Late night sketching with TonariNoPunpun!
Great color studies! I sorta feel like you could go a little longer on each, to really get the whole range of colors down.

I really like the cartoon/caricature face at the end. The features feel really well balanced, and the form is jumping off the page.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Hey! Some nice studies going on here :) As a suggestion, when you are applying your studies from your head and you reach that point where you feel like it's not how you want it but nothing else is coming out of your head, look back at your reference or look up some new reference. That way, you can see where you did things right and wrong to compare/contrast. I don't know if you're already doing that, but it helps a lot in the learning process for me. I used to noodle a lot on stuff just trying to squeeze it out of my head but it would have been a better use of time and effort to look back at reference at some point. It's not cheating :) Keep up the hard work!

Hey, great studies indeed!we can see improvement everytime you post! keep posting! :)

You're improving! Great job on those studies and sketches, keep pushing them. Can't wait to see a finished personal painting from you. Cheers!

Tygerson: Yeah, even though they are quick for me to focus on colors only, i also feel that I should spend a little more time (maybe 1 hour or so). But the "plan" is to do both longer and quicker studes, we will see if I can do it...And thanks for the encouragement man!

pnate: Thanks a lot for dropping by! You know how much I love your work! Thanks for the advice, I also feel like I don't look at reference enough...I do it only for studying...but I'm already trying to incorporate that when I'm frustated (I also like looking at other artists heps me a lot). And true, I don't think it's cheating at all.

Mignon: Thanks Mignon! Glad you can see some improvement, even though i'm so slow...

ramalooke: Wow man you too! Thanks! Improving slow and steady I hope...And about that finished piece, I hope to do one soon...

Long time no see, got a bit lazy to post...
But here's some unfinished digitals:

Crits on studies are welcome too! Thanks!

Tonari! I'm seeing crazy improvement :D which is scary because you were already killer on page 1 ~

Your study to application is great and this last study?! Amazing! Really reading the forms!

Hmm, as for critz? My only, only crit... hands.
I do it too, I tend to hide hands (mostly out of habit) because I haven't fully studied them.

Keep kicking butttttt---!!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Really nice stuff! I have one crit, you seem to be drawing the ears on your figures a touch too far out to the side, which is making your 3/4 view faces look too wide.
Keep up the good work :D

Love the faces, especially of the lady with hat, and lady in blue dress. Really beautiful skin tones, and good use of background, too.

There's nothing wrong with this, but have you noticed you have a default lip shape? It's a great shape, although it might be worth trying out some new forms. :)

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


EDIT EDIT!!!:-Tygerson: Oh man I'm super sorry...for some weird reason I didn't read your comment last time...sorry...
But thanks a lot, I'm glad you like the faces! And yes, I never felt too content with those lips...since forever haha...more studies I guess haha...

-smrrfette: HANDS. My nemesis.I try to study hands from time to time, but they are just too hard for me now...oh well, I'll keep trying though. But thanks smrrfette! I will be watching them hands a lot more now...with both eyes...(!)
-Samzym: Oh man that's true about the ear, I totally didn't see that...hope the next ones are a bit better! Thanks!

Hey there again good people of CD! You guys are kicking ass in those sketchbooks! Man I'm so slow...
Aaand it's been a month since the last update...I can't have discipline now, can I?
But now I'm on vacation again! YES! Actually I've been on vacation for a week haha...I was just too lazy to take photos of stuffs...
So I will dump most of the stuff I did since the last update, please bear with me (also, I couldn't draw for a week because of exams sigh...):

Desk stuff :

Sketchbook (mix of imagination and studies):

Digital studies:

Digital stuff from imagination:

Phew...It's done...
I will try to update weekly now...

Attached Files Image(s)

Great progress Tonari, you're pencil drawings especially have improved alot since the first page, love the exagerated cartoony faces in the last post as well.

Wow, quite a lot of work XD these studies look cool, really nice to see a mix of imagination and studies. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the DA watch!

What a wonderful update ~ so much good stuff - with added improvement, yet again!! 063

You're amaaaaayzing at painting, man! And my goodness, your drawings O_O'
I mean, how much can one improve?!

Just, keep it up Tonari :')
you're smashing through so many walls <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
-Triggerpigking: Thanks man! But I still can't get those values right (also I'm totally ripping Miles Johston off haha, but that's a secret)...and I love experimenting with those crazy faces, makes me focus more on the rendering...

-Samszym: Thanks! Even though I still need more studies...
Oh, and no problem man, your art is awesome ecstatic:

- smrrfette: smrrf!!! you're too kind! nah, my improvement is slow...and my painting skill
need SO much work...well, not only painting, but pretty much everything...But thaks a lot for the encouragement!!!

Thanks for the comments guys, you are awesome! (I don't deserve it though...)
Super quick digital update guys, I will try to update every saturday from now on (it's actually sunday 1AM but oh well...):

-Portrait Study (real quick):

-Study from (this was f#ckin hard, this guy is a real master)

-Another naked girl OMG :

-Quick Dude:

-Wip that I'm not feeling anymore....:

So this week I will be trying a schedule, since last week sucked so much:

I will make a new one every saturday, so feel free to comment on it, like adding/ changing stuff (unfortunately I can't add any more time, even though school is on vacation, I still have language courses until december...)

Go go go! Schedules are super tough, I've never managed to stick to mine.

Really nice to see you experimenting with colored lighting! I recommend trying to see how much detail you can not show, but imply instead. To me it looks like you're putting a ton of work into learning your anatomy, so when you do stuff from imagination you're trying to show off all the details you've learned. I think it's much more compelling for the viewer if we can't see every last detail and have to imagine what's there, to a degree. In your girl from imagination, for example, you've painted out the forms of the rib cage very nicely, but in my experience people don't have such definition int heir ribs unless they're super skinny, and according to the light direction there probably shouldn't be much definition or detail on the right side of the ribs at all. You can't draw all the muscles everywhere, think about how to design the figure and place the most details where you want the eye to focus, and keep in mind the "details in the light and simple shadows, or details int he shadows and simple lights" rule.
Good luck with the schedule and everything! keep killing it!!!!

Oh man, a lot of hard work. It looks like the studies are really helping your imagination work, awesome application! As for crits not sure as sam has said pretty much all of what I could say, if not more. I was looking at your schedule as well and I realised I should really try and reread colour and light and finish framed ink, they are goldmines of information!

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
oh wow. inspiring stuff. you're working hard and i'm sute it will pay off. just keep pushing yourself <3

So guys, I had just finished the sketch for new stuff, and right when I was 20 min into painting...the screen went black...(sob, sob...) Gahh!! I forgot to plug in the power cable!!! I'm sooooo frustated right now! Sigh...Well at least I discovered my PS has no auto save...

But it's okay, I will just update earlier and go cry in the corner now...

Samzym: Oh yes that's true with the details, I tend to focus on one or two areas instead of the whole painting, and end up overendering(?) stuff... And the schedule thing...didn't work this week (for lots of reasons, not only my laziness haha)

Egbu: Thanks Egbu! yeah sam is right...I realised that I did it with the pencil renders too...And man, those books do have a lot of information! I should finish them too...

ramalooke: Thanks a lot man, but you are an inspiration! keep rocking!

Now that my frustation is starting to fade, it's time for lame excuses (but it's true! haha). I had to attend to family stuff, and also had to prepare a few thing for a trip I'll be going tomorrow, (buying tickets, clothes...stuff like that) so the schedule kind of failed( I did do some stuff though).Oh, also I won't be back for December 7, so expect an update on DEc 14 (with manly pencil stuff from the trip)

So here it is (nothing too exciting this week):
Study after Andrew Loomis(unfinished):

Still life:

Imagination stuff:
for fun:

these two look terrible, but I think I learned something...:




And mixed:

Attached Files Image(s)

Nice studies. Watch out on those edges. You don't want your area of focus be all blury and don't having any refined edges. Cheers

Aww! Tonari nuuu! I feel your paiiiiin! D:

s2pid pc issues.

Well, it's good that you picked yourself up, dusted yourself off and went hard at it again, there's nothing much else you can do in that situation except charge right through the next brick wall you're faced with ~

And it's okay, don't beat yourself up for things you can't get around when it comes to working with a schedule

Hmm, yeah, pretty much what ramalooke said - try working on varying your edges. Edges should be one of the main elements of design imo, because they're super important - in both painting and drawing. Other than that, great studies and wips!

Lookin' forward to le next update on the 14th!
Have funnnn-n-n-n o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wow, you are working! Lots of great pencil work, faces with a lot of life, good color practice! Keep it up!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb



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