Would you like to come up and see my etchings?
Decided to pick up the ole' muddy stick and papyrus, did ya?

Albeit it is refreshing to see someone doing a bit of traditional for a change.

Keep up the good work.

Wait, so that's how you paint after several years of not touching traditional painting media? WoW D:

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Lots of good practice here man, and you're killing it with them acrylic studies(you painted the plants in the last one really well) keep it up!.

Thanks ya'll! Tried out a self portrait in acrylics. Took like a week since Im still struggling with skin colors.

Man, I'm pretty much terrible at traditional mediums other than pencil and paper, so seeing anyone do stuff with paints is pretty incredible to me.

You're doing great with your studies - lots of consistent effort. I would recommend a few longer studies (with pencil or whatever medium you're comfortable with). I think you can learn a lot from doing those as well!

Keep it up! You're doing great

Skin is hard... I'd use less of the cool color, especially when it seems you're using similar hue for both the background and your skin. That kind of flattens the image. If you're still working on this portrait, try darkening the bg more, and don't paint the eyes until the very last. Use a bigger brush if you have one for laying out the body/shirt part.

LongJH: I'll try to do some more longer drawing sessions. Thanks for the comment!

meat: The shadow side had a lot of ambient cool colors from the walls in the room I was in which is painted green. I had a incandescent light lighting me which makes the cools seem even cooler. Plus Im really pale so there isnt much saturation to work with XD I agree the back ground could be darker. I went back and darked it a tiny bit and touched up some values in the face and slapped in the shirt color. It still looks really flat like you said but Im calling this one done. I'll keep your advice in mind for the next one and thanks for commenting as well.

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I've been experimenting with india ink markers and different things to add high-lights over top of the india ink. I tried an acrylic paint pen but it didnt work out too well. I found white charcoal works okay but it doesnt quite get as white as I'd like it over top the india ink. Also I got some sculpey polymer clay today and did a couple little quick sculpts of a head and a hand. Im excited about getting into sculpting! I need to get some wire to make some proper armatures. I was trying to use Zbrush before but my computer cant really handle it and it was way too much work to figure out how to use anyways. I much prefer to stay simple with good old TRAAAAAD for now.

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Hi Hypnagogic, thanks for the comments in my sketchbook. If you're still interested in 3D sculpting you could try Mudbox - I don't know about the performance implications for your machine but I found it pretty easy to get to grips with. I watched this tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCAesrb5co8

It's about 3D modelling for video games but if you skip to 26:30 he goes into mudbox and goes through the basic tools - it was enough for me to start playing around and sculpting stuff.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Hello man! thank for stopping by in my sketchbook. I check your stuff and i really dig you prosthetic limbs. Definitely gonna "steal" you some! :) good work. It looks like you are trying to nail portraits and you are doing lots of studies. Thats good, but i would recommend a little mind change. It looks like you are to eager to do lots of head (especially those 60sec papers) and move on. With this mind set you are carrying on your mistakes and imho it will be very difficult to improve. In your place i would do some studies of skull to feel to underlying structure and some planar heads, self-portraits or casts. Hope it helps. Its the best i have for now xD Be well and keep your consistency, thats just great! Tomas

JyonnyNovice: Thanks for the recommendation. I hadnt heard of mudbox before I'll have to give it a try eventually. I'll be getting a better computer in a few months.

0ziRi5: Prosthetic Limb? Which of my etchings art thou referring to? Thanks for the advice. I need lots of kicks in the ass to do longer studies. Its one of those things Im terrible about making myself do.

I've been obsessing over sculpting. I should have been doing this a long time ago. I like how I can actually feel the thing as Im sculpting it which adds a second sense thats completely missing in 3d software. Its hugely helpful when sculpting for instance the clavicles that I can just feel my own clavicles and compare the feeling to the sculpture.

I highly recommend trying out polymer clay to anyone who's into drawing a lot. It was easier and less expensive than I thought. I didnt know much about clay before hand either. I only used potting clay before which has to be kept wet but polymers stay soft and dont dry out ever until you bake it.

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This is so cool! love the sculptures, also nice job on the traditional media. Keep posting, love to see more of it :D
Dude, you're scaring me with that sculpture of portrait with hand-feet. If you want to talk about something, i'm here for you.

Seriously though, cool to see that you're venturing into more traditional mediums. You'll find that they complement each other immensely! Would be a cool challenge if you sculpted a self-portrait or something similar. A refined study but sculpted. (if that's what you were doing, disregard this :P) Since I noticed you doing some various portrait studies before, it would be sweet to see how much you would gain from doing the same thing but in 3D.
And thanks for reminding me, now I'll have to pick up some clay too. :D

Have you tried using Posca pens for highlighting on gouche? It's acrylic-based and covers a lot of surfaces.

Rock on!

Cool models, you should try some stop motion animation!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
AngeliquevdMee: Thanks a lot! I'll do that :)

Bjulvar: I know what you mean about sculpting compliments drawing. I'd been wanting to sculpt for some time for that reason. I'd kept putting it off till I just decided after reading through Imaginative Realism again that the time was nigh! And I do plan on doing a large bust in the next week or so. Im not sure of who yet. It'll probably be some over done pop culture figure like Emilia Clarke :D And thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to try out Poscas some time. I was using a DecoColor acrylic pen but I realize now i was using the wrong paper like an art supply newb.

JyonnyNovice: Haha! The thought crossed my mind but I dont think I'd have the equipment or time to do much time laps.

I did a female figure this time. These were fun and a learning experience for how to construct a better armature in the future. And I actually did some longer portrait studies.

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Since I last visited your sketchbook much time has passed and you did so much work, it's great to see you working so diligently. I especially liked the mechanical arms on the previous page. Also I have a lot of respect for anybody who gets their hands on sculpture...I tried it a few times but I never really got into it (sadly, because I think it's really as you write, it adds another sense.) I think your exercises concerning the head are paying off, on that last sheet you really did some great work on difficult angles!

Other than that, concerning the white for highlights, if you are still searching for something. I can second that a Posca Pen would be really good (I only discovered them recently because they are new here; but I'm in love with the white because it's really quite good) However, personally I feel that the best white is Dr. Martins Pen White. It's not as comfortable to use as a ready-made pen, but for me it gave the best results so far (:
(( If you want to even read further about it, here's a blog article by an online store about white pens and marker...XD ))


wow - nice progression:-) everything is getting better, lineweight, construction and your models are really sick! keep it up!
Awesome faces and sculptures, dude. I can see a lot of progress here, you are very motivated, and that's my definition of talent. Keep rocking!

Cyprinus: Thanks, I really tried hard on those portraits. Im glad you can see an improvement. I appreciate the pen recommendation too. I was thinking of trying white gel pens. Have you used those before? I cant seem to find any at the local art store so I might just order some.

constructicon & Amaral: Thanks guys! I'll keep doing what I do :)

Heres my latest stuff. Im excited about trying to get a likeness with this portrait bust. I've been studying up on skulls so I can build it up anatomically from the bones up.

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wow - you are taking concept art literally. Sketch -> 3D modell. plus: u can use this model as a refernce from any angle- I`m jealous. oO keep sharing

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