Danger Zone
Dude, recent paintings are awesome! I think you'll definitely get to Blizzard someday. Love the painting in your latest post, I think somehow bumping up the value contrast in the hand he's pointing with might make an easier read, right now it's slightly fading into his shirt when I squint

Quote:Blizzard is a long dream of mine, maybe some day.
Well, without any bias, I really think that, for example this last orc, is on par (and better than certain percent of) with blizzard's published work. I guess the most important thing for blizzard is the appeal and a certain style. And they need to "see" you somehow.

For example, this dude I met, got contacted by blizzard after that fan art contest for reaper of souls. He didn't win any of the awards. But it seems that his piece spoke to them nevertheless. He is currently doing stuff for wh40000, so I guess the contest propelled him quite a bit, although he didn't get to rankings. If I find the illustration, I could post it to you if you want...

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Awesome sketchbook, I'm startled how well you can pull colors out of b&w picture. This really started to be part of you unique style! Keep posting more :)

@Samszym Thanks! I agree, will definitely try that.

@Doolio Thank you, and I agree about the "see" part, so far I have made 0 effort to get myself out there really. All my "portfolio" work is always one year old and sometimes I have too much work and I can't keep my studies regularly.
I hope from now on to study more and consequently getting out there, not sure about contests because 90% of them blacklist Brazil for some reason.

And sure link it up, or could it be Jomaro Kindred?

@Madzia Hey, thank you very much! I only started messing with colors this month, happy it's working out.


[Image: jtqEg8A.png?1]
[Image: pD5EIZI.png]

Yes, that's the "curse":) At any level, one's portfolio is actually a year behind oneself:) Unless you're at the max level for at least a year:D

Ok, I found the link

As you can see, his approach is very "concept-art-ish" and not extremely blizzardly. I guess it was the very in your face western approach that they liked (besides the cool execution, of course:) ). Also, I think he got his wh40k gig after the contest too, which makes perfect sense if you ask me:)
And I don't know whether they approached him for the splash stuff or concept art, though knowing blizzard, it was probably for the illustration work... I think he does concepts for wh40k though.

And wow, that's really odd about blacklisting Brazil... As always, it's probably about some bureaucratic bullshit... that's why here in Serbia we can still only pay through paypal and not receive, for example...

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Oh yes, I've seen his work before. The dude is gooood but not where I am aiming at really, he indeed is more concepty than I wish to be, but.... lol, I can't be that picky yet.

The dude I was talking about was this one: http://jomarokindred.deviantart.com/gallery/ (he has more sketches on his facebook too)
For ages I was wondering why he wasn't working for blizzard, his work is warcraft written all over. Sure enough last month they hired him, pretty dope.

Did some BG and I'm not sure about it, gonna sleep on it.

[Image: wL4u4lB.png?1]

Did some post-production adjustments on that last one and I'm calling it. Also started something else, it's the weekend.

[Image: LrnwDbv.png?1]
[Image: qKS0CNw.png]

Cara, pelo que vi no devianart tu é brasileiro. Bom, eu também :)
Sei lá, eu acho muito show quando acho um pessoal brasileiro nesses foruns ainda mais quando vejo esse pessoal se esforçando e ficando cada vez melhor.

Não tenho muito no que criticar, tenho mais a observar e aprender na verdade. :D~

Holy cow.. only thing I can say ( to myself ) about this sketchbook is '' ok back to the drawing table '' haha damn.... great work!
Oh man those values <3 Gotta try me that 'from b&w to color' thing sometime, you're nailing it.
Overall you have a very nice style going on, keep at it!
Glad I'm not the only Warcraft nerd around hehehe

That finished orc is like the official wow stuff, but with more mature palette, if you ask me, I like yours more:)
It's a shame it's just a practice piece (simple comp, no story, static etc), I really think if you would sit and pull off something like that but with all the "illustration components" included (which would take a lot more time, but that's a given), you could realistically aim for blizzard with a portfolio like that.

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
@iamorim Obrigado :)

@AngeliquevdMee Thanks, I need to do that too! lol

@iCi Thanks, I never tried it before, but now I can't get enough.

@Doolio Hey thanks a lot! Indeed is just a study piece, as this one. Right now I prefer doing these ones as I don't feel myself consistent enough to begin a serious portfolio, I'm hoping to study my balls off until the end of the year.

Finished another one.

[Image: O12mZXw.png]

"""Quick warmpup"""" that I haven't done in awhile, I need to go back to these as I am already getting rusty.

[Image: 9HGk8Qn.png?1]

Realized I needed some fashiun' studying.

[Image: qYsg4cb.png]
[Image: 8jrlZjs.png]

Dude, you got serious Pro material. Do you work with ilustration, comics, or something like that?

Help me learn, dude! My Sketchbook
Your stuff is realllly good, I need to do some of these studies your doing hehe
@PacaTatuCotiaNao Hah thanks, but no, just some local stuff.

@BjorkJT Thanks! They're fun and hard.

More fashion.

[Image: WnXhqF8.png]

Wow, I love your sketches man.
Those studies are looking dangerous, you're making me wanna do them! Keep it up!

Every time I look at your sketch book it feels like Im out along the edge. Its always where I burn to be. The further on the edge, the hotter the intensity. Im gonna take you, right into... the somethin ... somethin. I forget how it goes.


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