serves the foundation of creativity. You don’t have enough respect for yourself or other people or what it is to express yourself in painting or any other form of creativity. You're a disgrace! You're everything thats gone wrong in this world. You're a self consumed no talent mediocre piece of shit! And I've earned my right to say it.

Did you reference the video at all for that, or have you learned it by heart? :D

testin new brush

Yeah, that stuff added a ton of pressure, but nowadays Im learning to still be productive, even if theres no pressure to get work done. Thank yoo :)








Great confidence in your construction! I love all that.
Thank you Danny.


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