Allright, time to get back into it, mostly out of fear of making it in this competetive career.

So starting tomorrow I will pursue the following goal:

"Do 80 hours of art in 10 days, or give up art forever"

If I fail, I will accept the consequences without question.
If there are external sources that prevent me from pursuing my goal I will postphone the goal until Im ready again.

We are all just deranged penguins.

Man... you're really being hard on yourself! Yes, this career does take a lot of dedication (time investment, sacrifice, painful struggle) but don't forget that we're all just humans - it's ok to feel down now and then, and to have trouble concentrating or fulfilling certain amounts of workhours/quantity/quality. Don't put a gun to your head for these kinds of things!
Pushing yourself is hard and necessary, but also allow yourself some time to be human (breaks, messing up, feeling down, etc). No giving up allowed!! You can do it!
If doing your usual study and work feels too tough to do, or you're really having a hard time getting your stuff done, what do you think about trying out something entirely different? New techniques, something you usually don't do, something that requires a slightly different toolset but still counts as art. Maybe that would help you feel a bit better?

I really like the perspective you have going in that last painting, very cool and dramatic shot :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Agree with Lyraina. Step back and try to have fun again.

Youve definitely improved your drawing skills and that paired up with your color sense is becoming a strong combination.

I'm not sure how youre spending that time, but It might be better to read some books. Try creative illustration, it helped me alot. Especially when coming up with a process.
Hey Lyraina, I am grateful for the advice and help. I tried out balancing studies with "apply" sketches where I let loose on style and other stuff. I also allowed myself to take a break when I felt tired, but I didnt bring my smarphone to the bed :). I ended up napping and then felt refreshed. Its challenging to get the face right on the last artwork, but tomorrow I will try out multiple different positions and do some studies.

Hi Ben, good seeing you here. I havent been hitting the books lately, but I definitely should do more reading, thanks for visiting.

Day 1: 13h done

I really got into it today and did 6h pretty fast, then I took a nap and did 2h over the course of 4 or so hours. And finished the day with going to the hangouts and just chatting and painting.

day 2. 2h
I suck!!!!!!!!!!!!
day 3. 8h

1h behind schedule.

Aaaand Im feeling down again, its like a hole you try to crawl out, but keep falling back into, atleast Im starting to get used to it and not caring as much.

Day 3. 9h

I was inspired by DJ Khaled, my great lifecoach and bestest coolest smartest loyalest man around. Another one.

Im gonna do it one day guys, Im gonna buy my whole family houses, Im gonna buy the whole daggers community houses.

You don’t suck. You do NOT suck. Repeat that with me now….. „I do not suck!“!

I see it less as a hole to fall into and get out again, but more like a cycle that always repeats itself, always ups and downs. We just gotta try to have more „ups“ and struggle through the „downs“ without giving up. Knowing that there are these inevitable holes, or downs, is good though because it also tells you that you can get through them and come out the other side eventually. Just remind yourself, the pain is only temporary.

So many updates, you’re working hard man! Love those horse studies, great shape/form, anatomy and they also look dynamic.

Keep pushing!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Damn, what a beast!
I seriously admire your determination and endurance. You keep plowing through mister!
I can see those studies are doing wonders for you. It's always a great thing for me too, whenever I lose some proportions or the anatomy goes a little off, I just find a matching pose photo and try to re-construct it from basic shapes, then bones and all that.
Also, life studies. I can't recommend them enough, they are really pushing the level up, just keep at them. I'm seriously puzzled why DJ Khaled never mentioned them! ლ(゚д゚ლ)
Great work Skull!

[Image: rUfiMf1.png]
day 4. 6h done
2h behind schedule

Im gonna leave my phone by the desk so I get up faster tomorrow, every day I love 1-2 hours because I lay in bed after waking up for too long. I realized today that I should not dwell on negative thoughts too much, since when I do I sometimes end up making things worse. Instead I try to think about the next steps/current stuff to fix in illustrations and exercises to do. Or I try to just clear my mind, but its kinda hard because my mind trails off in thoughts quite easily.

Lyraina - I see what you mean. I guess struggling through hard times without giving up also makes you stronger. Thank you for the support, I really appreciate it.

badbaddog - Well thanks man :D. I havent done still lives for a while. I should try the reconstruction photo study method, it seems interesting.

For getting up instead of lounging around in bed, I find it helps to have something to look forward to, something that’s not daunting and frustrating. Like a fancy cup of tea sitting in your favorite place, or allowing yourself 30 minutes of reading first thing in the morning. Or whatever else makes you happy. Even if the world feels grey and cruel, at least you have that one thing to think of while making yourself get up. Just something to try cos I know it helps me :)

Dwelling on negative thoughts is (almost) never good - do learn your lesson, to avoid pitfalls in the future, but then allow yourself to mentally move on.

How’re you doing these blocky-value/color balls? It looks like an useful exercise but not sure how you go about it.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
I see, I quess I gotta find something to look forvard to.
You determine a lightsource and then divide the sphere into planes, then you start dividing the planes. You should try it out, it definitely helped me.

day 5. 4.5h done

5.5h behind schedule

Today was kind of difficult for me to get into it, but after a walk I did manage to get in a few hours before getting tired. Also setting the phone away worked, I got up faster.

Im having some doubts about finishing this goal, but I cant give up, just gotta catch up over the next few days.

day 6. 9h done

4.5h behind

Slowly catching up. I taxed my wrist a bit too much, because I was working in a different way(which involved flailing my wrist around and generaly being unergonomic), hopefully it will be recovered tomorrow.

I like the memory portrait better than the study one :P Just the shoulders turned out a bit small I think. Hope your wrist will be well again tomorrow - don't forget stretching and breaks!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
day 7. 8h done

4.5h behind

Lyraina - You do? Thanks :D
My wrist was pretty much allright, stretching is gud.

You have done a really good job the last days! And even if you don't make it to the 80h, you have done a lot of work and I'm sure you learned a lot.

The portrait you did from memory; I think the porportions are a bit off, the forehead is big, the mouth area is small. Maybe you can pay attention to that next time.

And I really like how your snake head woman is coming along ^^

Hey, good to see that Medusa coming along.

I sat in on an istebrak critique once and hey addressed the size of the eyes and forshortening in 3/4 angles. I would suggest looking at examples for medusa's right eye, as the eyes are simply too close on the form to have that much of a size difference, only the width and curve of the lids would differ because they're not entirely set on a flat surface. Having said that her left eye is pretty much perfect, love the detail.


Link Tree

Discord: emnida
day 8. 10.5h done

2h behind

Eyliana - Cant give up on it. Thanks for the critique :D

RottenPocket - Thank you for the advice, I have looked up some refs and also tried to fix the issues.

day 9. 6h done

4h behind

I got tired much sooner than I anticipated, probably because I stayed up for more than 16h yesterday and now Im catching up. Still It is my fault for taking it easy and procastinating so much today.

cool sketchbook! I like your perspective study with figures, that is something I need to do too. :D
Medusa looks great...but, I did little OP with some tips.

So, I think that both eyes need to be corrected.
[Image: op.jpg]
1. Never put pupil on the edge of iris,
2. Keep in mind the angle between eyelids,
3. Light on the iris is always on opposite side as highlight. The angle of eyelids looks incorrect on her left eye.
4. The iris and pupil must fit the eyeball. (not correct on her left eye)
5. To do some adjustments through "levels" is always good idea.

I hope that this would be helpful for you. It is nice painting!

Keep it up :)

Pavel - Thank you for the critique man :D

Day 10 - 12h done

Goal finished.

New goal, do 80h in the next 10 days or go get a day job for 3 months.
If Im in an accident/sickness etc I will postphone the goal.
Goal starts tomorrow.


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