Darktiste Sketchbook
I am getting into the core of what i was planning to do since i arrive here at crimson dagger it seem like i am finally reach what i am suppose to be doing.But time will tell me if that was really the destination i was looking for.

To start i copied this horse head and made myself more familiar with concept like foreshortening something i practically never attempted(this sh1t ain't easy)

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It crazy how every animal is just a different version of an other animal.For example this cow it can be easly transform into a goat.The horse i did before i could almost see a donkey without much of an effort.It can be a trap to if you start to draw certain animal more then other they might start to get the trait of the animal who as been study the most.But that just me theorizing about something i observed.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
More mooh-ilage

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Study how animal move to give them more realism.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Daily gain this time we studying the horse proportion.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Might have spend to much time trying to get a likeness rather than focusing on what i was suppose and that was learning proportion.What happen is i realize how gigantic i make the horse head(something i spent a good deal of time try to reduce).I think the most challenging part is really how gradual that head slope is.The mouth was as a challenge of it own and i still feel like i miss the mark.Probably would give myself a 7/10 for the head alone and a 7 or 8 for the rest of the body.One other issue i have is how boney the leg are it feel so strange to draw such a narrow shape for the leg.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
A trace over of a simplified horse skeletal structure to familiarize myself with the simplified form of the bone.I also added some contour line to indicate what would be the rough outline of the horse.The most unsuspected aspect i find when looking at the horse is the neck and to actually see how there is a wild gap between the verterbrate and the actual outline.If i didn't knew why it would be a mystery as to why but it will explain itself when i make the muscle diagram of the horse.The answers being there is alot of muscle to help lift the weight of the head as the horse graze around.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
An other trace over but this time with a cow.Going from simplification to complex gradually over time.I also spend a bit of time to make the thing read more because black and white seem to be hard on the eye specially with the crimsondagger background it just make the white pop even more.

A few fact about cow they got a split hoove if you compare them to horse.The pelvis is also noticeably different.The cow is also better incase in a rectangle compare to a square for the horse when you want to construct there side view as the primary shape to start drawing out of.The cow as a more robust build to accomade for a life of mostly eating.Will the horse as longer musclar leg to escape prey.

I strongly recommend anyone who want to study animal anatomy to start with those two animal due to there domestication by human it make them common subject especially horse and there report with knighthood who is one of the most appreciate thing to draw for many.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Trying to mark the exterior muscle who create volume over the basic shape of the horse.I will learn the more extensive muscle at an other time if i need to do zombie.

Next is going to be exercise on simplifcation of the basic form.

Edit*I wasn't sure if i was going to add the Omotranversarius but i think now that i look at more horse neck i would be a good attention.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Some more tracing and labeling study of superficial muscle.Those leg muscle are certainly tricky to learn.I also had trouble to find the separation of the biceps.One other spot i had trouble was the neck since there so many muscle that look the same in that area.

Next is going to be exercise on simplifcation of the basic form of the horse the goal being to add the muscle to those basicly shape later on.

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Nothing special to say this time.Nothing hard about this exept the head who as many angle that need to a greater deal of accuracy.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Finally got round to looking through your work Darktiste — I think first things first, super impressive to have so much done and the amount of studies you're doing is great.

Although that is the case I'd love to see you apply these studies to some of your own work a bit more (I think you'll get more out of them this way) — even if you tried to draw some horses from memory to test yourself would be a good step forward.

It's easy to get caught in a trap of studying all the time but I found unless you apply what you learn, it'll not sink in long-term. Also, it'd be great to see you do some painting without lines — be a bit freer with your brush!
Very sold updates here, it's great to see you doing some anatomy studies on animals. I really enjoy how you broke them down into simple shapes in three dimensions, seems very pratical. Excellent use of foreshortening as well, nicely done. Keep up the great work!

(07-12-2020, 06:24 PM)cgmythology Wrote: Very sold updates here, it's great to see you doing some anatomy studies on animals.  I really enjoy how you broke them down into simple shapes in three dimensions, seems very pratical.  Excellent use of foreshortening as well, nicely done.  Keep up the great work!
The exploit will be to master those foreshorthing using different less conventional perspective view point it one thing to understand how to visually measure the foreshortning it an other to visualize foreshortening.For example i think i still need to practice to learn how to visualy estimate the degre of an ellipse more since it gonna be crucial to making my own creature from imagination.

To scrap

yes i might be guilty of this i generally work in a way where i do alot of study until i build up enough confidence to do my own personal project using that knowledge but i recently have been resheduling and revaluating my priority so nothing is impossible since i mostly use my working time to draw now.I don't have plan to chance the style to be more painterly that more something that can happen when i am in my exploration phase.The lineart style for me is the best approch to simplifying

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Tried a few approch to the lineweight to see what i prefer to show the volume but mainly just also trying to get a sense of the form.Next is going to be horse in movement with value O.O.This will conclude my introduction to Unguligrade Construction Shapes and Muscles (Equine and Bovine)

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Those are really interesting studie, great job. Yeah I would never go into such detail to study every muscles and bones on a horse. you crazy man :D keep it up!

(07-16-2020, 02:45 AM)Shuty Wrote: Those are really interesting studie, great job. Yeah I would never go into such detail to study every muscles and bones on a horse. you crazy man :D keep it up!
Thank it comment like this that make me go crazier xD

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
1 of 4 drawing of horse in motion.The goal is to draw a few different breed and try different pose.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
2 of 4 drawing of horse in motion.I think i am gonna pause this lil serie atm to try to regain some motivation else where for a day or two.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
3 of 4.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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