Brian's sketchbook
Thanks guys!

Been tough to squeeze any art stuff in this week, but did a bit of a goofy dragon portrait sketch yesterday...database work turning brain to mush.

[Image: 20130809-dragon-portrait.jpg]

I also started in on the colors for the bald dood, and would love some crits as I work toward a finish.

Not really sure what is going on in the bg at this point. I am mostly focused on working with bolder colors, and pushing values. Eventually, I'll start putting all the elements together...eventually.

[Image: 20130806-closeup-dood-001.jpg]

Thanks for looking.

Couple of rough sketches that I may take further...

[Image: 20130811-werewolf.jpg]

goofy portrait deal

[Image: 20130812-girl-portrait.jpg]

Dragon doodle that I started throwing some color on...not sure if I'll take it any further...

[Image: 20130812-dragon.jpg]

nice work! and nice colours nice renders! want MOAR! :D

Thanks Johny.

Here's a WIP I have been tinkering with a few minutes at a time.

[Image: 20130815-viking-paints.jpg]

So little time to work on anything art-related. Doing what I can to keep the rust at bay.

Silly knight thumbs. Not sure why I am even putting them up here.
[Image: 20130816-knight-concepts-001.jpg]

Got inspired by some of the elven stuff I have been seeing around CD, and put together some quick character doodles...not sure if I will take any of them further.
[Image: 20130818-elves.jpg]

I have not been doing nearly enough human-ish characters, so I decided to give it a shot a few days ago. Colors fall a bit flat, but I think there is some potential to pump them up a bit.
[Image: 20130820-face.jpg]

Saw the Character of the Week over at CA, and figured I would play around with the concept. Probably won't submit to the challenge.
[Image: 20130822-cruel-jack.jpg]

Started as a mindless gesture sketch, and decided to work on some color...I struggle with purple for some reason, so figured I would give it a go. Silly pose, but I am relatively pleased with the colors and values.
[Image: 20130822-torso-purple-practice.jpg]

Hi Brian. Nice sketchbook. Really like those werewolf sketches in post #22. Like your take on the Cruel Jack CA challenge too. Keep at it.

Brian! Whoa!

That blue dude above... is so... epic!!
I love that you turned a "mindless gesture" into something so juicy and wonderful! The colour and values are beaut and is just looks so solid and... real!

Keep up the great work man! Again, looking forward to more!! (^∇^)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thanks smrrfette!

Here are a few quick dragon doodles from last night.

[Image: 20130824-dragon-001.jpg]

Really diggin your creatures! such great shapes.
I can't think of any critiques other than your skintones are somewhat monotone.
Do you work straight from color or monochromatic ( greyscale)?

Thanks Lumens!

I work straight from color, but I am still very skittish when moving to painting...need to do more studies, and need to be more bold with my color selections.

Thanks again for the comments + crits. Really appreciate it.

Wow this is all really solid work, great stuff keep going, really nice colours and the face is amazing.


Practicing a bit of skintones this evening...I think they are a bit better, but could still use some more hue variation.

[Image: 20130826-skin-practice-001.jpg]

Been super busy with work and getting ready for the kiddos to start school, so I haven't had the time I'd like, so most of the stuff that I have thrown down in PS has been utter garbage. That said, I am still working to conquer my fear of color, as well as my struggle with values. Here is a quick sketch from today...working color, value, and a bit of edge control...birdie concept:

[Image: 20130902-bird.jpg]

This started as a bit of shape exploration...

[Image: 20130904-dragon-head-WIP.jpg]

Decided to practice some yellows.

Some uninspired elven concepts...blah blah.

[Image: 20130903-elves.jpg]

im seeing much potential here man! keep up the great work!

Hey man!
Real nice stuff in here!
I like the pretty colors a lot !
Really good start, keep up the good work !

Cool creatures, animals and I like your somehow clean presentation of art and your lineart. Keep it up :)

Danar: Thanks man! Following your lead and working on some enviro sketchin'.

Samarus: Thank you.

Matija Vuk: Thanks.

Reluctant to share this quick enviro doodle, but what the heck. Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

[Image: 20130905-enviro-002.jpg]

Thanks for looking.

Continuing my Danar-inspired enviro sketches today.

I have two huge pain points (that I'm aware of) when doing environment sketches/paintings:

Focusing on large shapes/values.
Establishing an overall palette before diving into the details.

So, I am trying to focus my energy on those two elements, and then walk away.

[Image: enviro-sketches-20130906.jpg]

My oh my!!

First let me say hello... Hello...

Second. How impressive is your sketchbook!! Your work is stunning and I simply love it. I really want to say I love your critters most but I love your characters and generally sketches and rendered work and concepts and ahhh... I think it's all brilliant!! I really can't wait too see what comes next. I'm very impressed and I really hope I can learn from you as I am so inspired. Wow!!

I hope you don't mind me invading your dA too... But I can't wait too see more from you!!

Take care and hope to see you around ~ mii

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