And so the struggle begins :D

Day 1: 8h done and tired

Some stuff from today.

Inspirational sketchbook Crackedskull! You're proving that hard work pays off! I love the broad brush strokes on the two master studies on posts #881 and #885. Keep going dude!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Day 2: 8h done

Thank you Artloader :D

Allright time to set a few new rules and also Im gonna repost the goal itself cuz why not.

80h in 10 days.
*No internet aside from music/reference/hangouts while working.
*No more than 1 "nap" or daydream session allowed per day.
*2h of fun timewasters per day.
*No phone in bed
*No more buying energy drinks
If an accident happens or I get sick or otherwise have serious difficulties drawing(arm injury, trauma etc) then the goal will be canceled.
Also if my wrist gets injured again Im not cancelling the goal, gonna draw with my lefty. This also serves as a motivator to not draw recklessly.

Reward: a day off
Punishment: 1 month without internet

Wow, you have improved so much, it's scary. Don't stop.


Link Tree

Discord: emnida
Day 3: 8h done 

Thanks Rotten, working on trying to improve even faster and push myself more.

About that, I had a talk with Adam and Murry about that. I proposed I should make a new goal next time that has 12h a day. The reason was that the goal would be overwhelming and force myself to grow and draw more. Murry said that instead of doing that put more effcort into my drawings and paintings. Really try to give it your best and focus. Which, as it turns out is really hard. So maybe next goal I integrate that into it, like: "8h a day, from which 3-4 hours are intense focus study/art and really giving it your best.

Been working this dwarf quite a bit, redesign after redesign, decided to go back to some basic forms and get them into perspective and into proportion after some crits.

I think you should use the focused study time to do concept work. You've got the finishing of paintings down pretty well. You need to focus of the leg work. Challenge yourself to do 20 thumb nail design iterations of one character. Then Move it to 40 and so on. Really try to increase the number of different ideas you can come up with for one thing. Like this challenge Jake Parker did

Day 4: 8h done 

Good idea, first design is the skeleton archer, I think I went too detailed with it. Also considering doing 100 iterations of a pop-culture icon.

Day 5: 5h done 
Day 6: 9h done 

2h behind

Day 7: 8.5h done

1.5h behind

Did some face studies for the dwarf, here is one of them. Studied a sculpture from Scibor Teleszynski
This dwarf has fucking life to it :D

Day 7: 11h done

1.5h ahead

Some studies and imagination heads.

Day 8: 8h done

1.5h ahead

update on the dwarf.

Day 9: 8.5h done


studied a cool guy

TOJW is a great movie and this is a great sketchbook. Thanks for inspiring!
Day 10: 6h done

Goal finished wohoo

Thank yoo Ninjerk

heres some studies and sketches from hed

New goal

80 hours of art in 10 days.
Every day make sure you give it your all for atleast 3 hours [no distractions at all(so no music or hangouts)]
* No internet aside from music/reference/hangouts while working.(breaking this rule 3 times in a day means I will disconnect from the internet until my daily hours are done and Im caught up with the schedule)
* 1 nap per day
* 2h for unproductive activities on computer
* No phone in bed
* No more buying energy drinks
If an accident happens I will postphone the goal.
Also if my wrist gets injured again Im not cancelling the goal, gonna draw with my lefty.

Reward: a day off
Punishments: 2 months without internet.
A day without food.

Wow, the piece in the #885 post has has such a pleasant looking and harmonious color palette, It's almost as if Van Gogh picked up fantasy art :D


Thank you ici

worked on the dwarf more.

I like seeing these drawings that reflect your progress.

Thanks man :D

Heres some studies from yesterday and today.

I like your construction work on the dwarf and your studies in the last piece - gives your work a well-formed feel to it. Keep going mate - great effort.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook


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