Beefy Studies Every Day

Definitely the colors on the right.
Costuming is reminiscent of Hyung Tae-Kim.
Torso is mis-positioned with relation to the hips - it's much more head-on and you lose a lot of opportunity for a good gesture this way.
No one ever holds a sword like that


@ CoreyKLamb : haha. yeah, good point. Thanks man :D
@ lake : thanks. very true haha. I wanted to do pure side views of the weapons, but I should probably stop trying to integrate them (clumsily) if that's my plan..

Panel 1 page 1 of a comic maybe...

I am 100% done with that grayscale to color process. What a shitty idea that was haha. only real painting from now on :D

Also, I'm going on a trip tomorrow, so I probably won't be posting for a few days. Don't worry though, I'll keep drawing and make a stockpile post on Monday!

The greyscale-to-color process can be very valuable, especially since greyscale can take less time and is thus more viable for showing to clients at early stages. A common error, though, is to assume that because your value structure is good, that those values are locked in. When converting to color, the human eye sometimes perceives vibrance and saturation as brightness or light value. Be aware of this and don't be afraid to correct your values again when adding color. I do think it's a good idea to figure out exactly how you're seeing values and to practice converting color to greyscale or vis/versa.


@ lake : Do you mean observing stuff in color, and painting it out in greyscale and vice versa? Or do you mean actually converting greyscale paintings to color paintings? or Both? Either way, I agree with you in regards to its value (no pun intended). At this point it feels like a crutch to me, and it is slowing me down. Doesn't mean I won't study it though :D Thanks for your continued advice!

I'm back! I think I had a breakthrough whilst gone too!
Recently I was approaching my drawings from imagination as constructs formed from my various pieces of knowledge. like lego or something. I couldn't understand why drawing from life was so much more fun then actually coming up with stuff from imagination. Anyways, I realized that I should just imagine the picture I want to draw in my head and then draw it from observation. This is much more fun, and personally it feels like a humongous jump in skill. I still need to work on applying my knowledge of construction, but I feel like a jumped 1-2% in skill level because of this. HYA!

Definitely both!

and I can see how this breakthrough has helped, and I'm positive that many artists use a similar approach. I'm a big fan of these gauntlets on this last character as well


@ lake : thanks! I was really happy with them as well :D

Loomis starts tomorrow.. two pages a day, all the way through >:O
I need the anatomy so bad haha. stop drawing chicks with shriveled left legs :D
Between my sister's birthday, adventure time, and game of thrones I have must draw princesses.

With regards to anatomical drawings for artists, Simblet and Sheppard are both good sources -

One thing that one of my wiser teachers told me once was to copy the drawings in the books, and then try to replicate them from memory. You learn it with your eyes and then also with your hands.


phew level up dude!! nice :D

@ lake : I haven't heard of either of those guys, but I'll library them for for sure. I've heard of that method before from other people as well and it definitely makes sense. I'm gonna use it for sure. Thanks!
@ rich4rt : Thanks bro :D

I know it's not where I need to work the most right now, but it's what I want to improve the most so I'm doing arms. yeah.

My personal advice for you in terms of anatomy: figure out hips and feet.


@ lake : I know my feet and hips are wrong. But I know my arms are wrong too. And my torsos, and legs and heads and arms etc. :D I'll get there, don't worry. Thanks though.

I feel so shitty right now. Might have the flu. dunno. Redrawing this page tomorrow and actually posting every day.

Hey man, good to see you posting again! That break seemed like a long one. Excellent arm studies, they make me want to burn up my own sketchbook pages with arms! Keep postin'!
@ CoreyKLamb : yeah, waaaaaaayyy too long. Keep in mind though, I do only post like half my drawings. The other half end up in the trash as soon as I'm done with them haha. Thanks!

Same arms, faster, paying attention to the muscles instead of just drawing what I see. Trying not to look at the book.

Hips - Bridgman. I like him better than Loomis.

dat ass

@ rich4rt : o_^

20 Minutes from mah head ~ I hate them, but I learned
yeah, feet.

Strapping some torsos onto my new pairs of legs! First image was reffed, second image completely imagination (I drew them on fresh pages and turned off my monitor so I couldn't cheat).
I find that the more I think the less mistakes I make, but the less I think the higher the overall quality of the image. huh.
Man, I unlearned arms in like a month. Scary! But I got it all back and more in less than a week, so I guess that's progress?

Woops, meant to do more studies like yesterday's today but I started reading dune. I was only gonna read one chapter but then I liked it a lot, and then I read the whole thing. haha.

It's great the You study everyday. Keep it up!


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