missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3
Hey no problem, glad I could help :D

Just wanted to stop by and THANK YOU for your kind words in my SB.

I'd like to see a bit more line work in your sketchbook to see how you're approaching the construction of your works. As Sam mentioned in his post, there are a few perspective issues with the latest work, and ideally these things should be resolved before diving into colors.

With regards to colors...you seem a bit tentative when choosing your own colors, and your value range is a bit on the high side. You studies (love the birds!) show nice value, and color range, and I would love to see a bit more of that in your characters.

I have had the same issues with colors, and values, and recently I built a handful of palettes to improve the variety of colors that I use for a given image, while limiting the range, as the color wheel can be very intimidating. Each palette is limited to 256 colors, and then I use the color wheel primarily to tweak values.

Keep it up Miss!

(09-07-2013, 10:41 AM)Samszym Wrote: Hey no problem, glad I could help :D

Hey Sam just wanted to say thank you again. I will (later) be working on the face of the piece and keeping in mind what you said about proportions and such. See if I can't improve. Thank you again for what you said and the paint over!! :)

(09-07-2013, 12:55 PM)brianjohnson Wrote: Just wanted to stop by and THANK YOU for your kind words in my SB.

I'd like to see a bit more line work in your sketchbook to see how you're approaching the construction of your works. As Sam mentioned in his post, there are a few perspective issues with the latest work, and ideally these things should be resolved before diving into colors.

With regards to colors...you seem a bit tentative when choosing your own colors, and your value range is a bit on the high side. You studies (love the birds!) show nice value, and color range, and I would love to see a bit more of that in your characters.

I have had the same issues with colors, and values, and recently I built a handful of palettes to improve the variety of colors that I use for a given image, while limiting the range, as the color wheel can be very intimidating. Each palette is limited to 256 colors, and then I use the color wheel primarily to tweak values.

Hey Brian,

Thank you for what you said. As for my line work. I tend to work straight from my sketches (refined sketches) in most cases but sure if that's something you want to see. I will (next time) try putting together some sketches of my work and try to do a progression to show how I'm doing that for sure. I have a number of things I wona crack on and finish before starting my next piece and such so might be a lil wait but I'll try and remember to let you know when I do.

As for making palettes. Yes I tried this and it turned out terribly. In fact most often when people crit about my lighting and values is when I'm working from a palette. Hmm. But I'll try and work on that more. Yesterday my new book order arrived which is "Color and Light by James Gurney" so I have a bit of reading to do but this weekend is hectic and not sure when I'll find the time for art - despite that's what I'd much rather be doing!!

Yes I am still learning or relearning to do values correctly. But it's a process I'm working towards. I'm thinking I shouldn't have maybe offered to do the "free commission" stuff and done some more birds. But then I'd probably not have learned somethings, met some people and built some relationships so in nearly all ways I'm pleased for the progress and the assistance that's come from others with improving.

But I will, as always, try to work on people suggestions.

Thank you for visiting my sketchbook ~ that's most kind of you. And I look forward to more from you. You have a birdy sketch (one of your first posts) I'd love to see what you do with that!!


(09-07-2013, 03:18 PM)crackedskull Wrote: Keep it up Miss!

Thank you, as always :D <3

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Hey Missi, thought I'd drop by your sketch book. You've been getting some great feedback from other daggers on your recent work, which is awesome to see, make sure to use it :).

I want to just let you know if you do a free commission (which I don't generally advise), stipulate there will be no changes, tell the person up front it will be this and that. And if you feel this person is taking advantage (which IMO they are) just tell them you won't do it, they're not paying you, you are not under contract to them and if they are the type of person who just wants free work done and aren't willing to pay for your time and effort, they are not the type of client you want to work with. Your time would be much better spent studying and working on your own improvement.

Check out Stephen Silver's video's he has some great advice, and remember your art has value ;).

Keep up your hard work!

The fish is so whimsical and fun! I like it!

(09-05-2013, 11:01 AM)missimoinsane Wrote: Just for fun. Less than an hour's play around :3 Feeesh!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Oh god, so much learning unfolding before my very eyes! Magical even.

Wow I have fallen so far behind with Crimson Daggers, deviantART and generally anything that doesn't involve World of Warcraft. How is it Saturday (12.47am) already?? ...I'm so sorry, I was thinking of taking an art break to catch my breath (and play 5.4 WoW) but seems I got a lil too carried away oopse.

Let me see, let me see...

~RE: JonHop
Hey Jon,
Thank you for writing and sorry for such a late response. I've been getting some amazing feedback and the feedback from yourself has helped a lot and I honestly am trying to follow it all, despite it's becoming a lil overwhelming (especially with that "commission"). I think perhaps the word 'commission' was incorrectly used. I majoritivley just wanted some mini challenges so I could work on values and values in colour but now I'm putting too much thought and definitely too much time into doing stuff I really don't want to do that it's preventing me from working properly. ~ Thank you so much for the insight to this though. I have since spoken to her and now she is agreeing that if I just change the swords to ice (more of a fractal look like ice and not like metal) she will be happy. Though I have been working on the face like Sam suggested. I still have lots of rendering to do and then start over painting the swords. Which wouldn't be so bad but I've flattened the image so it's going to be a faff to redo the swords. Anyway I digress. Thank you for the link again thank you for your words and thoughts. I am, as said, trying. ...failing... but not giving up. I'm taking a break from my frustrations and upset with that at the moment. But will be right back on it tomorrow. ~ I have been offered private art lessons (as part of a small group) from our Toxicpanda which begin next Saturday so I am very excited about that and promise you all I will work my damn hardest.

~RE: Tygerson
Hey Tygerson
Thank you for taking the time to come visit my sketchbook :) I just wanted to say thank you for the inspirational quote. Hope to chat with you some time. Take care ~mii

~RE: Mannyhaatz
Hey Mannyhaatz,
Thank you for what you said!! You really think so! I feel really pleased with myself now - Thank you!! That is such a kind thing to say!! Thank you!! :D I honestly am lost for words. But thank you for coming to visit my sketchbook and for what you said I really do appreciate that!! Cya around ~mii

Thank you to all who have supported me thus far. I am so honored!! I am super excited to be a part of Toxicpanda's lil art class she's going to be starting up next Saturday and as I said to Jon; I promise you all I will work my damn hardest. I know there's a number of people, aside from myself, that I want to make proud as I truly value everyone's time and such kind words, help and inspiration. What can I say I love it here and all the wonderful people. So thank you!!

Work updates from this past couple of days (no it's not all been WoW and sleeping!! -

WIP 4/5

So I'm still struggling with this face. While what Sam said was a massive help and I've totally repainted over (enlarged the shoulders, narrowed the breasts) I'm still struggling on the face. ~No the hair isn't finished just there because she looked too weird balled lol. Anyway still something about them lips. I just really don't like this positioning but it's a dramatic improvement from what it was.

[Image: silentasthesky_warriornataly_wip4_by_mis...6li72k.jpg]

[Image: silentasthesky_warriornataly_wip5_by_mis...6m6jff.jpg]



© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
So after some 90hours I've really had enough of this now. I know it's not 100% what was requested but it was a free commission and I have tried too much. I decided to leave the hair be as I quite liked it and used some of my Apophysis Fractal Flame Renders to do an overlay texture on the swords as it because too difficult for me to paint them out, paint new ones in and make it all look "ok". Anyways. I'm claiming it as finished:

[Image: nataly_warrior_by_missimoinsane-d6mngzh.jpg]


© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Kanamm (on dA) won AnotherContestGroup's contest and as a prize I donated a free commission. She said "fantasy portrait with colour and movement". So this is a simple sketch, apx 20minutes though far. I never meant for it to become some kinda WoW Blood Elf Death Knight but it's kinda turning out that way. The skulls will be flaming skulls (probably a blue or purple flame though). Anyways if she likes it then i'll continue to work on this. Not sure about the background or if I should draw more of the armor etc atm. Just waiting to see what Kanamm says. If she doesn't like it then I'll add it to the pile of "to do later, personal work" lol.


[Image: wip1_skull_spirits_by_missimoinsane-d6mnzqe.jpg]

Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch | CS5 | CS5 Brush Set | 20minutes thus far.

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
2-3hours late (3-4hours total)

This is as far as I have got.. I'm not sure if it's finished or not I'm thinking perhaps I might sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning. Though right now I am very happy how it's turned out!!

[Image: wip2_skull_spirits_by_missimoinsane-d6mpqky.jpg]


© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
WIP & Finished.
Ok so the commission is finished but I just wanted to share a few thoughts on that. So I thought I had finished (see pic below) when I showed it to dA's T00xicpanda (our Toxicpanda) and she suggested some of the shadows were off such as the background, shadow on the neck and some of the highlights were off like the earring and also that the background colour would look better as red or blue something like that also to do some fine hair details. So I worked on what she said... and (see picture below the picture below)... *finished*

[Image: spiritskulls_by_missimoinsane-d6mx4v6.jpg]

Finished >>
[Image: skull_spirits_by_missimoinsane-d6mxf0z.jpg]

~mii xX I'm pleased with myself :3

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
look at the part for boob(to fake atm)(dont think i am a perv)

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hey Darktiste,

I have an obsession with doing large boobs. I think it's 'cos I myself have large boobs I don't know. While mine aren't fake I can understand the point you're making. Although this is a fantasy character with exaggerated aspects such as the ear, nose, boobs, chin...

But thank you for your contribution and thoughts, I will try and keep that in mind.

Also thank you for this link www.majnouna.com/creation/humantut.html ~It's another helpful resource so thank you!!


© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
if you didnt allready master it here something that should be study
short cut will tell you if you work smart or stupid

Attached Files Image(s)

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hey hun yes I'm pretty savvy with my short cuts. Though I've changed 'alt and F' to be "flip image". ~which is most helpful. And "X" to switch between the background and foreground colours. But thank you for sharing this lovely piece of productive art :D

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
I like the ornamentation on the last elf there!

It feels like setting the facial features is maybe kind of hard for you (like it is for me). If you haven't seen them, the Proko youtube videos are awesome. He really explains how things work. Actually, all his vids are awesome. I like to watch them with a pencil and paper out to draw along.


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Hey Tygerson

I'm so sorry I haven't responded to you sooner, not sure why hotmail didn't tell me about this comment!! But thank you!!

I'm glad you like the orientation of the last elf piece. It sort of just happened that way none of it was really planned but I still feel it came together very well :D

Yes I've seen Proko's YT videos but perhaps I should refresh myself with them. I feel since I'm trying to think more about lighting and colours things are falling out of place and either not where they should be or look like they're just floating lol. But Im trying to improve upon that.

But thank you for what you said, also for taking a look and I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner xX

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I've had a lot of things on medically and personally. While I have still been painting on and off. I don't really have all that much to show for it. But here's what I've been working on the past couple of days...

[Image: w_i_p_lil_thief_by_missimoinsane-d6pkpax.jpg]

I knew I wanted to do a magpie (carrying on with my bird stuides lol) and a pocket watch. Influenced by an old photomanipulation I did of a crow and a locket. I am still working on the tree, leaves, pocket watch and background. However I am stupidly impressed with how the bird has turned out and what I've done thus far for 11hours work in phosohop CS5 with wacom bamboo pen and touch.

See dA version and artistic comment for brushes used: http://missimoinsane.deviantart.com/art/...a_recent=1

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Hey all I am so so sorry I haven't been doing artwork and/or sharing stuff here - bad of me I know... but basically... I got sick.. then I got better but by then I got busy... Halloween, Bonfirenight, My Birthday (when my wonderful man proposed!!), Christmas, New Year, 2014, Been looking at wedding things... oh it's been crazy but in a good way...

Anyway... Today I feel I need to jump back into my digital paintings and so I finished off the magpie piece (Lil-Theif) see below and then did done another (Smoking Hot) also see below...

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas, New Year and 2014 thus far. Imogen xX

[Image: lil_thief_by_missimoinsane-d71ndip.jpg]
Please see credit's on deviantART @ http://missimoinsane.deviantart.com/art/...87503&qo=1


[Image: smoking_hot_by_missimoinsane-d71osea.jpg]
Please see credit's on deviantART @ http://missimoinsane.deviantart.com/art/...-426099394

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Still working on those improvements. Not sure if I've started to go backwards instead of forwards... hmmm...

And another... I'm continuing doing birds. Not sure why. But I enjoy them. - "By birds, I mean the winged kind"

So I did this and I'm quite pleased with it. Please see the link on dA for full credits and information: http://missimoinsane.deviantart.com/art/...-426819831
[Image: raving_raven_by_missimoinsane-d7248af.jpg]

~ miiInsane, ecstatic

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 

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