Darktiste Sketchbook
This time i got my eye on leather.Still working on this CG cookie exercise but this time i limited myself to two object since right now it seem like gain enough confidence to over render which is in itself a problem.

You can find the exercise here if you want to try doing the same.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Great material studies , I love the bottom middle of the gold one. The leather book is great too. The ball reads a little more off to me although I'm not sure why. Perhaps because the background suggests light behind it which should cause a back rim light, however instead there are sharp dark edges ? Also I might steal these worksheets off you , they seem useful

(03-26-2021, 11:32 AM)Skeffin Wrote: Great material studies , I love the bottom middle of the gold one.  The leather book is great too. The ball reads a little more off to me although I'm not sure why. Perhaps because the background suggests light behind it which should cause a back rim light, however instead there are sharp dark edges ? Also I might steal these worksheets off you , they seem useful
Feel free i am providing them exactly for this purpose it can be hard to find exercise or what to study sometime so it good that those exist.

Yea i might have to stop using this light background if i don't do the proper light change.Thank for the word of encouragement and the crit.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
You are really going places with these material studies! Looking great!

(03-26-2021, 05:04 PM)Zorrentos Wrote: You are really going places with these material studies! Looking great!
Yes i felt that to.But i want to get back to design and expand my ability to generate more visual solution for each given visual problem i want to think more outside the box and stop putting the break on just pumping a really generic design solution.But at the same time making it familar enough to appeal to the viewer.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Those material studies are on point, you definitely succeeding in showing that aspect very well!

Wow. This sketchbook has a long history. 8 years is a lot of work for a single thread. I like your animal studies with focus on structure. It's something I haven't done much myself. Material studies are great too.

For linework I would try to vary the thickness within strokes more. For example you could make lines thinner on the light side and thicker on the shadow side. This way you can get more impression of form without really showing any shading and at the same time there is more variety in the work which makes it more interesting. You can see it in the example below.

[Image: apples.gif]

I end up taking a tangente and end up trying Z brush and Maya.Time to get back to concept art.
MAYA(Top picture) Zbrush(Bottom picture)

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Heyy! Don't give up so easily :) If you need any help with zbrush or any questions let me know. 3d can feel so intimidating at the beginning- specially zbrush because of so many options and buttons and strange interface. Trust me- I turned it on, played with sphere a bit dragging it around and stretching, and I turned off that software for months. The mere thought of learning it was making me sick. But there are three functions that you should learn in the beginning and everything else will start having more sense after some time- Zremesh, Dynamesh and Project. You don't have to know everything right away, slowly building up functions as you need them.

(05-11-2021, 06:12 PM)Toxicpanda Wrote: Heyy! Don't give up so easily :) If you need any help with zbrush or any questions let me know. 3d can feel so intimidating at the beginning- specially zbrush because of so many options and buttons and strange interface. Trust me- I turned it on, played with sphere a bit dragging it around and stretching, and I turned off that software for months. The mere thought of learning it was making me sick. But there are three functions that you should learn in the beginning and everything else will start having more sense after some time- Zremesh, Dynamesh and Project. You don't have to know everything right away, slowly building up functions as you need them.
I am not giving up i was mostly learning 3d to use as underlay to take away some of the trouble of dealing with perspective once the design move from 2d ortho to 3d i also probably want to use it as a lightbox to test lighting scenario.I delve into maya and zbrush but my maya trial expired so i am slowly circling back into concepting.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hi darktiste — thanks for taking the time to look at my recent stuff and for your excellent suggestion about XYZ. Very helpful.

So I looked over your last three pages and as others have pointed out it looks like you're definitely making some progress.

I second Favrus suggestion about line weight — something I always have to be reminded about.

Anywho — keep up the great work!

Nice updates with the 3D renders, wish I could do something like that with 3D. Are you planning on working on them more or will you move on to other renders? Nice work regardless, hope to see more from you soon!

(06-03-2021, 04:53 PM)cgmythology Wrote: Nice updates with the 3D renders, wish I could do something like that with 3D.  Are you planning on working on them more or will you move on to other renders?  Nice work regardless, hope to see more from you soon!
I am still working on experimenting with color but i am using other people work so i am not really showing that and i am also doing what i call remodeling which is to take someone drawing and try to change some of it which is probably not that useful but i try to think about design concept such as shape language just to name one.So it mostly work that allow me to be more focus on the design principle and be detach from the work.It easier to judge other people work but it as the credit of making you more aware of those principle because i am actively trying to understand why one design look sucessful to me and why other don't look so sucessful.I hope this method can increase my observation and also my judgement when making decision about where to go next in my own design.Being more aware of pitfall i can avoid.Some say we learn from doing the mistake were self i like to think we also learn from the mistake of other.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
A few more texture under my belt.This one was on my to do list for a long time and it required alot of understanding of many light principle i wasn't feeling to confident until now.This is exercise 26 of CG cookie free to download practice sheet.

I was doing an other project when i realize i never really attempted to do gem and that where i had to pause that project and get this out of the way.

So as you probably guess i am post the project later on.

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Finally could finish this one which is the reason i made gem before so that i could render to the rendering level of the rest of the shield.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Nice work with the shield, solid colors and textures there!

Hey! If that is what you need 3d for (a playground for conceptart) then why not just go with Blender
The licence headache is gone
and Blender really puts a foot forward in that particular area
(see the works of Jama Jurabaev for example)
If you are not into pro animation, no need to bother with Maya really
(and even in animation there are real high end productions going with Blender - it's just not as popular... yet)
A few more props .A Belt Pouch and a angelic potion

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Props look great, nice and clean style which I enjoy. Love how you rendered the glass on the last image as well!

I am getting a artist block on this one .The idea was to make a corrupted chest. Any comment. question,suggestion. encouragement would be appreciated.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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