Hard work + Determination = Growth
Bad attempts in master composition studies (I killed my wrist on the first one and i hate how the guy is turned out)
Learn alot from both
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Continuing composition master studies (3 hours total)

My Art Progress + Putting stuff on Deviantart + Making Videos on YouTube + Streaming on Twitch + more on Discord
Had a little time to work on "big study" project and funny, that studying part of it is already working, because for this project i need to be good at bunch of stuff on which I am working currently
Rearrange some things because the mood of the project itself changed

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My wrist have been bothering me from time to time (cause it was injured in the past) but since post #81 it's got really bad, I gave it a rest last week, but it's still hurting when i draw, and i figure out why (because I squeeze pencil and press on it too hard trying to get from HB, 9B results, which automatically applying in my digital drawing and painting)
Recently I've been working on healing my wrist and eliminating this bad habit that i developed over the years, by drawing softly and trying different pencil hold also drawing from shoulder to reduce tension in the wrist. It is so uncomfortable, feels like I'm starting all over again... But anyway...
I made this Value finder for traditional drawings (I printed it, crop it, laminated, crop it again and now using to match values)
Feel free to use

This version for digital (helps to generalize (simplify) values while studying)
Feel free to use

Also have been working on my method of simplifying figure anatomy (In progress)
Planning to figuring out this method until i get confident results on 3 quarters view using front, back and side view
Front (in progress) Some things I leave some will change

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I see a lot of improvement in here. You're trying out a lot of different things and working hard. Great job, keep it up! That last post is a Reilly abstraction? I've been trying to find all the free info I could on the figure abstraction. I managed to copy a drawing I saw on Jeff Watts stream recently that was similar to the one you have there. Are you coming up with that abstraction on your own or is it from a book?

Cool value chart man, I'll definitely use that too! So sorry to hear about your hand, something a physiotherapist told me was that it's not so much the activity you do, it's doing it for an extended period when you haven't done it for a while - if you're hands are usually ok, there is no reason you can't hold a pencil and press hard but you need to build up to it slowly (I also trashed my hand recently by doing the same as you but with a small brush, holding too tight and using it too long when I wasn't used to it - my hand still didn't recover yet).

Take it easy, don't push yourself to draw else you can end up getting a permanent injury! JonHop sent me these links to wrist / hand exercises, they are good to do after the initial healing is past. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL...OFJVGTW93L

Best of luck man! Hope it heals soon!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Hypnagogic_Haze Thanks a lot! I watched Jeff Watts stream too, and when i saw (in the end) how cool his method looks, it's motivated me inventing my own method based on anatomy (as Jeff itself suggested). Eventually I end up with analyzing human anatomy by myself also kept in mined Riley "flows" (which Jeff did too to invent his method) and always remembering what Michael Hampton sad about asymmetry of the body parts (hands, legs).
I think all methods will be look similar if we create them from analyzing human anatomy but with different "twists" on them for our individual purposes. It's really not that hard to analyze human anatomy in that way, you need just an example like (Riley Method or Jeff's Method in order to know how it works) and lots of experiments. The hardest part is make this method valuable (it supposed to work on almost every view angle).

JyonnyNovice Thanks for understanding and for the link. I definitely should do this kind of exercises constantly. I'm trying to develop this good habit.
Quote:(I also trashed my hand recently by doing the same as you but with a small brush, holding too tight and using it too long when I wasn't used to it - my hand still didn't recover yet)

Sad to hear (small ones is the fastest way to kill the wrist)
What would i did without pencil extenders...
Wish you well!

My Art Progress + Putting stuff on Deviantart + Making Videos on YouTube + Streaming on Twitch + more on Discord
Hi Alexey, hope your hand is getting better - came across these that might be useful for your recovery: http://www.livestrong.com/article/429616...e-fingers/

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
JyonnyNovice Hi! Thanks! My hand slowly, but getting better, link was really helpful!

My Art Progress + Putting stuff on Deviantart + Making Videos on YouTube + Streaming on Twitch + more on Discord

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