Doolio's doodles
Well, actually I would feel better if it got worse and for example, if it would start to hurt:) This is some unknown chronic limbo area, which annoys me lol. It feels like the Groundhog day...

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
bit of Hampton and a bit of randomness...

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Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Sorry for replying so late! Yes, by "harder" I meant opacity. This might actually be less stressful for your hand as well - very few but deliberate strokes, more thinking than actual hand-movement so to say. I hope your hand gets better soon!
Love the sketch in #98 :D

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!

Yeah, stroke economy or whatever it's called:D I actually don't have that problem when painting traditionally, I think I can make a "finished" piece with just two opaque strokes or two million opaque strokes, which would represent batches of info next to each other. But when it comes to digital painting, due to different behavior of medium and approach, I end up either making transitional strokes indefinitely and mudding it up (if I go with low opacity/pressure sensitivity) or simply having bunch of unreadable plastic chunks of color/value with too "arrogant" transitions that kill the suspension of disbelief (if I go the high opacity route) :D

Gah, I would kill if I had some grandmaster sitting in a room with me:)

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Damn nice sketchbook Doolio, hope your hand heals up soon having a similair problem with one of my elbows atm.
Anyway I love your anime style(killer work on the skin tones) and I think you have a good aproach to studying as well.
can't really think up anything to crit so i'll just say keep up the awesome work :).

You would not gain much from that grand master if you killed him/her :P
But I understand and completely agree :O

How is your hand today?

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Trigger, thank you very much man:)

Lyraina, well, after he tells me everything he knows:D
The hand, I don't know, it's more or less the same, I think it's a tiny bit weaker than before I started drawing again, but then again, maybe I'm tripping lol:) Changes are minimal, if there are any at all. And they seem far apart, I need like ten days of "testing" to see whether I screwed up something or it's going good:) I'll give it like a two week test period and see where I stand:)

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Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Man oh man Doolio, your improvement since my last visit is staggering!
Especially loving those study to application portraits on page 5, very nice work
Keep it up, really, you're awesome!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Quote:your improvement since my last visit
Really? Wow:)
I mean, to me it seems like I'm stagnating like there's no tomorrow (although I don't really have the sketchbook thread that long, so naturally there wouldn't be much improvement in that amount of time). But if there's actually a visible progress showing, no matter how small, then I am a very happy puppy:D

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Hell yeah! Not only has your rendering improved but your faces too! Now so long as you keep going and going and don't become complacent - you're just gonna keep going up!!

Keep at it Doolio, I'll be keeping more of an eye on your sketchy (again, also for the good reads haha) :)


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Ok, I'll take your word for it:D

Today, Hampton and some random sketches and a failed "repeat the face" sketch:D That's what you get when neglecting profiles and fronts because they aren't "interesting":)

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Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Rocking the anatomy studies :D Loving it

Thanks Sula:D

Anyway, the hand is like hot and cold, yes and no (or however it goes lol), so I am taking it extremely cautiosly, so it's a bit nonsensical if I were to update every day, content-wise:)
It does seem that drawing affects it less than typing, so I'll probably shut up for a while and post updates when I have them...

So please don't think I'm ignoring the forums and just updating the sb, I just kinda can't be scribomanic much:)

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Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Your proportions are definitely improving since I last looked. Keep it going keep it going!

Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Tumblr
Lovely rendering on that last figure. The legs (knee area) are really well done. Not sure I like the 'face as a background' though..especially with the tail going right over her eye, that feels a bit strange.

Don't worry about typing resonses etc, you hand's wellbeing is much more important. Hope you are well!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
(02-22-2014, 04:18 AM)Psychotime Wrote: Your proportions are definitely improving since I last looked. Keep it going keep it going!

Thanks man!:)

(02-25-2014, 06:48 AM)Lyraina Wrote: Lovely rendering on that last figure. The legs (knee area) are really well done. Not sure I like the 'face as a background' though..especially with the tail going right over her eye, that feels a bit strange.

Don't worry about typing resonses etc, you hand's wellbeing is much more important. Hope you are well!
Thank you:)

Well, I find that "zoomed in low opacity character as background" thing a bit silly in general, but I did it for two reasons - first, I saw bunch of people doing it so I was like "let's try it from time to time" (same reason I might try a channel shift or some other random stuff lol), and second, she simply couldn't stay on her own, no matter how I composed it, I don't know why, maybe because she's moving in particular way, so it adds context or something... and since I'm still far from adding any sensible background, no matter how rudimentary, there goes transparent portrait to the rescue:D

Which is an interesting subject on its own:) How much of a one trick pony-ness should one pursue... I mean, obviously, you should know how to do basically everything to a degree, but the question remains, what that degree should be. And when you should start to add it to your practice... Argh, I guess the main guide would be personal preference. For example, I've never seen Stanley Lau or Hyung Tae Kim paint a single chair, let alone some more complex space:)
Then again, if you ask me what would I like to do "when I grow up", I'm not sure I would reply "characters". Well, I'm certainly more into characters and anatomy and all that stuff than environments or even less so, vehicles, but I still don't know the "exact percentages" of my interests:)
Then again #2, I think I would feel a bit "incomplete" if I were fully tunneled, even if I was happy with doing just that.

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Hi everybody, lol:)

Hand is pretty much status quo lol, but the good thing is that it seems to be like 97% unaffected by drawing, so yay:) Typing is another thing, so I'm typing this with my left hand lol:) Which means less talking, more updating, basically:)

A big dump, no descriptions:)

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Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
i see you are working hard mate! and it shows.
Nice anatomy practice as usual, and i particularly like the character designs.
Your proportions have improved noticeably already.
Extra points for doing Girls und Panzer stuff haha.

Woo you study hard! :) Keep it up! They look good. xD
I need to do more book studies too O:
I actually never heard of Hampton. I used Loomis, Vilppu, Bridgeman, Hogarth, and Hamm books for studying.

Interesting seeing your anime style change as you go. I used to draw anime, but lost the desire to draw that style as much since I went to art school (although for programming not for art lol).

Ooo I love Hampton. Great anatomy studies. Keep applying that imagination, I particularly like that hooded figure in the last post.


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